I need to know how to adjust the trigger on my new CZ527 223 rem. The set trigger is pulling 14 ozs. which is nice but it has quite a little bit of creep before it lets go. The reg. non-set trigger is atrocious at 6lbs. and long , long creep. I don't have the owner's manuel so someone please point me in the right direction asap ,, thanx much Doc Stone in TN (what's with this state idenity crisis thing??)
I did a trigger job on my 527 in 222 Rem. I got the non-set pull weight down to 3# 6oz from the heavy weight it came with. I too left the set weight where it was; on mine it's 13 oz. That's the good news. The bad news is I don't remember exactly what I did to it. I've done large number of other triggers, and can't recall exactly what I did do to the 527. I just tore it down and went from there. I believe I installed a new, lighter weight pull spring and polished the mating sear/engagement surfaces, lubing them with Brownell's Action Magic II. Maybe someone else will chime in and refresh my memory. You won't go wrong taking the non-set trigger apart and doing what I suggested. The set part I did not fool with at all. DMB
These CZ triggers must vary a lot. My CZ 527 carbine (7.62X39mm) came with both set and unset pull weights about the same at around 4#. I was able to adjust the unset weight down to just at 3# using the instructions that came with the gun, but I could never get the SET pull weight down to a satisfactory level. If I tried to reduce it, it would not stay set. It seems to me that the set trigger engagement edge is rounded off instead of being sharp and well-defined. Perhaps it could be improved by stoning this engagement to a sharp edge, but the trigger would have to be diassembled to do it, and then it might not work correctly afterward. I have just given up on using the set feature entirely.
While I do like set triggers, I am no fan of the single-set variety in which you have to push the trigger forward. These kind give you no real control whatsoever, and are very hazardous in hunting situations, especially in cold weather where you are wearing gloves, or have cold, stiff fingers. If one wants a set trigger on a hunting rifle (other than a varmint rifle), it should be a good DST. A good double-set is by far the ne-plus-ultra of all rifle triggers for hunting!!