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My Covid Results/Experience
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I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought that I would post it here since the virus is affecting all of our plansWink

I live in NYC, which as you all know by now, has been the worst hit City in the World.
Several of my co-workers have tested positive and were sick with the virus, and another died from it. My son and his girlfriend both tested positive so we all quarantined together for 2 full weeks in my tiny house. My wife and I took ZERO precautions and lived our lives together, thinking that it was inevitable that me and my wife would contract the virus anyway so let's get it over with. This was a month ago. Back then I was tested and the test showed negative for Covid. Now, just last week my wife and I took a blood test for anti-bodies and today I got my results....both of us NEGATIVE. How can this be?? The wife and I were saturated with the virus for 2 weeks and yet we didn't contract the disease? I don't know, it doesn't sound right.

Can certain people have an immunity to Covid? I asked my Doctor who told me that honestly, NOBODY really knows.

Just thought that I would let you guys know what my experience has been in the worst hit part of the world and exposed repeatedly to the virus.

Crazy Shit...
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Picture of BaxterB
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Interesting. Glad you are well

There was a country singer who was on tour and came down with CV. His wife, who was with him the entire time, never tested positive.

Another guy I have talked to has his mom get very sick in Feb and ended up in the hospital. The entire family visited her and no one at the hospital took precautions beyond normal dr stuff. She ended up testing positive for CV antibodies, but no one else in the family or doctors office became sick. And they have no idea where she got it from as the county in SW Florida they live in has had very low CV cases, and almost all more recently.

Posts: 7815 | Registered: 31 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Very strange indeed.

For those who might be interested, Quest has a test for the anti-bodies. You have the results in 2 days. I don't remember the exact cost. it is around $120.

I had a bad sinus infection earlier this year. I am being tested next week out of idle curiosity.
Posts: 12094 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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It seems in some cases there is mass spread in crowds (Bergamo - Valencia football match, Cheltenham horse races, various church congregations), yet people living in the same house with somebody with Covid-19 doesn't contract it. Strange indeed. Maybe some people aren't compatible with the virus. The virus can't infect them and so they don't even need to build up antibodies. But I wouldn't count on it, having somebody stand closely behind you and sing and shout their lungs out might be much much more infectious than just being in well ventilated room together for an extended period where nobody shouts. Glad you're OK though!
Posts: 665 | Registered: 08 October 2011Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the well wishes fellas!

Yes strange indeed, isn't it?

My house's living area is maybe 800 square feet so as you can imagine that there was no way that I wasn't exposed to the virus living for 2 weeks straight with 2 infected people.
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Picture of boarkiller
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Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

Man should be happy and in good humor until the day he dies...
Only fools hope to live forever
“ Hávamál”
Posts: 13376 | Location: In mountains behind my house hunting or drinking beer in Blacksmith Brewery in Stevensville MT or holed up in Lochsa | Registered: 27 December 2012Reply With Quote
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JUst shows how no one knows a dam thing. Hate to see people die but this is life and other bug that will cone and go. The damage from all the lock down and bs is going to hurt for a long time and be far worse in the end. If it was not an election year we would never of heard anymore of it then any other bug.

To think of how much damage all around this will do is scary. JUst hope we are smart enough now to end all the lockdown bs. Plus start bringing back all the business from china.
Posts: 576 | Location: macungie , Pa | Registered: 21 March 2014Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.

Posts: 13145 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: 22 July 2010Reply With Quote
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For those who might be interested, Quest has a test for the anti-bodies. You have the results in 2 days. I don't remember the exact cost. it is around $120.

Had the test two days ago and the results were negative. Cost was free under my insurance.
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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I work in safety and occupational health. We get phone calls daily on the prevention of Covid.

A mask keeps your germs on you, if you are sick and wear a mask it should help to prevent you from spreading the disease. As you are "in theory "trapping the saturated breath with the mask. Does this work? Probably 10-20% effective. Maybe less maybe more.

The virus is small, very small. The mask does not protect you from the virus. If you have a heart/health/lung issues the mask is not your friend at all as it can decrease your ability to bring in oxygen. Especially as it gets wet from your breath.

We live pretty remote, we only shop when we have to. Most of the mail sits in the garage for a week to kill the virus. If you go to the store, or when I come home from work I take a shower. So far we have not caught it, and none of my co-workers have caught it.

