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Is the Mania subsiding??
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Stripped AR lower, went for only $365.00

Over the last few day most have been going for around $500.00

Are we past the hight point of the insanity?
Posts: 3034 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 01 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Surefire 60rd mags WERE up to 250.00-280.00 but are now down to 130.00-150.00...with the before prices at 99.00, and the AR's are down a few hundred as well. In another will be closer to normal than where it was. It takes a bit before people wise up and realize what is going on. They are still making AR's by the thousands...a local very large shop(sold more guns than any shop in the USA last year) is getting a TRUCKLOAD in the next few days. So much for the "shortages" of AR's.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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I wish I could say differently, but not in my area (west Tennessee). Local gunshops that were selling lowers for $119.95 a month ago are selling the same darned lowers for $500!

And the problem is, they're selling them for that!
Posts: 816 | Location: Whitlock, TN | Registered: 23 March 2009Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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walked into a gunstore today -- sign on the door
"no mags, no ammo, no guns, and out of most parts"

the guys had like 3 WAY over priced bryco pistols, a bunch of webgear, and sunglasses -- a month ago, you could walk in and build just about anything you wanted, on an AR platform, and walk out with most of the parts...

tripled prices, sold EVERYTHING

not a single AR or even semi auto shotty in the couple local bigbox stores i've been in..

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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PSA had 20rd. .308 PMAGs in stock yesterday-bought 10, there were still 70 left... All 70 were gone in under 5 minutes, likely to an internet entrepeneur hoping to double or triple his/her money on GB... Most ammo is gone both in store and online... While prices have come down incrementally, that will likely change if/when more stringent regulations are actually proposed and again when they're enacted (depending on what they end up being). I personally hope there won't be any, but I don't see that in the cards especially if they keep up the push as they're doing now... Going to keep buying what I think I might use when I see it for a reasonable price, but I don't see it changing much for the next few months at a minimum.
Posts: 354 | Location: MD | Registered: 11 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Give it another month and we will see.

If the gun ban pushers don't have their way by then.

You will see supply catching up prices dropping.

All I can say is there is a lot of steel and Alum and plastic out there to make more.

As along as they don't out law the producers will keep making.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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This was the final shot over the bow, for those who have been asleep. My .02: there will be another chance to buy things reasonably, if not at prior price levels.

But after the midterm elections.........

Posts: 670 | Location: Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I don't think it is over, I just think that everybody is out of stock on just about everything. If you don't have the ammo already and buy a gun, it don't shoot very much. Ammo is where it's gonna kill em. Reloaders will have a chance if they had the stock on hand but even loading supplies are stupid to find.
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
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I believe we'll see retail market inventory resupply over the next 2/3 weeks, with a stablization of prices.

Then, as Biden's commission nears its due date, the press will reinvigorate the story. This will cause another run, a dip in inventory and a spike in prices.

Depending on the contents and recommendations of the Biden report, its anybody's guess what will happen. But it won't end there.

We'll then have to go through the follow-on legislative process, both in the House and Senate, not to mention whatever may or may not happen in the 50 state bodies.

It's gonna remain unstable throughout the summer, I believe.

Posts: 1759 | Location: Prescott, Az | Registered: 30 January 2007Reply With Quote
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I do not see any anti-firearms legislation getting thru Congress in 2013.

There is an old saying in politics: "when all is said and done, a lot more gets said than done..."
obama cannot help anyone in the mid-term elections or the next presidential one. The NRA, on the other hand, will be around forever. Half the house and a third of the senate depend on campaign contributions and door to door canvassers. The more people that buy guns the next six weeks, the more people who will write/Email their reps to oppose any new restrictions. Adults don't like people taking their toys...
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I wish I could concur with your assessment of the impossible. Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX is already spouting nonsense about the danger of high cap mags. Other Republicans (RINO's?) are ready to put guns and taxes on the table as they are running scared after the loss to Obama and his ilk. 94 happened didn't it?

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Posts: 937 | Location: Corpus Christi, Texas | Registered: 09 June 2009Reply With Quote
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It would be interisting to know how many are being manufactured per day. I would think the makers are going full guns now.

