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SCI Convention ??
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Picture of bcolyer
Anyone home from the SCI convention yet? Many of us are anxiously awaiting a report. I hate the weather in Reno in January...did it cause transportation problems? Hopefully not.
Posts: 505 | Location: Farmington, New Mexico | Registered: 05 January 2008Reply With Quote
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I am jealous. My brother called me from the convention on Saturday . He went there with my Dad and two Uncles. He said I would be impressed.

Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I returned last night from Reno. People were there in good numbers and the talk about the down turn in the economy seemed to have litte effect on bookings. In fact I was very happy to be able to help several people organize their Africa adventures from simple plains game hunts to full bag lion and elephant safaris. It was a very good show for me.


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Posts: 13024 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bwanahile
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Writing from my hotel room in Harrahs looking out at the beautiful mountains. Got in late Friday and just went to the show yesterday. Surprisingly did not seem too busy. Hate a great time, ate too much, drank too much and gambled too much! Perfect weekend!
Posts: 757 | Location: Nashville/West Palm Beach | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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It was great to see a number of the AR gang. The Tuffpak booths were way over in the far end of the convention but next to all the great gunmakers like Peter Hofer, Emire Rifles, Brockman, Westley Richards, Ruger etc. etc,. In the end it was a good convention for us but it seemed to me the traffic was pretty light the first two days. Not like Dallas where you were busy, busy all the time. No matter as both conventions were great for me and Tuffpak.
I too talked to some folks booking hunts and hunters are still boooking and going no matter the doom and gloom guys on TV etc.
There were some firearms there that should be part of some museum for all to see and enjoy forever!
My only complaint about out loaction this year that it was a looong way to the bar but then I always have a little snakebite kit with me just in case I can't make it to the ER!!
The plane from D/FW to Reno Wed. was full and the same way going home lat night. I would hate to be booked on a plane trying to get out today (Sun.) as everything must be oversold badly.
See those of you going to Vegas next month for the Ovis / Grand Slam sheep convention at the Riveria. Sheep Hunters need Tuffpaks too.
Better tomorrows to all!

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Posts: 1529 | Location: Texas | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Grumulkin
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I just got back today. It was quite a show.

Actually, I left Saturday AM but do to an incredible number of American Airlines screw up didn't get back until this AM (Sunday).

Unless it is the only airline flying where I need to go, I will never fly on American Airlines again.
Posts: 2911 | Location: Ohio, U.S.A. | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I got back Saurday night. It was a good time in Reno. I was able to get to the bar on Friday and meet some of the AR members. Scott, send me a PM on the info I need to send you.

Posts: 61 | Location: OH | Registered: 16 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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So, for those involved, were the sales of Tanzanian safaris adversely affected by the increased prices?


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We did very well. The lore of Masaialnd and the Selous are still strong. I do think some others may have had mixed results.


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Posts: 13024 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I returned to Tucson Saturday noon. We had about 250 people at our "Your First African Safari" seminar, which is about the same number as last year. I again asked how many in the audience planned a first safari this year and only a few hands did not go up, which also is about the same as 2007.

Got to meet a couple of AR members at the Giraffe bar on Friday afternoon, and enjoyed talking with them, but it would have been nice if we had badges with our screen names on them.

Last year I was hospitalized had to be electro-converted from A-fib twice. This year I rented an electric scooter and had no health problems. These things are well-worth the $70 day, for me at least. Having a machine to carry me around the exhibition halls was like being twenty years younger.

Bill Quimby
Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Got back friday night. Had to use four wheel drive both ways to cross the sierras. The show seemed about average to me on friday but the casinos were empty on thursday nite due to the snow and the superbowl next weekend. Booked what I consider a great value hunt, ten days for buffalo and elephant cows , in Zim. Will keep the deposit in the US until the last minute but these types of hunts will be a thing of the past if or when Zim implodes.
Posts: 914 | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Bwanahile:
Writing from my hotel room in Harrahs looking out at the beautiful mountains. Got in late Friday and just went to the show yesterday. Surprisingly did not seem too busy. Hate a great time, ate too much, drank too much and gambled too much! Perfect weekend!


