I saw one of thease for sale at a gun shop and love how light it is and how nice the triger pull iw on it ... Has any one here shot one and seen how accurate they are ????
Has to be noise little thing with it 20" barrel but boy is it light and nimbale.. just wondering how good they realy are and wonder about the distance they can shoot
I picked up a Scout in 7mm-08 at a gunshow in Tulsa last weekend. I am hoping I can get it out to put some rounds through it but I am recovering from shoulder surgery and am a bit hesitant just yet, even though it's my other shoulder.
Posts: 2155 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 03 October 2006
I did end up buying it 2.5 weeks ago and went to the range with it and shoots nice.. But it had one problem i shot 35 rounds and had 10 miss fires so broght it back and the place i bought it from said they would make it right and said they thought it was the hammer spring being week and is putting in a new one that is 2 weeks now and when i get it back i sure hope it works.. becouse i love that gun so far other than the miss firing/Hammer problem