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work bench mount flouresent light Magnifing glass

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09 January 2008, 06:51
work bench mount flouresent light Magnifing glass
Or what ever they are called

Anyone have a link to these? A quality one.

This link might be a el cheapo one, but kinda like this,330&qlt=75&cvt=jpeg
09 January 2008, 07:06

This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life.
09 January 2008, 07:21
I looked at the flourescent lamps so configured but also looked up the cost of replacement bulbs. Back in those days the replacement bulbs were so expensive that I got one with an incandescent bulb.

Has worked like a champ over the years!


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
09 January 2008, 08:46
I've got a Luxo lamp on my bench and bought the wife one just like it from Sportsman's. Check them out in the fly tying section. Just as good, if not a little better imho. Lots cheaper too, like around sixty bucks. Hers has little adjusters to tighten the hinge so it will stay put. My Luxo is about thirty years old. the new ones may be a lot better.
09 January 2008, 14:22
In the electronics biz the big Luxos get thrown out, and I have my own Luxo junkyard.

I like them [the ones that are working] on the lathes and on the reloading bench.

On the lathe, a ways clamp can be made that has a 1/2" hole that is a Luxo base.

On a woodworing bench an insert for a vise stop can be made with a 1/2" hole that acts as a base for the big Luxo.

They do not seem to work out on the mill, so a magnet based lamp and a handheld binocular objective are on the mill.

I have tried wall mounted bases with 1/2" hole and the Luxo swings in front of the mill, but the lamp and lens are just too big.
09 January 2008, 18:03
Rather than going that route, I decided to use straight flouresent lights and wear Optivisors for magnification. They are more flexible for moving around the workbench looking at work projects.


10 January 2008, 03:01
I have used one I got from MSC Corp [800- 645-7270] for over 25 years now. The prices run the gamut from 35.00-150.00 depending on how much you want/need from the lamp. VERY HANDY!!! I have never had to change the bulb either.
Aloha, Mark

When the fear of death is no longer a concern----the Rules of War change!!
10 January 2008, 05:54
J Bennett

I would recommend that you check with your dentist.
I use one of the dental overhead lights that swivel and rotate in all directions. Light is fantastic. My dentist/customer gave me two from his office when he remodeled. You can pick up a used one reasonable at any dental supply house. I can't work without mine now.

10 January 2008, 06:53
Actually I am getting several of these from a medical equipment manufacture where my brother works. I will find out what brand they are. I was wondering how much $ a high quality one is