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Posts: 1765 | Location: Northern Nevada | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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This was my 1st SCI convention and I had a great time. Already looking forward to next year. I told my wife about it and see's ready to go next year. Looks like it will be a family vaction with our 2 boys.

Posts: 598 | Location: Texas/CA | Registered: 18 October 2006Reply With Quote
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If you like to ski, incorporate that into the trip. We have great areas only 40-60 minutes from Reno.
Posts: 1765 | Location: Northern Nevada | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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I got in last night so I could get home and hunt some ducks this morning. It was my first trip to Reno and a great experience. I got to Reno late Wednesday night and spent the next two days enjoying everything I could about the convention.
My initial response in a text message to my wife after walking into the Convention Center was, "This is my life on steroids!"
The place is indeed huge. I had the pleasure of seeing two PH's from my other hunts and to get to know the one I'll be hunting with this year. One of my former PHs was Howard Hunter, the guy that was shot in the arm by a client in 2004. It was great to visit with him again and hear that his recovery has gone pretty well. His current project of bringing to life a 2.5 million acre tract in Mozambique on the southern Tanzanian border is coming along and should one day be a prime safari destination.
Friday afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of great AR members at the Giraffe Bar. The common bond found through interests in safaris was quickly expanded to include the appreciation of new personal friendships. Retreever seems to know everyone worth knowing and did a great job of circulating around and helping me put a name with faces.
I went to the SCI dinners Thursday and Friday; The Oakridge Boys and The Beach Boys played respectively. The dinners were held at the new ball room at the Peppermill and seemed to receive a lot of praise in comparison to previous years. Both evenings were fun and I'm glad I went.
It was pretty cool to see so many faces of TV show hosts and well-known PHs that are regulars on various outdoor shows. Almost too many to mention were wandering around over the two days I was there, though Boddington and Shockley were probably around the most. It was also interesting to see Tom Selleck walking around with Tony Makris Thursday morning. My wife would have enjoyed that.
Speaking of Boddington (who got a nice SCI award Friday night), I wandered into a seminar he was doing on leopard hunting. He went into every detail about where to build and set up blinds, dragging scents, pre-positioning guns, skinning, trophy care, ect. All of that was interesting, but most of what he was teaching concerned stuff that the hunter didn't truly need to know or do--only the PH. Nevertheless, he did cover it in depth before pushing his new limited edition book. Unbeknownst to most people, however, was the fact that Andrew Dawson quietly showed up and was listening from the doorway. I couldn't help but think that the talk should have made by the PH instead of the client, but I'm sure most people preferred to hear Boddington.
Overall I had a good time. Every PH I knew said it was a going well for them and the crowds seemed big and active. One even said there were less "tire-kickers" and more serious purchasers than in the past. I don't yet know about next year, but this first SCI Convention will not be my last.
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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My wife and I are still here and flying out tomorrow. (Monday) As usual the show was a blast! There is so much to see and even more to learn. It's great just being able to sit and chat with those "in the know".

Most of the booking agents and outfitters I spoke with felt the traffic was a bit slower than usual. Some said the bookings were down slightly and others said they were normal.

I love that my wife enjoys this show. We had a great time together and booked a 21 day dangerous game hunt in the Selous for September 2009. We can't wait.

Posts: 161 | Registered: 28 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of jdollar
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just got in a couple of hours ago. the usual 5 hour drive over donner pass to fresno took 8 hours because of the snow( ground blizzards at times). had the usual great time although i think the fri. and sat attendance was lighter than normal. lots of fun meeting folks fri at the giraffe bar. bought an auction hunt in Moz donated by Johan of Bahati Adventures, who post here on AR. can't wait till Oct!!!!!!!!!!!

