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Re: 20 gauge Ultra Slug Hunter poor man�s 600 Nitro?

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02 June 2004, 16:02
Re: 20 gauge Ultra Slug Hunter poor man�s 600 Nitro?
You shouldn't use paper that is unnaturally opaque, or stiff, as it probably contains kaolin which is very abrasive. Avoid dyed papers as well. Envelopes of all types contain this is very BAD. It will erode your already thin rifling. Get some onionskin, probably 24-30# for what you're doing. 9# for the thin stuff(.0025"), tracing or pattern paper for the real skinny(.0015"). For the velocity range you're working at, 50/50 Vaseline and Beeswax is a good lube. DON'T shoot patched bullets unlubed unless you want to polish your barrel. It is okay to make 3 wraps to build up your diameter, maybe even 4. Don't go overboard trying to do it all with real thick paper. Taper crimp yes, roll crimp no.
10 November 2004, 15:48
Sorry. I have gone to work on a more logistical part of the project. Will be sending cases to CH4D for sizing dies to be made and am still waiting for those .62's. As well as the shotcup minis shoot, i still think i will be happier with paper patched bullets. Money has been an issue and i have had to put a lot of things on hold. Still, an auction will be closing tomorrow on a 1010 grain scale, I am ordering some biggies from Beartooth Bullets, and will be trying a different powder. Should have done much of this three or four months ago but money was an issue.
02 June 2004, 04:17
PLEASE keep us posted on what happens and what you learn. This is really intersting, and certainly "out-of-the-ordinary!!
26 June 2004, 19:11
I finally got a reply from NEF, Barrels are 1137 cold drawn steel. Is this something to be concerned with?
13 August 2004, 16:38
45LCshooter: If you get a chance to shoot your rig some more, please, please post. Some of us are dying for an update.
18 August 2004, 15:10
When you think you've heard everything, it's this kind of experimenting that keeps the shooting game interesting-far moreso than the newest magnums!! keep it up!!