I have a new -used 458wm whitworth,The barrel has a homemade looking lug/steel block screwed into the bottom of the barrel 3inches from the edge of the receiver or just about the first sight screw.Is this normal?The steel block is 1in. long by 1/2 in.wide.A gunsmith told me it was homemade but i have read other places that the 375 & 458 whitworths have a barrel lug???? The barrel looks to be free floated 1/4 in.air space between bottom of barrel and the stock,will i have to put fiberglass in there?The rifle is mint but looks like someone started building it up for some custom work and quit,that was the gunsmiths guess.He said it doesnt need it,but all i have read says to add a lug.Iam confused for sure.....Dont want to crack my stock,i hear the cz rifles will crack easy,my gun is made in yugoslavia & fitted in england if this helps. It does not say whtworth on the top of the receiver like some i have seen,but does on the recoil pad and looks like some i have seen on the net...
Posts: 3608 | Location: USA | Registered: 08 September 2004
I bought one about 24 or so years ago and as I recall it had the same lug...I do believe it was factory, but maybe someone else's memory or knowledge is a bit more accurate.
Posts: 1679 | Location: Colorado, USA | Registered: 11 November 2002
Hey kevin,is your lug were mine is?I dont think my gunsmith is familier with big bore rifles.He said the lug should not be in that area, says it is to far up the barrel,Should be closer to the receiver?I dont know if i want him to work on it or not,but he has a nice shop and seems to be very professional,but I think maybe there is a differance in big bores compared to light weight calibers,Does your barrel lug screw on with two screws?Mine maybe a factory lug.It is silver in color and square shape.I wonder who works on these rifles in the usa and if there is factory service repair?It does have cz on the side of receiver as well as interarms....The lug on mine does seem to thick and makes the barrel teeter toter in the stock...not good.
Posts: 3608 | Location: USA | Registered: 08 September 2004
Mine sounds the same as yours. The tettering problem is your bedding and inlet job not the fault of the lug. Your guy does not seem too familiar with big bores, might want to look around a bit.
Posts: 1558 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002
The early .458 Mk X and Whitworths did not have any extra lugs but the later ones had one just like yours. When I bed them I put a piece of tape under the lug and on the sides so it does not touch there. It only need to be firmly bedded at the rear.
Posts: 4224 | Location: Bristol Bay | Registered: 24 April 2004