(Figures are just a guess)

If any body has better numbers please use them.

Lets give a figure for all manufactures of 5000 AR types per day in 40 days we have 200000

If it takes 180 days to pass a bill thats 900000 new AR types not counting all others that would fall under this ban.

If it takes a year we will have apox 9 times the number of new ARs then today.

Thats just ARs not other types if the numbers would inclued all weapons under the bill that still a lot of new guns and not counting all the old ones.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of D Humbarger
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I have never seen as many mags on fleabay as there are right now. The prices that they are going for is insane.

Doug Humbarger
NRA Life member
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club 72'73.
Yankee Station

Try to look unimportant. Your enemy might be low on ammo.
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Antelope Sniper:
Stripped AR lower, went for only $365.00

Over the last few day most have been going for around $500.00

Are we past the hight point of the insanity?

In Conn. Any lower produced before 1994 is considered a "preban" they allow you to set up you AR just like people who live in free states. They have always been around $1k . In the last two weeks pre ban Stripped lowers are selling for $5-6k thats $6000.00 just to be clear. People have lost all sense. Nothing up here is calming down.

I just got back from Florida, gun stores I went in had a few bolt guns and some pistols, black guns are Gone. One pawn shop had a basic Bushmaster for $2200.00

5.56 ammo started at $700 a case.
Posts: 406 | Registered: 17 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I read where Brownells had three years of sales, of magazines, in 72 hours.
Posts: 288 | Registered: 16 November 2012Reply With Quote
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When the Russians were in Afghanistan in the late 70s early 80's 303 rounds were selling at 2 to 3 dollars each there.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bob in TX
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Brownells Sells Over Three Years’ Worth of AR Magazines in Under 72 Hours

Dec. 27, 2012
Daniel Xu

While the holiday shopping season may be lackluster for most retailers, firearm and ammunition suppliers such as Brownells are seeing unprecedented demand.

According to the company’s user account on the rifle enthusiast forum, Brownells has sold roughly 3.5 years worth of 30-round PMAG magazines in a 72-hour period along with “an even greater amount of our Brownells magazines.” In a year with soaring firearm related purchases, not even the industry was fully prepared for the wave of demand that surfaced in December. Following the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the potential introduction of stricter gun control legislation, AR-15-related products became the number one priority for many buyers.

There is room for all of God's creatures....right next to the mashed potatoes.
Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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rownells Sells Over Three Years’ Worth of AR Magazines in Under 72 Hours

I would bet the mag manufactures are all working over time making more. I wonder how many millions of mags well be pushed out in the next 6 months.
Posts: 20016 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
rownells Sells Over Three Years’ Worth of AR Magazines in Under 72 Hours

I would bet the mag manufactures are all working over time making more. I wonder how many millions of mags well be pushed out in the next 6 months.

If you can imagine the flat sheet metal magazine components are made on a auto cycling punch press hitting 60 to 90 times a minute around the clock. The can stamp out about 80,000 pieces a day. Making a million magazines will not take long if you have a dozen punch presses.

Plastic injection molding machines have an 8 to 12 second cycle time to mold a magazine body if the mold has a single cavity. If it have 4 or 8 cavities the cycle time is divided by the number of cavities. If you have multiple molding machines the plastic resin has to be purchased by the pallet load. Again it does not take long to make a million magazines.
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I think this administration will ban hicaps quickly and bypass congress to do it. That's just my guess and it ain't worth much. I don't know how much else will get done, but whatever it is, will be permanent this time.

Prices seem to have stabilized for the moment. But I agree, as soon as this commission announces something, all hell will break loose, all over again.
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Picture of Matt Norman
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Went to a fair sized gunshow in our area yesterday (Saturday, Jan 5th in Birch Run, Michigan). Yes, the silliness continues but I saw evidence that perhaps it's subsiding. I saw a dealer marking down magazines; were marked $50, marked them down to $40. Saw some .223/5.56 ammo cheaper than a buck a round too.

These silly prices has brought out a lot of sellers trying to cash in and I'd like to think supply will be catching up.

