VZ 58(VZ-2000) experience?
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it is famous for being the rifle the female sniper had in the movie "Full Metal Jacket" A Czech designed and built assault rifle.

I saw one a few weeks ago, and was intrigued. uses a short stroke piston and a striker, instead of a hammer.

chambered for 7.62x39, and currently you can buy them from a few domestic sources, and at least one importer.
I am thinking hard about getting one from Ohio Ordinance. These guys make the receivers and assemble the rest from surplus parts( I think)
I have done all the usual research on the net, and everything I have found makes me want one.

anybody have one?
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Avoid the Century (CAI/CIA) guns.


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frankly, what are you buying it for? for a SHTF gun? then get an AK.. parts, mags, ammo -- and yeah, the vz58 might have some interchangeable parts -- but not certain

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no parts compatibility with an AK.

just a cool design......
lighter than an AK by a pound or so. Short stroke gas piston. Milled receiver. Can get magazines right now.

I am buying one from Ohio Ordinance. They have a stellar reputation from what I can find.
Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I didn't see that rifle for sell on that website. How do you find it on their site?

I've heard that the VZ58 is actually a better rifle then any AK. I don't know as I've not had either to find out for myself.
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Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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got it today.....

very fabulous quality. A+++

going to run some rounds thru it this weekend.
I talked to the gals at Ohio Ordinance, and they said they sold everyone that they had, and they did not know if they were going to build anymore right away. Maybe they are short parts, IDK.

I got more than one dancing
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They are neat guns, good quality, poor accuracy.

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They are neat guns, good quality, poor accuracy.

guys over on are claiming 2-3MOA with russian commercial ammo. If true, I will be happy with that, considering the same ammo will do about 4-5 MOA in an AK.

another guy says he can do a lot better with quality domestic ammo.

I got one with the tacticool forward rails, so I am going to put a scout scope on it, and see what it will do.
Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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The only negative I've heard on the vz-58 is a heavy trigger pull. They look to be very well made.
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with a Luepy 2-7x LER scope, I was getting 2.5 inches/100 yards, 5 shot sort of groups last weekend.

trigger is heavy, and long, but consistent, and predictable. You can take up all the over travel, and then break the shot at the same point every time. Not a long range sniper, but it is not supposed to be.

shooting golden bear 123 gr HP.
fired about 100 rounds, no problems, 100% function, from 4 different magazines. That is what I wanted.
I like it.

milling marks on the exterior of receiver, only cosmetic defect I could mention.
Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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We have the CZ 858 here in Canada, basically same rifle, semi auto. We can't own a AK up here so this rifle very popular, lots of people run them. I'm getting 2" at 100 yards with Czech and Norinco surplus ammo. Very reliable and I think better then an AK.

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My rifle is still in 7.62x45.The big deal on these rifles is bore condition. The original ammo is the most corrosive ammo made in it's time. Many of the salts were not removed properly and the bores are well worn.
If the bore is in VG or better condition these rifles shoot very well out to 600 meters. The original bullet is a "mini' Sierra Match King shape and flies well in all weather.
The gas system is designed by Walther and works well although if not cleaned will corrode the crap out of the outside of the barrel.
I found on my rifle the gas system was not adjusted properly. There was an excessive air gap between the two operating arms and the face of the bolt. Once I reduced the air gap to almost nothing it started to shoot very well. Being left handed,I really like the left hand ejection.
Some say the cartridge is the same as the 7.6x39. It is not. It is closer to .30 Remington.
I'd love to find a brand new barrel and work up some loads to see what the rifle really could do. My fire formed brass and LEE dies work well in my rifle.

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