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What is snow ??? lol

one day i will visit and the i can see snow and visit the convention

"Buy land they have stopped making it"- Mark Twain
Posts: 914 | Location: Burgersfort the big Kudu mekka of South Africa | Registered: 27 April 2007Reply With Quote
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I had a geat time. Brought a friend to his first SCI show. He bought a Dakota 375 and booked a hunt! I must have cost him at least 25,000!
Posts: 2827 | Location: Seattle, in the other Washington | Registered: 26 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jorge400
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My wife and I got back yesterday. After 3 hunting trips last year I owe my wife a few trips and this was primarily a ski trip so we only spent one day at the convention (Wednesday), which was the only mistake I made. Even though I was not planning on booking a trip and only had a few booths I wanted to visit, I missed a lot by not going to the convention for at least two days. We attended the dinner Wednesday night and saw Dana Carvey. It was interesting watching him try to measure the sense of humor in the SCI crowd.

Despite being off skiing the remainder of the time, we managed to have dinner with Wendell Reich and Vaughan Fulton Thursday night. It was nice to finally meet Wendell and thank him in person for all his help on my two African trips. Unfortunately I think I owe him an apology for keeping him out too late, but Vaughan kept insisting on just one more "story". I think I could have gone with one less "story" as my wife was not buying my claims of altitude sickness the next day.

Next year we will likely go a day earlier and spend more time at the convention.

"...Africa. I love it, and there is no reason for me to explore why. She affects some people that way, and those who feel as I do need no explanation." from The Last Safari
Posts: 839 | Location: Greensboro, Georgia USA | Registered: 17 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Well, are still not home. We made it out of Reno but are stuck in SLC. Last night they cancelled our flight due to weather, thismorning they cancel our flight again, then closed the airport. Maybe tomorrow.

"There are worse memorials to a life well-lived than a pair of elephant tusks." Robert Ruark
Posts: 4781 | Location: Story, WY / San Carlos, Sonora, MX | Registered: 29 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Well got home after 36 hrs. Still commatose...Could have traveled to Africa and back with those hours...
Will post those blackmail photos tomorrow and Cherie never did get her fur vest..

Sure was great to meet friends from AR and put faces to the names...

Cherie, & Mike

Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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Picture of Woodmnctry
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Every time I go to the Reno show I swear it will be the last -- I hate that town due to the logistics of getting in and out -- lousy and limited restaurants plus marginal hotels at best. I keep hoping they will move the show to Las Vegas but seemingly sometime way out in the future. May just have to go to Dallas next year although my understanding is that there are not as many things for the wife to look at --she likes to shop the jewelry and nick knack booths.

OMG!-- my bow is "pull-push feed" - how dreadfully embarrasing!!!!!
Posts: 933 | Location: 8K Ft in Colorado | Registered: 10 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Did anyone notice dramatic increases in Zimbabwe prices?

I have heard new prices that sound much like the new Tanzania prices!

I don't have any firm numbers though.

Posts: 1261 | Location: Clearwater, FL and Union Pier, MI | Registered: 24 July 2003Reply With Quote
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My wife, Bwanna and I had dinner with Retreever and Cherie on Friday evening. We had a most enjoyable time with them. I agree that it would be very nice to have the convention moved to Las Vegas. Better hotels, food, weather, etc. etc. etc.
Posts: 18566 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I could not agree more. Reno sucks. Yeah I know it is cheaper for SCI to put it on there BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! For people bringing family Reno just has far less for them to do AND THE WEATHER SUCKS WORSE THAN THE TOWN. A major convention in snow country???

Yeah! I'm whinning and I don't care.


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They should move it to Dallas... Those AR guys down there know how to throw a party. Big Grin


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Wood and Mark - I couldn't agree LESS. Las Vegas is the town that really sucks. Hookers and street hawks everywhere, dirty streets, long distances to get around from place to place, no bus service from your hotel to the convention,(translates to major cab fares), expensive everything. Have you not noticed how well we are treated by the local folks in Reno? Everything from the welcome signs at the airport, blackjack dealers, and local business folks really appreciate the fact we are there. In Vegas we are just another convention and the cold shoulder treatment is very evident.

I booked my flights and hotel a couple of months in advance. No problem flight was on time, only a 10 minute wait for the hotel shuttle, flight out on Saturday no problem. Contrary to some we found a good number of really good resturants and the casino action was favorable. I have been to Vegas scores of times in the past for business (worked sports shows as a rep) and pleasure and can truly say, never really enjoyed a single one. Give me the "small town" Reno atmosphere anytime over the "big city" your just another number, you get in Vegas. If indeed the convention is ever moved to Las Vegas my string of 8 straight would most likely come to an end.

