Ruger Ranch Rifle
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Has anybody shot a recent manufacture Ranch Rifle? I always liked the looks and feel but was put off by reports of mediocre accuracy.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Haven't shot ones but recent reports are that the new production guns shoot better than the old. Just use Ruger mags for reliability.


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I bought one of them, second hand(got a good price) Mounted a Luepy VariXIII 2.5x8x36. I have gotten 1.5-2.5 MOA out of it using run of the mill 55grain FMJ.

I have not concentrated on shooting for groups, just got it sighted in, and made sure I could hit something at a hundred yards. next time I have the chance, I will concentrate on a good group. After my site in trip, I am hopeful. Even if it never shoots better than 2MOA, still good enough for whitetails at a hundred yards. fishing

or coyotes, or zombies, or urbanized migrants Wink
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1.5 to 2.5 with mil spec ammo is about right. Thats what I get with my 25 plus year old ranch rifle.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I was hoping the new ones shot a little better than that. Oh well
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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With mil spec ball ammo one can't expect much.,
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Yea It shoots poorly in my accurate bolt gun too. I think I'm going to pick one up anyway.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I have serveral Mini's they have served me well.

They are very relieable decent weight most are fairly accurate. I would have no trouble making 200 yard head shots with my scoped ones.

I carried one as a patrol rifle for years.

I belive that the AR platform as devleoped into a better system but a Mini well work.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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AR is better, but I want a ranch rifle.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I picked up a new stainless Ranch Rifle over the weekend. I put a cast-off scope on it and shooting mil-spec ammo was able to consistently hit a can at 100 yards shooting off the hood of my truck. I'm sure it will do better when I put a decent scope on it and try some different ammo. So far I am satisfied. Thanks for the help.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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But a five gallon can isn't hard. Eeker

Would like to how it shoots with the new scope off a bench.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I'll let you know. I'm curious about that myself.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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in all the ones i've shot, they are inaccuerate .. 2-3 MOA is the norm -- i HEAR the newer ones are better, but have no data

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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The old ones I have been around were generally IM or Full choke. A hunting buddy swears his new one is pretty reliably under two inches with several different factory loads.

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