The Panic has begun !!
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Picture of lee440
All of the mail order sites are out of stock and people are running wild in the streets! Well, maybe not running, but damn near! I have gone to Houston gun shows the last two weeks running and everything was fairly normal. Even with the incident back east, things were fairly normal, although attendance was up significantly last weekend. I have been noticing a lot more women at the shows, on their own, buying guns and that is a good thing.
I went to the local show this morning to pick up some first aid kits I had ordered, we knew it was gonna be bad, but even I was surprised by how many people were lined up, completely around the building, mass confusion!! They were driving like maniacs in the parking lot, as if five seconds was going to make any difference. You could tell most people were agitated. I have seen this before, but not on this level. It is so typical, 98% of people don't pay any attention to anything but their Iphone or their tv, then run around in complete panic when it is too late. I have changed my mind about scalpers, most folks deserve what happens to them. The same thing happens whenever we have an imminent hurricane, everyone panics and tries to run down to Home Depot to get what they could have bought a week ago for less money and zero trouble. It is hard to have any respect for folks who never plan for anything out of the ordinary, then get upset when they can't get what they want. Typical behaviour! For sure, it is a sellers market!

DRSS(We Band of Bubba's Div.)
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Scalping anything should be illegal...including guns, just like tickets for a pro ball game and theaters.....and generators in the midst of a power outage storm. I would not give a dime of business to any known scalper of any weapon...and if everyone did that you would not have pandemonium. Would you want your local supermarket hiking prices in the midst of a disaster? I would guess not!
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BTW...I have 4 Colt AR's, a stainless mini 14 w/ GB barrel and a SA Socom16 and dozens of pistol's along with many thousands of rounds of loaded ammo, lots of hi cap mag's and tons of reloading components.... I am not looking for/needing anything. Just commenting on what is "right".
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so if i don't sell all my extra ar15 mags for $50/ea, how am i gonna pay for a .220 swift???

go big or go home ........

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What goes around...Comes around!
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If you watch the liberal media at work, hourly on TV, if you can stomach it, you will hear lots of talk about, no assualt weapons, "NONE", government buy back,no magazines of course, surchrge taxes on ammo, limits of numbers of guns, four is the magic number on liberal media this morning. No one, I repeat "no one" can have more than a small amount of ammo in posession. On and on.

The talk is sickening to me, I can only watch a little at a time. No matter, you will see changes we have never seen before and this time the laws and rules will stick. Executive order, behind the scenes negotiating,and cut-throat,elimination of 2nd amendment rights.

Spend a few bucks and join the NRA! Show some support for crying out loud.
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And no rifles 50 cal or over, registration/taxation of gun owners, handgun registration/taxation, etc

NRA Life Member, Band of Bubbas Charter Member, PGCA, DRSS.
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Anyone who is not an NRA member should be banned from this and all internet gun blogs RIGHT NOW!

300,000,000 guns out there and only 4 million members ? Talk about STUPID!
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Not being a NRA member is bad enough but being a NRA member who doesn't support the NRA verbally and financially is equally as bad or nearly so.
I have been sickened at the backbiting by some of our AR members towards the NRA, especially by some of our older members.
The NRA is our ONLY defense against what is coming.
In my lifetime, the NRA has always led the charge.
It takes support and money to fight back.

"The right to bear arms" insures your right to freedom, free speech, religion, your choice of doctors, etc. ....etc. ....etc....
-----------------------------------one trillion seconds = 31,709 years-------------------
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The NRA is our ONLY defense against what is coming.
In my lifetime, the NRA has always led the charge.
It takes support and money to fight back

Amen~! Need a last minute Christmas gift, give some one a membership!
Posts: 288 | Registered: 16 November 2012Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
Scalping anything should be illegal...including guns, just like tickets for a pro ball game and theaters.....and generators in the midst of a power outage storm. I would not give a dime of business to any known scalper of any weapon...and if everyone did that you would not have pandemonium. Would you want your local supermarket hiking prices in the midst of a disaster? I would guess not!

you already DO, sir, if you buy gas, electricity, and milk -- and beer, or fast food... you are paying scalpers.. as those things are double what they were 4 years ago, without off-setting rise in cost to make.. scalping..

dead wrong thinking -- if the guy is an honest scalper, and its obvious, the ONLY person being hurt is those that traded time for money .. of COURSE it costs more money to have it faster.. this is as foolish a position as deciding it is unfair to be charged extra for overnight delivery.

tell you what, woodrow, I'll pay you EXACTLY what you paid for any firearm 20 years ago, no profit, no replacement value, and no inflation, just to keep you from feeling bad about scalping ..

changes things, doesn't it?

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Originally posted by fla3006:
And no rifles 50 cal or over, registration/taxation of gun owners, handgun registration/taxation, etc

1936 -oh, wait -- NO Assault weapon was used, just pistols.. wait a minute..

