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From a barrel maker:
barrel is coated inside and out with Ballistic Nitride Coating. Salt bath nitride is harder and more resistant to corrosion than chrome lining

That's a pretty tall statment but I don't know anything about salt bath nitride coating. It maybe more resitant to corrsion but what about the wear and tear of bullets flying down the barrel and longevity?



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mellonite? is supposed to be tougher than chrome, and NOT accuracy ruining.

CPQ is supposed to be super tough, as well.

I think, but don't have facts to back that up, that those are the same thing

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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LWRC is nitrating their barrels they claim will go 20,000 rounds or so of normal weight bullets in the 5.56 and has much shorter life with 70 grain and higher bullet weights. I checked into to this with another major barrel manufacturer and they said the coating is tough and works. Problems I've heard is that the bath to coat is extremely hot, something like over 500-600C which is very hot and some are concerned over the high heat taking the temper out of parts such as the barrel. Other parts are coated with this material also such as the trigger group.

The military has been using stellite coating on machine gun barrels.
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Well, I went ahead and ordered one. It'll be somewhat of a rare bird. It's 5.45X39 barrel 18" long with a SPR contour.

The accuracy on my S&W M4 chrome lined barrel started really going south after the 5000 round count. When I bought the rifle 1 1/2"-2" shot groups where pretty common with the Bulgarian surplus but now I'm in the 2 1/2"-3" range and still have about 5000+ rounds left.

It's been a fun plinking rifle and I hope the new barrel returns the accuracy. It''ll be interesting to see if the nitiding is up to the task of dealing with the corrosive primers.



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Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Somewhere around here is a pretty thorough post on all this from a guy building guns for a US military shooting teams. A couple of interesting revelations:

1. Chrome is bad in a sporting or match rifle. The accuracy falls off as the chrome wears out due to throat advancement into the leade. Somehow the transition from the bare throat to the remaining chrome degrades accuracy. 5000 rounds sounds about right for that scenario.

2. They found no special benefit to stainless

3. They got by far the best barrel life from CM barrels treated with the salt bath/mellonite/QPQ type process. Accuracy didn't improve due to the process but it did not degrade the inherent accuracy after treating, either.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Terry it will be interesting what you find with that barrel. LWRC makes some pretty stern statements about that Nitrite coating. They did say the longer and heavier bullets did wear it out much faster then the standard bullet. They are talking 5.56 caliber. So I imagine bullets in the 70 grain range and above wear it faster.

You must have had a whole bunch of that surplus 5.45 ammo.
Posts: 2459 | Registered: 02 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Tigertate, I'm pretty sure that was Butch Lambert. I'm playing on a smartphone today but when get home I'll paste the quote. It's an interesting read.

SmokingJ, yes I'm loaded up on 5.45 ammo. It's a fantastic AR plinking cartridge. It's very reliable and feeds as well as any .223 AR I've ever owned. It's accurate enough to keep it interesting and cuts down on the time I spend reloading. IMO, just a fun rifle. When I bought the rifle and saw how good it did with the surplus ammo I went ahead and stocked up it. It was only .11 cents a round at the time I bought it. My initial plan was to burn through the ammo and when it was gone just buy a 5.56 barrel and bolt and move on. I was thinking I would be in the 8000-9000 round range before the barrel was gone though. It's not tragic, the new barrel (treated) is only $215. I'm just hope it likes the ammo as well as the S&W barrel did.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Sounds like a plan Terry.
Posts: 2459 | Registered: 02 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by tiggertate:
Somewhere around here is a pretty thorough post on all this from a guy building guns for a US military shooting teams. A couple of interesting revelations:

1. Chrome is bad in a sporting or match rifle. The accuracy falls off as the chrome wears out due to throat advancement into the leade. Somehow the transition from the bare throat to the remaining chrome degrades accuracy. 5000 rounds sounds about right for that scenario.

2. They found no special benefit to stainless

3. They got by far the best barrel life from CM barrels treated with the salt bath/mellonite/QPQ type process. Accuracy didn't improve due to the process but it did not degrade the inherent accuracy after treating, either.

Here is the quote I promised. This was posted on another thread by Butch Lambert. I don't think he would mind if I re-posted it. He has done the barrels on a few of his BR rifles with it and is very satisfied the results and performance of the barrels.

Butch Lambert:


You may find this interesting.

I was the Armorer for the Army Reserve Shooting Team for over a decade so I do have quite a bit of experience with both processes.

As I am sure you know, most G.I. barrels are made from chrome molly steel which is more susceptible to corrosion than stainless steel. Chrome lining is used on G.I. bores both to extend their shooting life and to protect them from corrosion that can be a problem in battlefield conditions where maintenance is sometimes sporadic or insufficient. Chrome lining does a pretty good job of protecting battlefield weapons. One of the objections to chrome lining is that it is thought to decrease accuracy. This seems to be a valid criticism and is backed up by machine rest tests I have conducted of identical barrels (same manufacturer but half chrome lined and half not).

As you are aware most barrel "wear" is in the throat area. So eventually the hot gasses from the burning of the gunpowder will eat thru the chrome lining at the throat. It is rumored that at this point accuracy will plummet but I have not found that to be true. (Or if true, it is overstated or maybe only occurs for that short period when there is both chrome and bare steel in the throat simultaneously - just at the point of initial break thru.) Chrome lined barrels can continue to shoot well for thousands of rounds after the bare barrel steel at the back of the barrel (throat) has been exposed due to erosion of the chrome lining. Another criticism of chrome lining is that it can flake off later in the life of the barrel resulting in poor accuracy. Obviously, this could also cause maintenance problems if the user is depending on the chrome to ward off corrosion and thus is careless in his bore cleaning. If corrosion is allowed to occur pitting will result and that will ruin accuracy for sure.

