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From Buffalo to Spring Hares: more pics added: 56" Cape Kudu
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Picture of L. David Keith
Eastern Cape, South Africa Hunt Report 2017

Flights: Atlanta to Jo'burg. Overnight at the new Afton Safari Lodge. Next morning SAA flight down to East London.

Dates – May 20-June 04, 2017

Hunt Areas: Huntershill main camp: Stormberg Mountains (about an hour out of Queenstown)
Rocklands: @ Fort Beaufort
Ukhuthula: (about 7 miles from the main ranch)
Safari Operator – Huntershill Safaris
Agent – L. David Keith: Gray Ghost Safaris
Travel Agent – Direct Travel; Brentwood, TN

Firearms - CZ 550 in .416 Rigby topped with a Vortex 1x4x40 illuminator scope. Ruger M-77 in .280/7mm Express with an original Redfield Widefield 3x9x40 scope. Ammo used: Cutting Edge Bullets; both solids and Raptors.
Animals hunted – Cape Buffalo, Southern Roan, Black Wildebeest, Common Blesbuck, White Springbuck, Zebra, Cameroon Goat, Cape Kudu, Gemsbuck, Blue Duiker, Bushpig, Spring Hare, Rabbit, Porcupine & Steinbuck.
Game not taken - Bushpig, Blue Duiker (saw 9 one morning but not mature rams)
Other Game Seen – Aardwolf, White Rhino,lots of Buffalo, Giraffe, Blue & Golden Wildebeest, Yellow, White, Common & Copper Blesbuck, Pere David/Sambar/Axis/Hog & Fallow deer, Sable, Roan, Scimitar & Arabian Oryx, Mouflon Sheep, several species of Goat, Blue Duiker, 5 species of Springbuck, Warthogs, Bat-eared Fox, Baboon, Vervet Monkey’s, Black Impala, Common & Mountain Reedbuck, Nyala, Eland (Cape and Livingstone), Hippo, Indian Water Buffalo, Bontebok, Red Hartebeest, Impala, Lechwe, Caracal, Nubian Ibex, Ostrich, Tsessebe, Watusi Cattle and Waterbuck. Aside from the large predator conservancy where you listen to the roar of Lions at dusk and pre-dawn, mixed with the lonesome howl of Hyena, there are Lions (including the white species), Bengal Tiger, White Tigers (female now has cubs), Cape Hunting dogs, Hyena's, Leopard and Cheetah. They are fed twice per week and a sight to experience.

Four of us aged 62-80 headed across the big pond May 18th, landing in Johannesburg on the 19th. Mr X met us and we cleared guns, then were picked up by the shuttle and overnighted at the new Afton Safari Lodge (formerly Afton Guest House). Engee met us at Afton and after a pleasant discussion, we all headed off to bed. Next morning after the usual breakfast, we were taken back to the O.R. Tambo airport and flew SAA down to East London, where Aubrey met us in the large company van. Just under 3 hours later we arrived at the main lodge at Huntershill. Over the next 10 days, two of our group shot some amazing game, from a 28.5″ Roan, 42.5″ Sable, 50″ Cape Kudu, Black & Copper Springbuck, Reedbuck, Eland, Lechwe, Impala, Blue Wildebeest, Nyala, Gemsbuck etc. Between them, they took over 22 trophies, and none were culls or immature.
Myself and a close friend (who is 80 years old) stayed two weeks and took some outstanding game. My friend took his first Cape Buffalo (375 H&H), a 44″ Sable; 29″ Roan, a gold class Copper and Kalahari Springbuck, Caracal Lynx, 2 Zebra’s and a Spanish goat.
My hunt was begun with my .416 Rigby. Thornell had loaded my 400gr CEB solids and 370gr Raptors. Our Trackers had bumped this loner out of his noon siesta as we watched from high above on a ridgeline. He took off and ran over a mile before ducking into a thick thorn bush ravine. Lolo and Gazi had gone into the bush to try and push him over the head of the ravine and away from the large herd of Buffalo that were 3/4 of a mile away, as least they were there when last seen. Both Trackers came scrambling up the opposite hillside and motioned the bull wasn't going to cooperate and was head back out, towards our position. We had just started towards the bush when he emerged, hooking his head left and right. Upon lifting his head and spotting us, he immediately stopped: I took the bull with a 400 grain CEB solid in his left shoulder. He spun around and darted back into the bush, only to fall at 40 yards, only to give the death bellow and expire. My solid entered the left shoulder and exited behind his right ribs, never to be seen again. To be honest, I was somewhat surprised at just how effective a single solid performed…deadly. For whatever reason, this bull had kept to himself on this section of the ranch, avoiding joining the herd. He carries many scars on his body but gave no indication of any injury. He was ill tempered to say the least as maybe we interrupted his nap. There are much larger, heavier horned Buffalo on this ranch, some will push 44-45 inches and are designated as breeders, but this was the bull I targeted on this hunt. Next year I will return with friends and hunt Buffalo once more.

