I recently acquired a cute little Jeffery Rook rifle that was originally chambered for the 255 Jeffrey. The outside of the rifle while showing some age, patina and handling marks is still in remarkable condition. Case hardening is exceptional as is the wood and old British flat topped checkering. The side lever action as tight as a bank vault. However, sometime in the past the rifle was rechambered to 25-20 WCF and the bore neglected....and it's so bad abused might be the better description. I have going to have it re-lined and re-chambered back to its original cartridge which leads to the question....finally.
Has anyone worked with the little 255 Jeffery and if so be willing to share their experience and data?
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6
I have personally never had one, but Colin Greenwood, in his book "The Classic British Rook & Rabbit Rifle" that even Jeffery offered a reboring service to clean up poor bores and turn them into the .275 Jeffery Rook. He also says brass can be made fro 25/20 Winchester. I think with a few steps on the lathe and a set of dies, brass could also be made with 38spl or 357Mag.
I think the closest you will come to the proper bore with a liner is .257" and then you could have your choice of 25/20 Win. bullets.
Thanks Huvius. Until I read your post I was completely ignorant of a 275 Jeffery. It makes perfect sense.
I knew the case could be made from 25-20 WCf and have begun accumulating brass. I have not looked at the 38 SPl. or 357. Donnely's doesn't mention either one but I expect it could be done. You're right about the liner unless I would have one made which I'm certain is cost prohibitive. From what I've been able to gather the Jeffery was .255. For my purposes, and precisely the one you mentioned, .257 will be fine. I doubt anything I'm liable to shoot with the little rifle will be able to tell the difference of .002.
Now you've put another bug in my ear....lol! I will have to look for the Greenwood book.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6
Thank you gentlemen! Another "gun friend" had told me about TOTW having the liners but he had no knowledge of them regarding their quality. Vol, thanks for that.
I vaguely remember looking them up and unless my memory is completely faulty, entirely possible, they were sold by the inch?
Oh, Huvius, I found the Greenwood book and it's on the way!
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6
Huvius...I rarely need much encouragement..or enabling..lol!!
Ron, I expect it would but I couldn't do that. I've been studying the 25-20 WCF and the 255 Jeffery drawings and I believe the 25-20 WCF reamer could be used and just stopped short. It would be a very close approximation of the 255 Jeffery. I'm thinking a really fun squirrel rifle.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6
I have a John Woodward and Sons R&R marked 250 but the chamber just swallows a 250 round. I have some cerrosafe ordered so that I can slug the barrel and chamber and see what is what. You can put a 25 cal. bore sighting spud in the muzzle but it is a mystery what the heck the chamber is. What all do you suggest it be re chambered to? At the moment it is an expensive walking stick.
You can borrow money but you can not borrow time. Go hunting with your family.
Posts: 1529 | Location: Texas | Registered: 15 December 2003
It doesn't much matter now. Seems that to reline it back to original will take more than I want to put into the rifle or, can really afford to. I really hate to do it but it appears the best, most economical route is reline it and chamber it for 25-20 WCF again. I haven't completely decided but am leaning that way. Maybe being pushed that way is a better way to say it.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6