Barrel pitting was one of the reasons I got involved in Salt Bath Nitriding. I was loosing nearly as many expensive match grade barrels to improper maintenance (causing pitting) as I was to wear out. This was under the relatively benign target shooting conditions. Obviously given the reputation of degraded accuracy, using chrome lining wasn't an option. So for the past couple of years I have been Salt Bath Nitriding all of my match barrels and haven't had a single one exhibit any pitting. During that 2 yr. period shooters have put anywhere from a few hundred rounds to thousands of rounds on said barrels. I don't know how long the coating will persist so at this point I am still evaluating it as a preservative. I don't know what will happen in another year or two when these barrels get more wear on them. Salt Bath Nitriding goes on both inside of the bore and on the outside surface. So, instead of 2 manufacturing steps you have combined them into one. Salt Bath Nitriding doesn't degrade accuracy one iota, unlike chrome lining. This was the first thing that I verified when I began using the process. I broke in a bunch of barrels and then machine rest tested them for group. I recorded and kept the targets, cleaned up the barrels, and sent them to MMi TruTec for the Isonite process. When they came back I reassembled them on the same receivers with the same torque settings, same bolt carrier assemblies, same flash suppressors, etc. Then they were retested with the same ammo lots. NO degradation in accuracy and about a 1% increase in muzzle velocity.

Chrome lined barrels seem to clean up rather easily after a range session. I found the ease of cleaning of Isonite coated barrels to be similar to chrome lined barrels. The Isonite barrels clean up the easiest of any non chrome lined barrels I have ever used. Isonite can be applied to either stainless or chrome molly but the factory needs to know what steel you are sending them because the application process varies a bit. Again, I only have about 2 yr. of cleaning experience with Salt Bath Nitrided barrels. I don't know if the ease of cleaning will continue as the barrels get more rounds on them. Generally speaking, most non coated barrels get harder to clean later in life. Although stainless has a reputation of being corrosion resistant it isn't corrosion proof (I have had plenty of them return pitted) so I coat both my C.M. and my SS barrels. The Isonite on the outside of the stainless barrels cuts reflection down so my shooters like it.

I mentioned flaking of chrome lining inside the bore. Joel Kendrick is my contact at MMi TruTec, the company in Arkansas that does my Salt Bath Nitriding (they call it Isonite). He was mentioning using the Salt Bath Nitriding inside the bore prior to chrome lining it to get a better adhesion. He is currently working with one of the military contractors (maybe F.N., but don't quote me on that) relative to this process. He has given me permission to give out his contact information so I have cc'd him in my reply to you. He can give you the specifics of any testing and evaluation that has been done relative to this process and can give you quotes, etc. should you just be interested in the Isonite by itself as I use it.

One last quick note on chrome lining. Such barrels have the reputation of changing point of impact when heated up. I have found this to be very true. It may be due to the way the different metals (chrome molly and chrome) expand inside the bore. What ever the reason, it does happen and, again, this was verified on a state of the art machine rest. Isonite doesn't exhibit this characteristic.

I am sure you are well aware of some of the things I covered. Lacking specific questions, I just sort of used a shotgun approach which ended up being fairly long. If I left anything unanswered please feel free to get back to me. I have enabled my Spam Blocker to allow your e-mails to come in with out the automated hate responses that Earth Link sends out. I am sure Joel would also be glad to clarify the technical aspects of the Salt Bath Nitriding process. So far I am very pleased with it.

Best of luck!

Joe Carlos



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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That's a very informative interesting quote Terry. Here's something I can add about chrome lined barrels. On another forum Winchesters 223 Short Mag was getting bashed pretty bad about wearing out barrels as fast as the old 220 Swift Winchester. Apparently Winchester had been monitoring that forum and they had enough of what was being said and made a post. I won't bore you with the part correcting the forum's wrong (to Winchester) criticism of the Short Mag wearing barrels fast, but will tell you this. They said, unknown to consumers, that ALL their 223 Short Mag barrels (including the Brownings) are chromed lined. That surprised me and I personally don't know if that true.
Posts: 2459 | Registered: 02 July 2010Reply With Quote
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I've heard that about the WSSM barrels too but have no experience with them either. Some of the old FN Mausers used chrome lined Hi-Point barrels and they had a reputation of being very accurate.

I shot many 1.5" 5 shot groups with the S&W chrome lined barrel and that's with Bulgarian surplus ammo. I found that amazing in itself. If that barrel would have been chambered in something that you could shoot tuned reloads in there is no telling what it would have been capable of.

Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking chrome, it serves it's purpose, but more times than not it does hender accuracy. My biggest reason for going with this nitrided barrel was that it came in the contour and length that I really wanted. The rub was it was nitrided and not chrome lined. I do like the idea of nitriding as it's in the metal and not on top of it. My experience with it is zeltch though other than paying for a barrel that I don't have in my hands yet. By this time next year I'll have some first hand experience with it though.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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I know of quite a few people, including myself, that have Colt HBAR's that shoot remarkably small groups for what they are. They are chromed lined. I can agree with Butch that chrome lined barrels are much easier to clean. I shoot a lot of cast bullets and it stays a lot cleaner if the bore is chromed such as in my Jap Type 99 Arisaka. I've always been able to clean my HBAR barrel with just patches.
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