Next up was my southern Roan. I used the 370gr Raptor on this hunt. I only took one shot to down this 30″ bull. I was hoping to recover the Raptor but it and the 4 petals exited the off side (see the blood spot on the right knee). I saw quite a few great bulls during our time on this expansive ranch (over 50,000 acres).

As I sit on a termite hill for a photo, this kinda gives you a better look at 30 inch horns worn by a Roan Smiler

Next up was a visit to another ranch owned by Huntershill. That was to be the first time I’ve laid eyes on the rare yellow and copper Blesbuck, but with a price tag of $10,000, I’ll pass…lol. I found it interesting that the "yellow" variety looks more orange than yellow. Running around on this beautiful property are Eland, Gemsbok, Giraffe, Black Wildebeest, Springbuck and a mix of other varmints such as Jackal and Baboon. While glassing the Black Wildebeest, Boyce, my PH said “Look at the bull on the far right, he’s really big.” I glassed him and although he was in fact a great bull, I have a great Black Wildebeest, shot the same day my friend shot the worlds record Black Wildebeest in 2007. I’ve never scored mine but am fairly sure he would make the top 10 SCI. So we left the ranch but would return a couple of days later and after a long stalk, I shot this beest. Turns out he does have great mass and length.

Later as the sun was beginning to set, we found a herd of Gemsbok with a nice bull in it. My .280 made the long shot with a Raptor and dropped him in his tracks. There were some females in the group that were superior in length (over 40-43 + inches) but I took a good female last year so this bull was my objective. He beats my previous bull by a couple of inches. I think this pic turned out to be one of my favorite landscapes of my entire hunt. Can’t say much about myself but the bull and the flora are outstanding. Taken at Ukhuthula.

Saw this Cape Kudu bull two days prior while looking for artifacts on a high plateau. He was down in a canyon avoiding the gusting wind that day. He was at 500 yards but watching us. We didn't get 100 yards before he bolted. Didn’t expect to see him again but there he was two days later. At 250 yards, my 280 did the work. He jumped at the shot and ran down hill about 100 yards. Really dark face, full mane's and a heavy neck added to this nice bull.

Saw a great many Springbuck; all 5 species, but they ran the second man or vehicle appeared at any distance. It was really difficult to sort out a decent ram, let alone find a real trophy. My friends did manage after days of searching to take several really mature rams but it was not to happen for me. Finally got a standing shot at this white ram at 250 yards.

Took another Zebra so I can have Dennis Harris (The Artistry of Wildlife in Michigan) do a Zebra DeMaske wall mount. There are lots of Zebra, Burchell's and Mountain Zebra on this ranch. We had a special offer if we shot two...I should have taken another, two of my clients did.

This was the long shot of my hunt; 350 yards up in the mountains. Just an average ram but I like hunting Blesbuck. I have taken some great ones including what will be the new #4 White Blesbuck if I get around to sending it the paperwork.

I saw one of these last year and had never seen or heard of one. Found out they are Cameroon mountain goats. Two of us shot a billy each. They remind me of an Nubian Ibex and Tahr cross. Having this one mounted half life size. Cool dwarf goats that can cover some ground over the rough ridges and bluffs. It was a fun hunt, but not difficult; they are goats. Finding them is the hunt. Oh yeah, their ears stand up when alive.

We had a great varmint hunt one evening taking many Spring Hares, Porcupine and Cape Hare. When I get time I will post some of the exceptional trophies taken including a 42.5 and 44 inch Sable; 28.5 & 29 inch Southern Roan, 50 inch Cape Kudu some top class Warthog, Springbok's etc. Other guys just finished their hunts, so they may wish to post their own reports. Looks like May of 2018 will be a return so if you want to have great hunting, food, lodging and an overall fun experience, contact me and join us. Good hunting, LDK

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Well Done! Thanks for posting
Posts: 225 | Location: North Texas | Registered: 08 May 2013Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the report! You have some really nice trophies!
Posts: 835 | Location: Plover, Wi | Registered: 04 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Great report Congrats!!!
Posts: 2694 | Location: East Wenatchee | Registered: 18 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Thank you fellas, we had a great time for sure.

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Tim Herald
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very nice David. Congrats!!!

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Nice trip David! I'm chomping at the bit waiting to go next year!

I have a system: I pretend to work and they pretend to pay me!
Posts: 106 | Location: Cuero, TX. | Registered: 15 May 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Thanks Tim, it was a lot of fun for sure.
Randy, me too, we're returning next May ourselves. The wait is long and tiring but I'm heading to Alaska in August, so that helps.

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Posts: 18609 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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A few of the trophies my buddy shot. He used a .338 for all of his hunting.
Excellent Southern Roan

One of two good Warthogs

I'd take a 50" Cape Kudu any day!

This Kudu bull was estimated at 15 years old. His teeth were worn down to the gums.
A second bull taken after a long stalk. He really has it all; dark face, neck plus a great beard and mane. He used his .338 on all game.

A beauty of a Copper Springbuck, probably will score gold class

He wanted a pedestal mount, and he found a good one for it!