I work with some elderly people that still come to work. I have my own health problems having an enlarged heart and being overweight.

My kids have not played with a friend in 3 months, an we are lucky that my wife is a school teacher and able to teach our kids at home.

The virus is a threat. My daughter is a nurse and she is lucky to work for a hospital that has the resources for her to be on supplied air in a tyvek suit.

If I lived with people that had it I wouldn't go around licking subway rails and acting like you can't catch it. My gay cousin caught aids by risky behavior. Different but similar risky behavior could land you in a lot of trouble.

Be careful, it will eventually blow over but I reckon that we have 2-3 years of this.
Posts: 7782 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.


Excellent posts fellas and Thank You!

Mike, excellent thought provoking post!

So true is your analogy about unprotected sex with HIV+ people. I have a cousin who has been a mess for his entire life...shooting Heroin for 40 years on and off. He told me that he doesn't care anymore and regularly has sex with other junkies who have AIDS, HIV, etc. The worst he ever got was is that possible? Nobody cab be that "lucky."

Is he immune from HIV, am I immune from Covid?

Also a question that a doctor friend of mine told me that he cannot answer with 100% certainty
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Picture of stubbleduck47
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Many of the currently available antibody tests are not all that accurate. Don't take the test makers word for the tests accuracy, ask for validated sensitivity and specificity numbers and if possible check with your personal doc or the local public health organization regarding the test in question.
Posts: 911 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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My son Ben works for the UK NHS and exposes himself daily with no ill effects?

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Picture of KMG Hunting Safaris
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This will go down as one of the biggest overreactions in history.

Marius Goosen
KMG Hunting Safaris
Cell, Whats App, Signal + 27 82 8205387
Skype: muis19820603
Check us out on Facebook:
Instagram: @kmg_hunting_safaris

Posts: 1403 | Location: Eastern Cape | Registered: 27 October 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by KMG Hunting Safaris:
This will go down as one of the biggest overreactions in history.

You are dead right!


I am glad you are all well again.
Instagram : ganyana2000
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Picture of Moneypenny
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Originally posted by KMG Hunting Safaris:
This will go down as one of the biggest overreactions in history.

I totally agree, blown all out of proportion! Why? Because it supposedly started in China? The media as usual hyped it up for headlines? The government took note of the media’s reaction and the general public’s response to the media, then based all their actions regarding Covid on pleasing the people (who don’t actually have all the facts) and made a pigs ear of it, confusing everyone and themselves!

So the worldwide economy is ruined. Younger generations who were sitting important exams this year will forever be known as ‘the Covid Kids’ who didn’t really sit their exams and their results aren’t real!

Statistics can always be misleading and manipulated to swing towards the result you want.
I’d be interested to see figures for death and infection rates for common regular viruses and compare those to COVID-19. Those figures don’t seem to be banded about as much as death figures and infection rates of COVID 19. Reporting of death rates could also be misleading, as was said earlier on the thread “died of gun shot related to COVID” hence death most likely reported as died of COVID! As for the tests, can we be sure how precise they are testing for COVID-19 and not just a more common corona virus?

It’s all rather fishy to me how it’s all being handled and reported, and I’m keeping an open mind as to what this is really all about! I’m not liking the idea of an app that tracks your movements and contact with people who may have COVID, or a possible future vaccine! Seems to me like we are losing much of our Freedom.

One thing that really gets my goat is how Government in the U.K. can state that they will only lift restrictions for COVID based on sound science, but when it comes to hunting trophy importation bans they ignore science and listen to emotional anti-groups or ‘Sally’ from facebook who has many cats!!!

What strange and unbelievable times we are living in.
Posts: 8 | Registered: 17 December 2019Reply With Quote
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Picture of ledvm
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The last few days of January and the first couple in February...I was speaking at a resort convention in Aruba. We were in the Ritz-Carlton and the hotel was completely occupied by our group, American Association of Equine Practitioners and a community of Syrian Jews from with in NYC. There had to have been 200-300 of them there—very nice folks.

Anyway, about 10 days from getting home...I got sick with a virus. The symptoms mimicked those portrayed by COVID 19. I got antibody tested a week ago—negative.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 37790 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.