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Posts: 41078 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
BTW...I have 4 Colt AR's, a stainless mini 14 w/ GB barrel and a SA Socom16 and dozens of pistol's along with many thousands of rounds of loaded ammo, lots of hi cap mag's and tons of reloading components.... I am not looking for/needing anything. Just commenting on what is "right".

oh, so you are good -- you took planning and forethought .. now, imagine you are separated from all your planing, and you MUST have a semi auto m4 to protect you and yours .. would you be willing to give more than the going rate 4.5 years ago?
More to the point, would you be willing to SELL it for the same price as you bought it 4.5 or more years ago?

Only a FOOL sells for greatly lower than going rate...

and it's not illegal to sell tickets to games -- see if i bought them, on a risk, why in the HECK would I sell them at face value to someone that had no forethought? no, relaly.. why?

gouging isn't scalping.. charging triple for gas when the tank is full is gouging, and illegal... charging the going rate isn't...

look at the price of gold, for example..

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
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Posts: 41078 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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jeffesso...nothing you said is relevant to the current AR-15 and 5.56 ammo scam/scalping. The higher cost of everyday goods from 4 years ago is due to the high cost of diesel...the stuff does have to get from point A to point B in a truck that uses it. I am not referring to the guy that wants to sell his AR because the price he can now sell for is rather nice...but the dealers that have many...even hundreds of AR's in their warehouses that are purely taking advantage of a situation...hiking prices literally overnight CAUSING the pandemonium. Good companies, like Cabela's DID NOT change their pricing and sold every AR they had at the same retail price as before the nonsense..that's the difference I am talking about. They sold what they had and made the fair profit they expected to make...not scalp their customers. They did and are doing the same with ammo. As they get AR's and ammo back in stock...they will continue to do so. THAT is a great company and they will continue to get my business as I admire that about them. The rest, including people that think scalping/gouging is OK..can kiss my ass.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Scalping anything should be illegal

So much for a free market more goverment control.

Sorry if one can not have a little fore sight one will have to pay current rates.
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Woody. Merry Christmas to you too.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Posts: 41078 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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See my ad in classified.

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Norman brought just right Wink
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Damn Jim, they were $14 new just last week!! You must be a Barber!
Woody, take a chill pill! Nobody is currently attacking anyplace in America(besides our border). Since noone is in mortal jeopardy, buying an assault rifle or magazines is not a necessity, therefor, the high prices are a result of the law of supply and demand. It is called a free-market economy and it is a new idea, but I think it is catching on!
I don't like the panic prices anymore than you,BUT... most of these tools could have bought them at any time prior to this, it is not like we did not know something was going to happen. Two weeks after Obama was reelected, he reopened discussions with the UN on the private firearms treaty that would take all our guns, if that was not a wakeup call to the apathetic masses, I don't know what is. Instead it takes a senseless tragedy that has the liberal media calling for controls that gets all the wannabees out to buy an AR. How many of these knotheads do you think will then join the NRA and show some true concern?? I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. Merry Christmas!

DRSS(We Band of Bubba's Div.)
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I don't want to see anyone bitching when Barry takes your hard earned money and "redistributes" it to the less well off....remember, supply and demand. Your have the supply and they are in demand of it! You had the chance to spend it...but saved it and now he is going to take it. Sound about right? Beware Barry...he has his sights on the greedy.

jeffeosso..a Merry XMAS back at ya Smiler
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Happy Yule, Chanukah, Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, and Boxing day.

hmm, you realize, you are "talking" in circles, right? redistribution is tantamount to forcing someone to sell without making all possible profit, but "scalping" precludes a fair profit...

merry Christmas - son, I don't care if you worship the old man of the mountain, when someone wishes you well, you don't turn it into a marginalized, twisted approach, based on how you want to attack them -- Its part of the social contract of respect and courtesy -- but I think you are too invested in being right to be Right..

I hope the marrow finds you well, and all your loved ones are with you, at least with you in their heart, if its not possible to be with your in person

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Posts: 41078 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Panic ?? what panic?? The only people running around in the streets is the ones looking at the christmas tree blocking off one of our streets down town.At our gun show last thanksgiving, A-R mags wernt selling..Primers,brass bullets and powder were the same price as last year.Mabey you should do what I did 20 years ago.....turn off the will be much better..
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Originally posted by shawnmc:
The NRA is our ONLY defense against what is coming.
In my lifetime, the NRA has always led the charge.
It takes support and money to fight back

Amen~! Need a last minute Christmas gift, give some one a membership!

Good point. I bought my young son a Life Membership last year just before the election.

Norman Solberg
International lawyer back in the US after 25 years and, having met a few of the bad guys and governments here and around the world, now focusing on private trusts that protect wealth from them. NRA Life Member for 50 years, NRA Endowment Member from 2014, NRA Patron from 2016.
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