A second Zebra was hunted;

The kind of Sable we all like:

He took a number of other trophies so I'll post if he sends me the pics. This hunt was 10 days in length. Next year he's returning for Buffalo and other trophies.

View of some of the favorite fauna and flora we see each day:

Last year I saw a Cameroon Nanny for the first time and I told several friends and clients about it. I wasn't familiar with them and initially thought it was a joke. However, Google provided the truth; they are a small Goat from a Cameroon species. They have small ears and have the look of a Ibex-Tahr hybrid. They prefer rocky outcroppings, steep bluffs and rough terrain similar to all goats. My friend sought them out and found one early on in his hunt.

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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This is a dear friend of mine. This amazing man shot the world's record Black Wildebeest with me and a dozen top 40 trophies when he first went to Africa with me many years ago. Would you believe he's 80 years old? He had a great hunt and at no time faltered in his quest for game. I was with him on most of his hunts with the exception of his Caracal, Copper and Kalahari Springbuck hunts. I hope to have pics soon, both Springboks are toads! He shot his Buffalo with a pre-'64 model 70 Winchester in .375 H&H and everything else with is model 700 Remington in .270 win. We fish together often and will work on his new farm for deer and turkey soon. Here's some of his photo's:

Caracal Lynx

Roan is over 29 inches

Outstanding Sable!

Copper Springbuck

Kalahari Springbuck

Zebra #1

Zebra #2

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Another client experienced his first trip to Africa and was as excited as anyone I've ever hunted with. He used his Browning .270 and .300 Win mag to hunt with. His expressions at the dinner table were quite amusing as he tasted many of the African antelopes for the first time. He gave our chef Max, many compliments, including his desserts. Here are some of his pics.
It is true, our celebrity Chef is top shelf:
After dinner:




Cape Kudu



Cape Eland (we have Livingstone too)

Common Reedbuck

Blue Wildebeest

Enjoying an evening fire at our Rockland's ranch

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Congrats to you and all your hunters L.D.K tu2

Awesome results and some great pictures.
Good to see you are getting some field exposure to the CEB's

Sorry I keep missing you on Skype, I've been working away from home recently.
Hope to be able to catch-up soon.
Posts: 531 | Location: Australia | Registered: 30 June 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Thanks Paul, I'm sure we'll eventually catch up on Skype, email me when your going to be home. Cheers!

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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If your not using to host your pics, your missing out on the best thing I've seen in years. Easy to learn and several members posted step by step instructions on the Photobucket thread (they suck!)

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Received word today that one of our Hunter's had taken a Cape Kudu over 56 inches. Although we've taken 4 this season over 50 inches, this is the best I've seen to date. Taken with one of our youngest PH's, this is a true trophy. LDK

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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I am leaving for a black bear hunt tomorrow, but now I want to cancel and go to RSA!

Great pictures of great animals.

Thanks so much for sharing.


Hunting buff is better than sex!
Posts: 2205 | Registered: 29 December 2015Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Thanks BH, good luck on your Bear!

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
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The East Cape has been turning out some huge Cape Kudu this year! I really love the out-turned, ivory tips on that brute.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

Posts: 12924 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of L. David Keith
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tu2 Me too if I could just find

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of bwanamrm
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What a haul... David you sure you didn't poach those goats out of your tracker's mealie patch? Big Grin

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

Life grows grim without senseless indulgence.
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Picture of L. David Keith
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Big Grin They have all kinds of goats in the Stormbergs from Austria, France, Italy etc. Some are domestic breeds some are Ibex. I saw a Nanny last year and asked what it was. They told me a Cameroon Mountain Goat. A client of mine shot one on our hunt last May/June so I found one and hunted it. Is a cool looking goat, and I know only one other guy that has one. Now I'm getting calls from other hunters wanting one. To me it was no different than shooting an Axis deer in Texas Smiler

Gray Ghost Hunting Safaris Phone: 615-860-4333
NRA Benefactor
DSC Professional Member
SCI Member
RMEF Life Member
NWTF Guardian Life Sponsor
NAHC Life Member
Rowland Ward - SCI Scorer
Took the wife the Eastern Cape for her first hunt:
Hunting in the Stormberg, Winterberg and Hankey Mountains of the Eastern Cape 2018
Hunting the Eastern Cape, RSA May 22nd - June 15th 2007
16 Days in Zimbabwe: Leopard, plains game, fowl and more:
Natal: Rhino, Croc, Nyala, Bushbuck and more
Recent hunt in the Eastern Cape, August 2010: Pics added
10 days in the Stormberg Mountains
Back in the Stormberg Mountains with friends: May-June 2017

"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading" - Thomas Jefferson

Every morning the Zebra wakes up knowing it must outrun the fastest Lion if it wants to stay alive. Every morning the Lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest Zebra or it will starve. It makes no difference if you are a Zebra or a Lion; when the Sun comes up in Africa, you must wake up running......

"If you're being chased by a Lion, you don't have to be faster than the Lion, you just have to be faster than the person next to you."
Posts: 6825 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 18 December 2006Reply With Quote
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