While I agree an n of one (maybe an n=2 as I presume Alfredo’s wife didn’t contract either???) statistically means nothing...this is still interesting. Alfredo was guaranteed exposed to virus particle—regularly for 2 weeks...provided the diagnosis of the kids was accurate. This virus is being billed as highly...repeat HIGHLY contagious. The HIV virus like Rabies virus is actually hard to transmit...thus the comparison is apples to oranges.

As an investigator of infectious disease (albeit in horses) things across the board are not adding up for me.

As said above...history will reveal this to have been the most overblown reaction the world has ever seen.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 37790 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.


While I agree an n of one (maybe an n=2 as I presume Alfredo’s wife didn’t contract either???) statistically means nothing...this is still interesting. Alfredo was guaranteed exposed to virus particle—regularly for 2 weeks...provided the diagnosis of the kids was accurate. This virus is being billed as highly...repeat HIGHLY contagious. The HIV virus like Rabies virus is actually hard to transmit...thus the comparison is apples to oranges.

As an investigator of infectious disease (albeit in horses) things across the board are not adding up for me.

As said above...history will reveal this to have been the most overblown reaction the world has ever seen.

Doc, I do realize that you are a VeterinarianWink but I'm sure that your opinion is worth more than anyone's here. In your opinion, do you think that my wife an I have some sort of an immunity for the CV, and/or do you have an opinion on why we didn't get it??

PS: I don't know if this matters but I never had the Flu in my entire life either
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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I took the test last week. Both my wife and daughter were sick in mid January (both recovered and are fine) so we thought they may have had Covid and if they had it then I was certainly exposed to it. I was hoping I had the anti-bodies but nope, nothing, all clean. Rather disappointing.

Posts: 1849 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Truly odd. But in any case I'm glad you and your family are all healthy.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Originally posted by GunsCore:
I took the test last week. Both my wife and daughter were sick in mid January (both recovered and are fine) so we thought they may have had Covid and if they had it then I was certainly exposed to it. I was hoping I had the anti-bodies but nope, nothing, all clean. Rather disappointing.

Same here! I was hoping that I had it too
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Michael Robinson:
Truly odd. But in any case I'm glad you and your family are all healthy.

Thanks Mike!
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Picture of KMG Hunting Safaris
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Originally posted by Moneypenny:
Originally posted by KMG Hunting Safaris:
This will go down as one of the biggest overreactions in history.

I totally agree, blown all out of proportion! Why? Because it supposedly started in China? The media as usual hyped it up for headlines? The government took note of the media’s reaction and the general public’s response to the media, then based all their actions regarding Covid on pleasing the people (who don’t actually have all the facts) and made a pigs ear of it, confusing everyone and themselves!

So the worldwide economy is ruined. Younger generations who were sitting important exams this year will forever be known as ‘the Covid Kids’ who didn’t really sit their exams and their results aren’t real!

Statistics can always be misleading and manipulated to swing towards the result you want.
I’d be interested to see figures for death and infection rates for common regular viruses and compare those to COVID-19. Those figures don’t seem to be banded about as much as death figures and infection rates of COVID 19. Reporting of death rates could also be misleading, as was said earlier on the thread “died of gun shot related to COVID” hence death most likely reported as died of COVID! As for the tests, can we be sure how precise they are testing for COVID-19 and not just a more common corona virus?

It’s all rather fishy to me how it’s all being handled and reported, and I’m keeping an open mind as to what this is really all about! I’m not liking the idea of an app that tracks your movements and contact with people who may have COVID, or a possible future vaccine! Seems to me like we are losing much of our Freedom.

One thing that really gets my goat is how Government in the U.K. can state that they will only lift restrictions for COVID based on sound science, but when it comes to hunting trophy importation bans they ignore science and listen to emotional anti-groups or ‘Sally’ from facebook who has many cats!!!

What strange and unbelievable times we are living in.

My opinion is that the initial lock down was necessary, and this counts for around the world. Hind sight is a wonderful thing. It was necessary simply because we did not know any better and did not know what we were facing. As data becomes available, especially over the last two weeks, it is becoming more and more apparent that the mortality rate is not near what we thought it to be. It's time to open up the economy and get back to normal.
The suicide deaths a year out from current times, will surpass the Covid deaths in the world, simply because of job losses, because of the shut downs and damage to the economies around the world.