I can remember a couple years ago when .380 ammo was $50 a box. And when the local gunshop wouldn't sell such ammo unless you bought a gun. Even at the gun show yesterday it was available for under $15 a box.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm not seeing an whole lot of subsiding here in Tennessee. At a gun show yesterday in Dickson, TN, AR style rifles were listed for $1,800 and up. MagPul mags were selling for $50-$60 and ammo was selling for $1.00 a round.

On the other hand, I did get 500 rounds of once fired brass and got the guy down to $40! Now I need someone to sell me some .223 reloading dies for a reasonable price!
Posts: 816 | Location: Whitlock, TN | Registered: 23 March 2009Reply With Quote
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The interesting thing to me is that this is different than 4 years ago. This is AR-centric. Ammo, AKs, reloading components are all getting hit but not nearly as hard as the AR stuff, which is crazy. Paying $600/1000 for .223 ammo? $350 for a bolt carrier group? The last ban was all about lower receivers and magazines. Not BCGs and ammo. My local shop sold over 100,000 rounds of .223 ammo in 3 days. He's still got cases and cases of AK ammo. Weird.

Posts: 2104 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: 16 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Not subsiding in my small part of the world. Guess I am fortunate for have been building AR15's for several years and accumulated fair amount of uppers and lowers plus parts. Mostly Delton and Yankee Hill plus some Armalite, but not attempting to sell any of them, just hoping that they are not totally banned from ownership without some financial penalty/tax, etc. Local shop always kept 15-20 various AR's,SIGS, Armalite firearms on hand and they were gone in a couple days and mags were sold out. One store had believe 18 AR15's in stock and one party bought them all at $1800.00 per. Time will tell whether it was a shrewd investment or not. Had a shock Saturday when local shop owner/friend showed me a just rec'd mag for a Ruger 10/22 and the shock came when he explained to me that it was a single round mag!! He always keeps half a dozen or so for shelf stock and was not told the mags were one rounders and asked me if I had ever seen them before?? Answer is no, but only thing I can think of would be that Junior Shooter League folks might use them??
Surely Ruger is not jumping on the limited mag capacity this quickly?? Anyone else ever seen a single round 10/22 mag??
Posts: 1050 | Location: S.Charleston, WV | Registered: 18 June 2012Reply With Quote
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Actually, I could use a couple of one round 10/22 mags for youth group. It would be alot less expensive than me purchasing a couple of bolt guns. Sam
Posts: 670 | Location: Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fury01
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When the Russians were in Afghanistan in the late 70s early 80's 303 rounds were selling at 2 to 3 dollars each there.

A most analogous post. We are in for it me thinks. I hope Congress has some freedom loving people left.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
They are still making AR's by the thousands...a local very large shop(sold more guns than any shop in the USA last year) is getting a TRUCKLOAD in the next few days. So much for the "shortages" of AR's.

Which shop in PA is this? Grices?
Posts: 73 | Location: SW Pa | Registered: 14 March 2012Reply With Quote
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Ten gun Bills filed the first day of the new Congress.
10 Gun Bills filed

The only important thing we need to do is to stay in touch with our Senators and Representatives. The Anti-Gun folks will surely rally their forces.

Get involved! Protect your 2nd Amendment Rights! No one else will!

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AK Caster:
Originally posted by Woodrow S:
They are still making AR's by the thousands...a local very large shop(sold more guns than any shop in the USA last year) is getting a TRUCKLOAD in the next few days. So much for the "shortages" of AR's.

Which shop in PA is this? Grices?

I guess it depends on the size of the truck. A semi load would be about 4000 guns.

I guess a dealer might wait in this market to ship 4000 guns at once.

If they are a distributor they will be going out to many smaller dealers.

4000 guns with the backorders are all ready spoken for and one will not see them on the shelves.
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Originally posted by Instructor:
Anyone else ever seen a single round 10/22 mag??

