Hmmm, be a drag to tote around at the range, that stock wouldn't fit me too well. I see a cylindrical barrel with a muzzle weight for tuning. Maybe this bore against the front of the "stock" so recoil would "be in front of the gun"?
Leonard Brownell cringed when he saw some of his early work. He always joked that he tried to buy back his early rifles because he wasn't very proud of them later in his career.
I'd speculate P.O. was looking for this rifle later on in his career too.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001
Obviously some of you are unfamiliar with so called unlimited class benchrest guns. How they "look" doesn't matter. How they shoot does. There are many far more "bizarre" looking guns in this class, but they all shoot one hole groups. They are used to test and develop experimental ideas leading to overall accuracy improvements.
Before you "knock" this gun or the man who built it keep in mind such experimental guns have led to most of the accuracy improvements you enjoy in your more conventional looking firearms. The picture posted is pretty dark so I wonder how some of you can even make a judgement as to its appearance or workmanship. Bet it can shoot very small groups though! I'd be most happy to own any gun smithed by Mr. Ackley.
Posts: 1946 | Location: Michigun | Registered: 23 May 2002