Larry Sellers
SCI Life Member
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Weather here in Northwest New Mexico has returned to the old days of 20+ years ago. It is cold, snowing on a regular basis and generally miserable. Only good for lion hunting. is absolutely spittin' in the wind to write this, I wish they would move the Convention to a warm climate. I know..I know...Reno is now booked by SCI for a zillion years to come. But, how many of us would love to get out of this yuck and cold for a breather this time of year? Unfortunately, so many of the guys I know (PH's) do not do the Dallas show. Oh well...guess I'll just have to warm up by doing another 3 months in Africa next year.
Posts: 505 | Location: Farmington, New Mexico | Registered: 05 January 2008Reply With Quote
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I would tend to agree with Larry on this one. This was only my 3rd year and I have nothing to compare it to except for one trip to Vegas. I like Reno much better. I've had no problem with the hotels or restaurants. In general the folks there have been very friendly and seem like they are glad we're there.

The only downside I see is the small airport. This year we stayed an extra day and it was much more tolerable.

Posts: 161 | Registered: 28 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Actually, it is my understanding that SCI is booked to Reno only through 2010. The NFR is in Vegas every year and the Shot Show is back this weekend. Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree with Larry's assessment of Las Vegas.
Posts: 18566 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I detest Reno and Vegas both. Sodom and Gomorrah couldn't have been much worse than either place.

That walk through the casino every morning - past the seedy gamblers still pounding back drinks and feeding the slots at the break of dawn, through the nicotine haze and the random drunks - man that really whets my appetite for breakfast and sets the tone for the day.

I'd much rather head south or southwest.


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Originally posted by mrlexma:
That walk through the casino every morning - past the seedy gamblers still pounding back drinks and feeding the slots at the break of dawn, through the nicotine haze and the random drunks - man that really whets my appetite for breakfast and sets the tone for the day

I had always felt that way about Vegas, but until I read your comments could never really put my finger on why that was. You are spot on.

Posts: 280 | Location: Ft. Worth, TX | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With Quote
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This was my 4th straight in Reno. Attended two others years ago in Vegas. Attendance this year did seem down a bit.

Between the two, Vegas is by far the better venue. Reno is okay, the hotels are okay, and the people are great to visitors. It's the convention facilities that suck. Terrible food services, cramped quarters, and an overall dingy/dirty atmosphere.

Flights into Reno are generally indirect and more expensive.

Direct flights to Vegas are possible from most major cities.

Any one of the larger Vegas hotels has three times the convention space and services. You could put the entire Reno faciliy inside the Mandeley Bay Hotel center for example, and still have room to spare.

As in ALL matters SCI, it's not what's good for the membership, it's what the Board wants. If you don't believe that, get a
vendor/donor/exhibitor to talk off the record about the internal politics and arm twisting for fees and donations that go on.

Yet it's a good event at which to meet old friends, outfitters, and PH's, and to share our sport with one another.

I'm with others who have suggested a third venue, somewhere besides Reno or Vegas. Florida would be great, for example. Disney World and Sea World would be great for families while the rest of us haunted the convention floor. Or how about somewhere where there was a shooting facility nearby with both rifle and clays demonstrations and competitions?

But again, it's not about us...........

Posts: 1753 | Location: Prescott, Az | Registered: 30 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of billrquimby
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One thing that hasn't been mentioned in the Reno vs. Las Vegas debate is the union factor. I still was doing work for SCI at its last show in Vegas and I remember the exhibitors griping big time because they couldn't move things around the floor unless they hired a Teamster member.

Bill Quimby
Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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By the way, Las Vegas is in the process of building a world class shooting facility that includes all of the above. And yes, there's even skiing just 25 miles out of town at Mount Charleston (ele. 12,000 feet).
Posts: 18566 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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A few ideas. I much prefer Reno to Las Vegas, but those decisions are not for me to make. The only negative this year was my flight being canceled late Sunday afternoon and delayed getting out until Monday evening. I stayed at the Silver Legacy and enjoyed being there.