Marius Goosen
KMG Hunting Safaris
Cell, Whats App, Signal + 27 82 8205387
Skype: muis19820603
Check us out on Facebook:
Instagram: @kmg_hunting_safaris

Posts: 1403 | Location: Eastern Cape | Registered: 27 October 2010Reply With Quote
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Everything has got it's price, read in the popular news today a pediatrician criticized the SA lockdown saying that for the first time in decades they are seeing malnutrition in one of the big Joberg hospitals.

Congrats to Big Brother for dumping millions of citizen into poverty and driving the economy underground.
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A married couple close to my son were trying (often Smiler )to get pregnant. She tested positive and he, a month later is still negative.
A second couple, wife (R.N) tested positive. They cuddle often. three weeks later he is still negative. Go figure!

Deo Vindice,


Sons of Confederate Veterans Black Horse Camp #780
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There is so much about this that we don't know. This is definitely not the same as the flu. The flu does not kill the doctors and nurses that care for the flu infected patients. But, Covid has killed many health care workers, especially in Italy. I have friends in Seattle and New York who have lost healthy coworkers after extensive time on a ventilator. It is likely due to significant exposure possibly to multiple strains of the virus. We had a nurse in a neighboring hospital finish her shift, not feel well. She went to the ER and 2 days later dead of Covid with the classic lung changes on her Chest Xray and Ct scans. There are multiple strains of this thing, potentially up to 30 strains. My old med school roommate did his infection disease fellowship at the NIH and knows Faucci and the whole crew. He and I communicate daily. We simply know very little about what we are dealing with. You may get exposed and not get infected. You may get infected and have zero symptoms or a mild cold or you may die. That is what we are seeing. It seems to relate to genetics and your individual response to how your body reacts to the virus. To tell the parents of the children that have died from this thing, that we have all over reacted would be a mistake.

Kodiak 2022
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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Thank you Shoulderman,

It will kill some people, and everyone needs to take precautions.

It has started to kill children with a little more certainty. That is the scariest thing for me with a 4-7-8 year olds at home and a 21-1 and 4 month old at my daughters.
Posts: 7782 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by shoulderman:
There is so much about this that we don't know. This is definitely not the same as the flu. The flu does not kill the doctors and nurses that care for the flu infected patients. But, Covid has killed many health care workers, especially in Italy. I have friends in Seattle and New York who have lost healthy coworkers after extensive time on a ventilator. It is likely due to significant exposure possibly to multiple strains of the virus. We had a nurse in a neighboring hospital finish her shift, not feel well. She went to the ER and 2 days later dead of Covid with the classic lung changes on her Chest Xray and Ct scans. There are multiple strains of this thing, potentially up to 30 strains. My old med school roommate did his infection disease fellowship at the NIH and knows Faucci and the whole crew. He and I communicate daily. We simply know very little about what we are dealing with. You may get exposed and not get infected. You may get infected and have zero symptoms or a mild cold or you may die. That is what we are seeing. It seems to relate to genetics and your individual response to how your body reacts to the virus. To tell the parents of the children that have died from this thing, that we have all over reacted would be a mistake.

Good and thoughtful post shoulderman, and yes we would never want to say that this is an overreaction to someone who has lost a loved one BUT at some point we have to decide that we can no longer live this way and get back to normal and let the chips fall where they fall.

The response now has become oppressive, overbearing and is eroding our personal freedoms...what's next do we have to carry around a card to prove that we are negative and if we are not then the police can haul us off to an "Isolation Camp?" "Your Papers Please"

Sounds like this happened already 70 years ago in Germany....

I think that the bottom line is this: open the world back up. If one wants to stay home and in isolation then FINE it's their prerogative. Elderly, pre-conditions, overweight, etc great then YOU stay whatever you want to do

Those of us who want to take a chance then it's up to THEM.

This is the USA....right??

PS: Shoulderman, this rant isn't to you or your post....I'm just on a roll and pissed-off that Gov. Cuomo has cancelled my Safari for meWink
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I get it. We just don't know. The kicker is that if anyone wants to take their chances that is fine. If they don't worry about getting sick, no problem it is on them. However, they can be a symptom free vector and infect someone less fortunate. My analogy is the seatbelt law and motorcycle helmet law. I think they are bullshit laws. If you don't want to wear a seatbelt or wear a helmet that is on you as an adult, free to make your choices, and you are the only one who reaps the result of your choices. Covid is more like drunk driving. A drunk driver can hit a telephone pole and kill himself. Who gives a shit? It was on him. But, if he hits my wife and kids due to his selfish stupidity, then it now affects me. Statistics have shown that every case leads to multiple others. That is what is so hard to digest with this thing.

