I went to the Paris Classic Car Show today and saw some very nice cars. This is a big show; here's a shot of one of the three floors:
I'll just throw some photos up onto the board, up to you to figure out what they are. Some are obvious, others less so.
How many knew that Mercedes made a wooden bodied car?
I've always thought a GT40 would be perfect for quick trips to the 7/11 for a six pack.
I couldn't find the EPA "your mileage may vary" sticker, but everything in the show is for sale.
Taking pictures of this subject and in this kind of venue are pretty challenging for accurate color. If you use a flash you will generate lots of reflections from all the chrome and highly polished cars. If you don't (I chose not to) then you have multiple light sources, most of the time with different color temperatures (tungsten, several types of fluorescent, filtered through the windows and skylights "natural" light). In some instances the cars are under one type of light, with everything around them under another. Also, in a crowded space you can't back away far enough from the subject to allow use of anything but ultra-wide lenses, with the accompanying distortion in the corners. Anyway, I gave it a shot and corrected for color best I could in post-processing.
AR, where the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history become the nattering nabobs of negativisim.