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Troubling story from SA
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Originally posted by larryshores:

All of this makes me wonder just how safe it is to hunt in the RSA these days?

"So far", there have not been any major issues once outside the big cities (Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg, Durban, etc.). Most of the game farms understand the importance of security and do a good job protecting the property. The issue is the folks who do not take security seriously and/or wander around with their head up their ass. There are plenty of stories of people being robbed who simply hide in their closets until the thugs (mostly 14 - 18) take all their stuff. Many are too frightened to fight back and the savages know it.

I will say that the SAPS has changed their tactics. They are on a shoot first and shoot a lot stance and are going to war on the gangs. Funny how no one is whining about human rights violations and the injustice of it all. Anyhow, I digress...

But in regards to overall security in SA, there are few places on the planet that are worse. Maybe Syria, Somalia, Congo, and Mozambique are worse... maybe. So as a tourist, I wouldn't be running around SA by yourself in a rental car. Remember you're the sheep among wolves. Eeker


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
Posts: 22442 | Location: Occupying Little Minds Rent Free | Registered: 04 October 2012Reply With Quote
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I have heard of the Black Panther party, but they never tried or could win elections. Nor was there violence widespread. They have in Africa. Again, this violence is a different breed than Chicago. If you cannot see that we will just have to agree to disagree.

Reperations are a much softer version of what we are talking about. That I agree 100 percent. I hope someday you elect a legislature to end it. However, we both know that is a slim to none chance, and slim has moved out of the state.

The bottom line is that the promises of the 70s and 80s have not panned d out for the African, and now the Communist leaders are again turning the political distrust and unrest on its White citizens to keep the African from burning down the politicos. SA, I think surprisingly to most because it is considered a developed country, has a lot of this unrest with violent union strikes, revioltionary student partisans, and now Zimbabwe like targeting of Whites.

Last year we know Safaris were hit in N. Moz and Cameroon. They were reported on this site and others. Tom Miranda even got shot up on his show.

I always agreed when folks would say only an idiot would take a Safri in a war zone. Well, now you do not know when the partisans will show up in your camp at night for food, fuel, guns, and ransom.
Posts: 11979 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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I agree that RSA is much worst than America but one must admit that we have our own problems. Like I posted earlier, I wonder where China stands? They have more interest in RSA than any other country.

There is a good FB page that gives detailed information whenever an attack takes place. What is troublesome is they sometimes torture their victims. I have heard stories of them pouring boiling water on white farmers and killing their infants and children in front of them.
Imagine what rural Americans would do if these types of farm attacks were to take place over here!

Captain Clark Purvis
Posts: 1141 | Location: Eastern NC Outer Banks | Registered: 21 March 2013Reply With Quote
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I believe we have talked ourselves into a meeting of the minds. It is to bad we cannot solve the African problem as this thread and others has identified.

I do think with holding aid would be a good tool to force reforms. I do not know how much aid SA receive ls as it is more developed. I think Cuba and Iran are good examples that economic sanctions do not force the politicos to change course.

Sadly, domino theory appears to have played out in relation to Africa. The answer may have been to prevent these commie nationals from coming into power to begin with. That ship has sailed.

I do not presume to speak for the entire community, but a renewing of civil war against the one party governments with the goal to establish a government that protects individual rights with protections for the minorities would be a Trojan, African Spring. That would only see the mass destruction of wildlife.

If anyone has any solutions, please share.
Nanimbi (sp) seems to have come out stable and reasonably governed.
Posts: 11979 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Like I posted earlier, I wonder where China stands? They have more interest in RSA than any other country.

The Chinese are interested in most of the Sub-Sahara regions irrespective of their wealth, be it mineral or otherwise, yet several African countries however have stood their ground and been wary about permitting their presence to take a foothold, unlike some.
Posts: 2030 | Registered: 06 September 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Milo Shanghai
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Originally posted by Capt. Purvis:
I agree that RSA is much worst than America but one must admit that we have our own problems. Like I posted earlier, I wonder where China stands? They have more interest in RSA than any other country.