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I'll use that analogy coming up.

It is a good professional answer I can explain to the military.

Thank you!
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Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by shoulderman:
There is so much about this that we don't know. This is definitely not the same as the flu. The flu does not kill the doctors and nurses that care for the flu infected patients. But, Covid has killed many health care workers, especially in Italy. I have friends in Seattle and New York who have lost healthy coworkers after extensive time on a ventilator. It is likely due to significant exposure possibly to multiple strains of the virus. We had a nurse in a neighboring hospital finish her shift, not feel well. She went to the ER and 2 days later dead of Covid with the classic lung changes on her Chest Xray and Ct scans. There are multiple strains of this thing, potentially up to 30 strains. My old med school roommate did his infection disease fellowship at the NIH and knows Faucci and the whole crew. He and I communicate daily. We simply know very little about what we are dealing with. You may get exposed and not get infected. You may get infected and have zero symptoms or a mild cold or you may die. That is what we are seeing. It seems to relate to genetics and your individual response to how your body reacts to the virus. To tell the parents of the children that have died from this thing, that we have all over reacted would be a mistake.

Good and thoughtful post shoulderman, and yes we would never want to say that this is an overreaction to someone who has lost a loved one BUT at some point we have to decide that we can no longer live this way and get back to normal and let the chips fall where they fall.

The response now has become oppressive, overbearing and is eroding our personal freedoms...what's next do we have to carry around a card to prove that we are negative and if we are not then the police can haul us off to an "Isolation Camp?" "Your Papers Please"

Sounds like this happened already 70 years ago in Germany....

I think that the bottom line is this: open the world back up. If one wants to stay home and in isolation then FINE it's their prerogative. Elderly, pre-conditions, overweight, etc great then YOU stay whatever you want to do

Those of us who want to take a chance then it's up to THEM.

This is the USA....right??

PS: Shoulderman, this rant isn't to you or your post....I'm just on a roll and pissed-off that Gov. Cuomo has cancelled my Safari for meWink

Do you live in Manhattan ?

You then live in a building with other people - either renters, condo owners or coop members.

They will control far more of your freedom and lifestyle than many govt agencies.

But it is a choice to live in nyc. It is a choice to shop at Costco.

If one does not like the rules there are 50 states where one can choose alternative jurisdictions.

If one does not like the us own can always try and move to Sweden or Brazil.

But Saeed’s brother is going to make sure his plane, employees and other passengers are pretty safe before he lets anyone fly on Emirates planes regardless of Saeed’s opinion on anything Big Grin

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Originally posted by shoulderman:

I get it. We just don't know. The kicker is that if anyone wants to take their chances that is fine. If they don't worry about getting sick, no problem it is on them. However, they can be a symptom free vector and infect someone less fortunate. My analogy is the seatbelt law and motorcycle helmet law. I think they are bullshit laws. If you don't want to wear a seatbelt or wear a helmet that is on you as an adult, free to make your choices, and you are the only one who reaps the result of your choices. Covid is more like drunk driving. A drunk driver can hit a telephone pole and kill himself. Who gives a shit? It was on him. But, if he hits my wife and kids due to his selfish stupidity, then it now affects me. Statistics have shown that every case leads to multiple others. That is what is so hard to digest with this thing.

Funny you mention the seatbelt and helmet laws because I am with you on that and allot of people told me that I am crazy for saying that but I am all for personal freedoms and I want the Govt out of my life.

That said, and I DO totally understand your drunk-driving analogy....what do we do now?? When and how does this end? And what about the next epidemic or 2nd phase of CV??

Do we keep shutting down the world?