We need to figure out a way to have something we could wear or add to our badges to ID us as AR members. I was working this show and did not get a chance to seek anyone out, but did meet Retreever and his wife, Silwane and his hunting pal, Bill Quimby, and Ganyana. Retreever went with me over to Buzz Charlton's booth. I had been corresponding with him and watched his Elephant Hunting DVD about 4 times. What a nice guy he is and I am working my way up to a hunt this summer - but Argentina first.

It was a great show and continues to get better each year. To me SCI is a must join organization for anyone who hunts. The heart of the show for me is seeing friends I have hunted with, or spent time with, in previous years that I only see at this show or perhaps Dallas. There were a few outfitters that really impressed me with their enthusiasm and most pleasant demeanors. One from Spain that I had known from previous shows; I would go with him in a heart beat; another from Australia. Two out of many.

The comic relief of the show was the guy who walked every aisle (I was with him) in white tights with a pink tutu around his waist. Pink lettering on his back and chest to the effect that his brother was a better hunter than he. The bet - the one who shot the smaller elephant had to humiliate himself at the show - he lost by 1.7 lbs. He was a great sport and it took major huevos to do it.

Bought a few books - Fred Duckworth's, for one; Wayne Grant's on Leopard Hunting; Don Heath, Anthony Williams and Andy Fenwick's, "Nyati." Now wish I had bought a few more including Boddington's Leopard, and Safari Press' Obsessed. Took a close look at a Purdey in 470 NE but passed at the $294,000.00 price. I was about $290,000.00 short!! There was a "jeep" of sorts in the lobby, an Icon for sale at $118,000.00 - not including the top!

At the other end of the spectrum there were many fine hunts and firearms being offered that were truly bargains. A chap I was working with bought a fine older Belgian 20 gauge SxS at a very reasonable price.

Go for it next year.... thumb

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Theodore Roosevelt
Posts: 4263 | Location: Pinetop, Arizona | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MARK H. YOUNG:
Yeah! I'm whinning and I don't care.

Make that two of us Mark! For us lads from Africa, this year was cold, very cold and as a result - living in air conditioned enclosures non stop for a week, which gets just about everyone of us sick. And then you have to walk on icy sidewalks when you do venture out sometimes! We're just not used to that kind of weather I guess ...

We enjoyed a good show though. I also had the opportunity to meet with a number of the AR folks but could not make it on Friday pm at the Giraffe bar. Friday was hectic and we were just too busy for me to go and have a beer. (That sounds sick, does it not?!) Thanks to the guys that came round and introduced themselves.

Personally, I'd prefer a location closer to the centre of the country - and a warmer, larger place. Where would the spot be where the least total travelling is done by exibitors and attendees all added together?

Posts: 506 | Registered: 29 May 2006Reply With Quote
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This was my first year to visit the SCI convention. I was amazed at the size of it and there are certianly some great vendors there to shop. However I was dissapointed with SCI. They seemed much more hell bent on profit than I imagined they would be. My friends that had been many times said it had not been this way in the past. I had one friend that splits a booth every year with someone else and they made him pay extra for him to have a badge. The sixty dollar breakfast this year was an icecream scope of eggs, a scoop of potatoes, and half of a grilled tomato. At that rate they felt safe you wouldn't drink $58.50 in coffe and screw them out of the money they were screwing you out of. One last minor thing. If I pay hundreds of dollars to enter a convention and then pay three dollars for my wife to have a soda there, make sure the soda doesn't taste like it was mixed with pond water.
I have one more comment about the Vegas vs. Reno debate. I do not know if it has been settled yet but very credible sources have told me the Show will be moving in 2011 very far south and east and not Vegas.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007Reply With Quote
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I have one more comment about the Vegas vs. Reno debate. I do not know if it has been settled yet but very credible sources have told me the Show will be moving in 2011 very far south and east and not Vegas

Funny, I keep hearing that same thing. Up till now I figured it was DSC propaganda. Confused
Rich Elliott

Rich Elliott
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