Dubai Dessert Conservation Reserve
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Picture of Stephen Palos
I'm not sure how many folk are aware of this initiative, but while watching a local TV show last night there was a great expose' of this initiative which is largely Saeed's own doing.

I searched this site without finding reference to it and think Saeed is too modest. Hopefully now that it's here he will flood us with ongoing information, progress & stories.

I also noticed on the show that they have "stolen" a LOT of South African talent to make it happen there! Wink


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Posts: 441 | Location: Randfontein, South Africa | Registered: 07 January 2008Reply With Quote
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The man who started this was Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, who was our ruler at the time.

He is known as the father of modern Dubai.

He used to hold an open Majlis - meeting - where anyone, and I mean anyone, can go and see him.
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Picture of Stephen Palos
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Thanks Saeed,

He sounds like a fantastic visionary and no doubt that is why Dubai has achieved so much!

But what of the family tree then? I assume that it's you are the they are refering to you as the current chairman or am I wrong there. I am very intereseted always to see who fits in where in such extended family hierarchy as I believe in tradition to achieve good ends, and that starts with family....

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Posts: 441 | Location: Randfontein, South Africa | Registered: 07 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Stephen the efforts in Dubai are indeed very important.
The desert is under constant threat from not only development but also joy riding and abuse through lack of understanding.
Greg Simkins who was featured there s a great guy and has been with the project since 1996 when he started working at AlMaha. I was at Al Maha when he moved across to the DDCR. He has been forging ahead for many years now and things are slowly changing. Sheikh Ahmed of Emirates was the one who has driven the money into the project, he brought in a South African guy by the name of Tony Williams to spearhead the project, he was ex Mala Mala and a lifelong conservationist and proponent of eco tourism.
While there has been a lot of South African assistance in the project, it only happens as a result of the Leadership of Dubai and the ruling Al Makhtoum family moving it forward. Sheikh Mohammed and Sheikh Ahmed are the money, another very important player who actually has his desert palace and falcon cage inside the DDCR is Sheikh Butti who is a great guy and who I share a passion with, Falconry. There is no greater pursuit in all the world.

It will only become apparent over time how important it was to declare this nature reserve as the development plans laid out for Dubai over the next 50 years will bring the city to the very edge of the reserve.

Saeed my be able to shed more light here.
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