Nobody has been able to explain the solution for me
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. Not that smart. I think we have to open up with caution. I think air travel is the most dangerous thing we can do. The guy sitting in first class is breathing the same air as the guy in the coach shitter in the back. Masks won't help much at all in that situation. It is a closed system of recirculated air. The people who have been the sickest have had air travel exposures due to higher viral load exposures. Likely, planes will need to install UV light systems in the ventilation system to sterilize the air as it passes through the system. They are relatively cheap and incredibly effective at killing the virus and many other pathogens. Then masks would be effective to avoid exposing those close to us. Also likely, like Air Emirates has done on some flights, rapid Covid PCR tests for passengers before the flight. This is scary shit, but you are right, we have to try to move forward. As an orthopedic surgeon, I am currently doing 10% of the surgeries I used to and seeing 25% of the patients in the office I used to. That doesn't cover my overhead. 2020 won't be a banger year for any of us, but my family is healthy and my house and cars are paid for. So I count myself very fortunate.

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Posts: 236 | Location: North Carolina, USA | Registered: 17 January 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by shoulderman:
Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. Not that smart. I think we have to open up with caution. I think air travel is the most dangerous thing we can do. The guy sitting in first class is breathing the same air as the guy in the coach shitter in the back. Masks won't help much at all in that situation. It is a closed system of recirculated air. The people who have been the sickest have had air travel exposures due to higher viral load exposures. Likely, planes will need to install UV light systems in the ventilation system to sterilize the air as it passes through the system. They are relatively cheap and incredibly effective at killing the virus and many other pathogens. Then masks would be effective to avoid exposing those close to us. Also likely, like Air Emirates has done on some flights, rapid Covid PCR tests for passengers before the flight. This is scary shit, but you are right, we have to try to move forward. As an orthopedic surgeon, I am currently doing 10% of the surgeries I used to and seeing 25% of the patients in the office I used to. That doesn't cover my overhead. 2020 won't be a banger year for any of us, but my family is healthy and my house and cars are paid for. So I count myself very fortunate.


I didn't realize that you are an MD...."Shoulderman" Duh! I'm getting slowWink

My buddy is an Orthopedic Surgeon as well and this is killing him. He is doing emergency/injury surgery's only and this is eating his practice alive. To top it off he is 50yo and has only recently just finished paying off his student loans....can you believe it? And people wonder why surgeons charge so much. And he certainly isn't wealthy....he might be one day but he will be 80 by then. He is a Bronx Boy born to a single mother and paid EVERYTHING himself.
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Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.


While I agree an n of one (maybe an n=2 as I presume Alfredo’s wife didn’t contract either???) statistically means nothing...this is still interesting. Alfredo was guaranteed exposed to virus particle—regularly for 2 weeks...provided the diagnosis of the kids was accurate. This virus is being billed as highly...repeat HIGHLY contagious. The HIV virus like Rabies virus is actually hard to transmit...thus the comparison is apples to oranges.

As an investigator of infectious disease (albeit in horses) things across the board are not adding up for me.

As said above...history will reveal this to have been the most overblown reaction the world has ever seen.

Doc, I do realize that you are a VeterinarianWink but I'm sure that your opinion is worth more than anyone's here. In your opinion, do you think that my wife an I have some sort of an immunity for the CV, and/or do you have an opinion on why we didn't get it??

PS: I don't know if this matters but I never had the Flu in my entire life either

Even if you were resistant/asymptomatic...I would expect you to seroconvert (develop antibodies) if you had been exposed. And living in an 800 square foot house with a positive person...almost no way you did not take in virus particle. Thus I definitely would NOT say you are likely resistant.

I find horses exposed to respiratory pathogens almost always seroconvert even if we never find antigen with PCR tests.

A few things that worry me:
1) Your son and son's girlfriend may have had a false positive...a) from a low specificity test or b) from cross reaction from another similar corona virus.

2) Maybe the antibody tests are still really poor...from still not fully understanding the immune response we make.

3) Possibly this virus (maybe at least some strains) is not nearly as transmissible as being billed.

If I were you...I would not get a false sense of security from the experience—yet.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

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Posts: 37790 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Alfredo C:
Originally posted by boarkiller:
Just like flu or cold
Not everyone gets it even when they are around sick people
Nothing is 100% and we all fell for the panic

I agree BK. Something isn't right about the response...essentially, we shut down the WORLD.
Thousands of people in NYC have died but how many would have died anyway. There was a homicide the other night in the Bronx where the person was shot twice in the head and the police were joking that the Medical Examiner was probably told to list cause of death as "gunshot wounds complicated by coronavirus." I'm starting to think that it might be true.

