Instead of throwing out gun magazines which you don't keep on file, send them to the troops. If you go to, there is a search function which tells you which soldiers want which items. Most of them want various personal items but there are always a few guys who ask for gun magazines for their units.
I save Rifle and Handloader but subscribe to several other gun and hunting magazines. I collect these and when I have enough to fill up a $4.05 Priority Mail fixed rate envelope, I send a bunch of them off. You have to tape on a customs declaration card, today I marked it "ten old magazines" weight 4 lbs, gift, value zero. You can also use a Priority Mail box for $8.10 if you can fill it up.
I do the same with my car magazines - more soldiers want them than gun magazines, I am sorry to say.
Several guys from AR sent me and my soldiers their old magazines, as well as some awesome care packages. You cant imagine how nice it is to be able to catch up on gun and hunting reading. The PX's on the FOB's have a very limited variety of magazines and the go super fast. Thanks to all the stuff guys from here sent my troops were the best supplied on the FOB. The magazines get passed around and are put to good use.
We have a couple member of AR who are currently deployed and would love the old mags. If anyone would like adresses of our guys over there let send me a PM or email and I will hook you up with one.
William Berger
True courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne
The courageous may not live forever, but the timid do not live at all.
Posts: 3156 | Location: Rigby, ID | Registered: 20 March 2004
please send me a name or two as well. I am a packrat and have saved all of my gun magazaines and outdoor life and fur fish game and peterson hunting etc. for years, and I would be happy to send a couple of boxes to someone who you know would appreciate them.
Could use a couple of addresses to send out some back issues of Precision Shooting and ASSRA Journal, I think these are pretty technical just for the guys who ask for "gun magazines" at
Originally posted by shootaway: What does the war have to do with gunsmithing?
Nobody is talking about the war. What we are discussing is a way to put old gun magazines to good use. Most of which have a lot to do with gunsmithing. Does that answer your question????
I cant think of a much better way to put them to good use than to sending them soldiers who are craving reading material.
William Berger
True courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne
The courageous may not live forever, but the timid do not live at all.
Posts: 3156 | Location: Rigby, ID | Registered: 20 March 2004
Originally posted by vigillinus: Could use a couple of addresses to send out some back issues of Precision Shooting and ASSRA Journal, I think these are pretty technical just for the guys who ask for "gun magazines" at
You have a PM with address of someone who will love them and can share them with others in Iraq.
William Berger
True courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne
The courageous may not live forever, but the timid do not live at all.
Posts: 3156 | Location: Rigby, ID | Registered: 20 March 2004
I agree with sending mags to the troops. I am a reservist and have been sending OL, F&S, various gun mags, etc for a while. We have a sister battalion there now and been sending some buddies some lately. In the past, I started getting the guys at work to bring theirs and I took them to drill (wound up with boxes full in the trunk every month). The battalion admin got them over. If you know a reservist or guardsman, have one in the neigborhood, or your kid knows of someone's dad, I suggest maybe you get a magazine drive at work and take them to him. His admin people can get them over. Just my .02 worth.
......civilize 'em with a Krag
Posts: 291 | Location: Way out west | Registered: 23 January 2007
Shootaway, you're Canadian and you're not required to be emotionally involved in the Iraq War the way we down south are. Nevertheless, I can give you a rationale for sending gun magazines to American troops: gun ownership and recreational shooting, whether at targets or game, is under attack by do-gooders in every Western democracy, including yours. Anything that gets young people, whether in the military or not, interested in shooting benefits all of us, and those soldiers and marines are all in their late teens and twenties. If we can pick up some recruits for our hobby let us so so, whether you like American policy or not.