Aye' they've been around for quite some time & are intended for use when teaching first timers to shoot - keeps holes in the wrong place to a minimum.
CZ do one for their 452 bolt guns.
Posts: 610 | Location: Cumbria, UK | Registered: 09 July 2007Reply With Quote
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just a temporary reprieve.......

in the next month or two... I believe a broad new gun/ammo control executive order will be signed into law by Obama. What happens after that?

they are surely coming for guns.
Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Anybodys guess! Prices are still going up. I am selling my AR, trying to consolidate to my M1A.
Posts: 288 | Registered: 16 November 2012Reply With Quote
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What I find most troubling is that Obama and his far left lemmings are drawing a VERY hard line in the sand. The NRA and gun owners has drawn an equally hard line. Obviously the left is wrong and we are right BUT.... hard lines lead to real conflict rather than just hot air.
We should all remember 1775 and 1861 when equally hard lines were drawn. However this hard line is not in the middle of the Atlantic ocean or between the North and South. It IS drawn everywhere in the country. A review of this site will prove enlightening.

IF these idiots in Washington attempt an "Australian" solution, IMHO we bear the very real risk of national disintergration and the type of violence seen in the former Yugoslavia. Unlike Yugoslavia there will be no USA led UN to intervene.

Most intelligent analysts do not believe American soliders will kill other Americans over orders from a distrusted government. Further the economic collapse would lead to the starvation of many in the "blue" areas (major cities).

It's all grist for thought and since most no longer believe the media nor trust any governmental authority, it's a powder keg just waiting for the fuse to be lit.

Want a fuse ? Gov. Cuomo makes good his threat to seize "assault weapons" and some New Yorkers resist with weapons. People are killed, he calls out the NYNG to supress the citizens and do they follow his orders ?

A real mess, simple to avoid, but, as usual, all the politicians care about is the next election and common sense is never employed.

People will have guns. It's only a question if OUR system that has worked reasonable well since 1783 is kept in place or a bunch of ego driven control freaks destroy the nation.

All 535 of the idiots plus the POTUS should sit down and watch Lord of War and listen again and again the the great quote:

Yuri Orlov: There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?
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I dont know whether to laugh or cry at that question.

It's just getting started.

Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
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There's a gun show in Stafford Texas near me. . .I'm not even coming close to the place. Everything is going to be "Through the Roof"!
I'll wait!

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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The company I work for forges upper and lower receivers. We're pushing 30,000/week out the door and that is our capacity. We could sell MANY more if we had the capacity to do so. The top brass says there is no end in sight. Lots of overtime to be sure.


I went to a show last week only because I was going right past it anyway. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing that it has taken till just now to heal up.

**************************The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
Posts: 282 | Location: South West Wisconsin | Registered: 27 February 2010Reply With Quote
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One thing I have done is spread my magazines and some of my pistols out in my house, hidden away. The ammo, and magazines especially used to be in one spot for convenience, not now.

My Glock and AR-15 mags are so hard to replace that I feel if there was a break in, the crooks would not find them all. Be creative in where you hide them, but I keep them in a cool dry place to preserve em'.
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Originally posted by wistrapper:
The company I work for forges upper and lower receivers. We're pushing 30,000/week out the door and that is our capacity. We could sell MANY more if we had the capacity to do so. The top brass says there is no end in sight. Lots of overtime to be sure.


I went to a show last week only because I was going right past it anyway. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing that it has taken till just now to heal up.

WOW, 30,000 a week. Thats 3 per minute. Thats a lot.

Posts: 526 | Location: Seattle | Registered: 17 June 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by wapiti22:
Originally posted by wistrapper:
The company I work for forges upper and lower receivers. We're pushing 30,000/week out the door and that is our capacity. We could sell MANY more if we had the capacity to do so. The top brass says there is no end in sight. Lots of overtime to be sure.


I went to a show last week only because I was going right past it anyway. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing that it has taken till just now to heal up.

WOW, 30,000 a week. Thats 3 per minute. Thats a lot.

Yep it is. We can really hammer 'em out along with great quality.

**************************The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
Posts: 282 | Location: South West Wisconsin | Registered: 27 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Just saw a poly stripped lower on GB go for $96.00, and forges lowers can be had for $250.00.

A month ago the forged were %550.00 and Poly's were $250.00.

I predict that in a years time you will be able to by the poly receivers for $60.00.
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