There is NO WAY that I wasn't FULLY EXPOSED to the CV...2 weeks of living in a shoebox sized house with 2 confirmed positive people.

And I am negative??

It’s called fallacy of composition

The world does not revolve around one event. Everything has outliers. You are just the outlier or the person getting the infection is the outlier but there is nothing really special about you. Every doctor treating covid patients does not get covid but some do.

If they injected you with covid and your body rejected the infection then you may be a special case and useful to the science of stopping covid. But I seriously doubt you have some special immune system. You just did not catch it - it’s not like you are special and immune to covid.

Even Unprotected sex with hiv positive person does not have 100 percent transmission risk. But it is a damn risky activity. Just as covid is risky for certain age groups and certain individuals but even in those groups there may be exceptions.

Glad your son and girlfriend are doing fine. I have lived in some new York city apartments that were small so I know how tight space can be.


While I agree an n of one (maybe an n=2 as I presume Alfredo’s wife didn’t contract either???) statistically means nothing...this is still interesting. Alfredo was guaranteed exposed to virus particle—regularly for 2 weeks...provided the diagnosis of the kids was accurate. This virus is being billed as highly...repeat HIGHLY contagious. The HIV virus like Rabies virus is actually hard to transmit...thus the comparison is apples to oranges.

As an investigator of infectious disease (albeit in horses) things across the board are not adding up for me.

As said above...history will reveal this to have been the most overblown reaction the world has ever seen.

Doc, I do realize that you are a VeterinarianWink but I'm sure that your opinion is worth more than anyone's here. In your opinion, do you think that my wife an I have some sort of an immunity for the CV, and/or do you have an opinion on why we didn't get it??

PS: I don't know if this matters but I never had the Flu in my entire life either

Even if you were resistant/asymptomatic...I would expect you to seroconvert (develop antibodies) if you had been exposed. And living in an 800 square foot house with a positive person...almost no way you did not take in virus particle. Thus I definitely would NOT say you are likely resistant.

I find horses exposed to respiratory pathogens almost always seroconvert even if we never find antigen with PCR tests.

Two things that worry me:
1) Your son and son's girlfriend may have had a false positive...a) from an insensitive test or b) from cross reaction from another similar corona virus.

2) Maybe the antibody tests are still really poor...from still not fully understanding the immune response we make.

3) Possibly this virus (maybe at least some strains) is not nearly as transmissible as being billed.

If I were you...I would not get a false sense of security from the experience—yet.

Crazy!! I don't know what to think anymore
Posts: 973 | Location: USA | Registered: 10 November 2019Reply With Quote
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Question for you Dr's, vets or not.

My feeling is: Just because a test comes
back negative doesn't mean you can't or
won't catch it later.

Am I right or wrong?

Here in Pueblo county there's been around'
3500-3800 tests, about 190 positive and 12
deaths. Five from one nursing home with 16
patients infected and 9 staff.

Paper said that's 5.8% of those tested.
Don't seem like a big deal. For those like
my BIL that had it hit real hard for a month
there's no way to convince him it wasn't.
Since then he's had a major cellulitis resulting in surgery to scrape it off clear to the bone.
NOW he has shingles! He's 75 and never been sick before.

Very good thread and some great info. Thanks
to everyone for your input and thoughts.


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George L. Dwight
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What they are seeing is up to 10 to 15% of people that were positive and then cleared are now showing up positive again. They don't know if that is persistence of the same infection where the virus hides for a while like chicken pox later can become shingles. They don't know if they are new infections and that the antibodies that have been produced are really not protective, or did they get hit with a different strain of the virus. The percentage of positive tests really doesn't mean much. It depends on how they are testing and how many tests. What I mean is, are they testing everyone, in which case you would expect a lower percentage of positive tests. Or are they only testing people who they have a high clinical suspicion of being positive where as you would expect a higher percentage of positive tests. It is very difficult to compare apples to apples unless the same testing criteria are used everywhere so that true trends and better data could be compiled. My suspicion is that many more people have been positive with minimal symptoms and not tested. Thus the true number of positive cases are much higher and the true mortality percentage of positive cases is a much lower percentage than is being reported. Still 90k deaths in the US, but maybe 15 million cases as opposed to the 1.5 million reported.

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