The UK is still the largest external investor in South Africa. Our colonial experience (baggage, more like) has taught us plenty about the locals but I think all of us who have spent a lot of time in Africa know where this is heading.
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Our colonial experience (baggage, more like)

The whole damned continent would be FAR better off if they'd stayed within the imperial yoke.

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I know that we are talking about RSA but when I was in Botswana I saw a good amount of Chinese people everywhere. They were working on the farms and in the cities. Check out the below picture of a Chinese military vehicle towing a tank driving on the A1 in between Gaborone and Francistown.

Also important to take note the size of the Chinese Embassy in Johannesburg. Just saying that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to follow the money or lack of in this case.

Captain Clark Purvis
Posts: 1141 | Location: Eastern NC Outer Banks | Registered: 21 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Below is the page that goes into detail about some of the attacks. Last week they tortured someone with a Blowtorch! If white people were doing this to black people the US would have the entire 82 Airborne dropping paratroopers throughout RSA within 24 hours.

Captain Clark Purvis
Posts: 1141 | Location: Eastern NC Outer Banks | Registered: 21 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jorge:
Our colonial experience (baggage, more like)

The whole damned continent would be FAR better off if they'd stayed within the imperial yoke.

The yoke has a worn rim and the spokes are showing through - the bastards are looking beyond their borders to secure new food sources, minerals and above all, new places to live; in the new world, this is called "integration" like the monumental balls-up being experienced in Europe with surge of refugees - in Africa the trend is to intermarry with the locals in order to assure themselves a permanent residency and citizenship for their offspring - clever huh?
Posts: 2030 | Registered: 06 September 2008Reply With Quote
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This might even be a much WORSE situation, sent over by John Sharp and asked to distribute to Humanitarian groups in US-

70,000 Whites Murdered In South Africa Since 1994

Alfabetical list of a Genocide as posted on Sunette Bridges Web Site in South Africa

I believe this is necessary to keep track of all the murdered white people in South Africa for future generations

According to various sources, almost 70 000 White People have been murdered by Blacks in South Africa since 1994! These people were shot, bludgeoned, hacked, tortured, burnt, stabbed and mutilated. There is no official list available with the names of all these victims and since 2007 it has become very difficult to keep any kind of record as police no longer mention the race of the victim nor the perpetrator on the official reports.

I have been working on a list for quite some time but it is impossible to complete this list without help from the public. Here are the names of the victims listed from A to Z. These names appear on various lists on the internet. Not all the detail I found on the internet is correct and in many cases these people were attacked but survived. I would like to do a complete list of actual murders on White people that doesn’t contain any false information as this destroys the credibility of our case. If you find names that were wrongfully listed, please advise so this can be corrected.

I have not worked through the official “Farm Murders” list yet, but will post the names on confirmation. This list alone contains over 4 000 names. It will take some time to complete this list, so bare with me.

I would greatly appreciate your help in this regard! If you know of relatives and friends that have been murdered, whose names do not appear on the list, please provide me with the detail in the comment section so I can add their names to the list once verified. In cases where I did not have a first name I used an “F” for female and “MR” for male. If you know the names of these victims, please provide the detail together with the number. If any of the detail is incorrect, please provide the correct detail together with the number. I will update the list at least once every 24 hours.

It is time we stop talking about figures, numbers and statistics and speak of the names of the people that died in a Genocide that is being denied, not only by the world but by our own government!

The World needs to know!

PS! To make the task easier, I have to remove the comments as soon as I have posted the detail! Thank you again for helping!

Special Note added on the 1st March 2017 by WHISNews21: Please be aware that this list is incomplete and we at WHISNews21 dont have the workforce or time to dedicate a full time person to keeping this very important list of white murdered people in South Africa up to date. Sunette Bridges has done the ground work for which we are very grateful, so please feel free to add your loved ones in the comments section. If you do this it will still serve as a record, for the day that one special person stands up and dedicates their time to continue with this list of Genocide victims in a world where no one wants to believe it is happening or even worse does not care. We believe the list, if completed, will be around 125,000 thousand and at the rate white people are being murdered today, it could soon reach one Million. It is a fact that the murders have increased in numbers and cruelty since January 1st 2017, and still no signs of being recognized as the first Genocide in the history of mankind to be totally ignored by the good and bad people of Planet Earth.

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