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Picture of billinthewild
posted 21 September 2011 01:13
My dear friend Guillermo has run into great difficulty trying to export, by carrying himself, or using a broker, his trophy home. not plan to hunt in the U.S. and bring, or send, your trophies home unless you are willing to spend between $1,000.00 and $1,500.00 using an export broker here and an import broker in Argentina.

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
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Picture of billrquimby
posted 21 September 2011 05:15Hide Post
That's awful.

I suppose the problem was some bureaucrat on the Argentine side refusing to accept a state hunting license and tag as proper documentation and being ignorant about which animals require a CITES export permit.

It also could be that because the Sonoran pronghorn subspecies is on CITES Appendix I, the bureaucrat beleived all other subspecies also are threatened.

But then I would not be surprised to learn that our Fish and Wildlife Service under the present administration would try to hinder the export of lawfully taken animals, even non-threatened animals such as Guillermo's prized pronghorn from New Mexico.

After all, it regularly tells American hunters that their federal government knows more about managing Canada's polar bears than Canada's wildlife managers do, so why should we be surprised if USFWS might claim New Mexico's antelope shouldn't be shipped off our continent?

Bill Quimby
Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lorenzo
posted 21 September 2011 06:58Hide Post
Well, last year I was not allowed to buy a plain Leupold scope in the States..and some months ago I tried to buy the Surefire Scout flashlight to put on my rifle for pig hunting and again I was not allowed...Frowner

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Picture of billinthewild
posted 22 September 2011 02:16Hide Post
We caught a lucky break late yesterday. The problem on the U.S. side was more of logistics than of cooperation. To depart from the states with your trophy it has to be inspected by a USF&W law enforcement agent and the form 3-177 completed and signed off allowing the export.

That can only be done at a port of entry/departure where one of their law enforcement agents is posted.

We had good cooperation from the guys in Dallas but Guillermo’s window in Dallas on the way home was so short it was very likely that he could not meet with one of them in time to get it done and make his flight.

Luckily, and at the last minute, I located a special agent relatively close to my home. I explained the situation to him and he told me he would check into it. Called back and said he was given the OK to do the inspection and complete the 3-177. It was done this morning.

If you use an export broker, they would do all that for you, as well as coordinate with Argentina and their requirements.

The Argentine problem remains. Their requirements are overly burdensome, and we were told that he could not bring it into the country unless he was registered as an import broker (??), and in addition a list of required documents and paperwork, including a notarized letter from the taxidermist who prepared the trophy, etc. In addition he was told they wanted him to have the 3-177 translated into Spanish and notarized!!!! Guillermo does have a broker he has worked with in Argentina and he will try to get things in order for him when he gets home.

Bottom line, it is not easy sailing. My advice remains....have the taxidermist you use to prepare the trophy for shipment use an export broker and contact an import broker for you.

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
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Picture of billrquimby
posted 22 September 2011 08:43Hide Post
I apologize for having bad thoughts about our U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The people you worked with obviously wanted to assist you. It would be great if the same could be said about the people in that agency's highest levels.

Bill Quimby
Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of billinthewild
posted 23 September 2011 06:50Hide Post
Guillermo headed home yesterday and made it home with his trophy. wave

What a great time we had and aside from my family he was the best company I have ever had.....I will miss him... tu2

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
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Picture of Afrikaander
posted 25 September 2011 01:08Hide Post
Originally posted by billinthewild:
Guillermo headed home yesterday and made it home with his trophy. wave

What a great time we had and aside from my family he was the best company I have ever had.....I will miss him... tu2

One more reason to start planning your next trip down here, my friend ! beer
Hope Guiile will soon post how nice those trophies will surely look hanging on his walls tu2


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Duc, sequere, aut de via decede.
Posts: 1325 | Registered: 08 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of billinthewild
posted 25 September 2011 04:43Hide Post
Originally posted by Afrikaander:
Originally posted by billinthewild:
Guillermo headed home yesterday and made it home with his trophy. wave

What a great time we had and aside from my family he was the best company I have ever had.....I will miss him... tu2

One more reason to start planning your next trip down here, my friend ! beer
Hope Guiile will soon post how nice those trophies will surely look hanging on his walls tu2

March, 2012 old

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
Posts: 4263 | Location: Pinetop, Arizona | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Afrikaander
posted 25 September 2011 09:04Hide Post
Just a few months to wait, my friend !! Are you considering rut time? Wink
Looking forward to meet you, Bill ! tu2

Originally posted by Lorenzo:
Well, last year I was not allowed to buy a plain Leupold scope in the States..and some months ago I tried to buy the Surefire Scout flashlight to put on my rifle for pig hunting and again I was not allowed...Frowner


Lorenzo can you be more specific about those problems you encountered?? I have just brought a Leu vx r 3-9x40 firedot duplex for myself...heard nothing but good things about that new model and wanted to try it on my marlin 1895 (my main boar rifle)... and you might consider ebay if you are looking for pretty good led flashlights at almost bargain prices... look for sellers settled in the far east Wink


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Duc, sequere, aut de via decede.
Posts: 1325 | Registered: 08 February 2003Reply With Quote
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