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Senate Bill 890
<Pistolero in NM>
Earlier this evening I attended a local sportsmen group meeting and one of the atendees was talking about a bill sponsored by Hillary Clinton. From what I gathered the bill would outlaw private sales of firearms without background checks. The fire that is behind this bill is that no one can sell guns to terrorists and after 9/11 they think they can get it done. If someone who is better educated in these matters can give a better report than I, please inform us so that action can be taken!
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Off goes another check to the NRA
Posts: 363 | Location: Madison Alabama | Registered: 31 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Your buddy just about got it right ... this is the McCain-Lieberman-Schumer-Clinton gun show bill. It applies to such a broad definition of gun shows and gun show transactions that it could affect events well beyond what you or I would call a gun show, or even to guns that you bought years after seeing them at a show.

Basically it is a gun show shutdown bill since no one in his right mind would want to take on all the legal liabilities of having such an event. And they are indeed trying to piggyback it on public concern about Sept. 11.

And Rifleman 1 -- thanks for the support!

John Frazer
NRA Federal Affairs
Posts: 1246 | Location: Northern Virginia, USA | Registered: 02 June 2001Reply With Quote
And exactly how many terrorists bought guns at gun shows? Idiot politicians pushing their own agendas.
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I am sure you know as much as I do. That no legislation ever enacted is going to stop criminals getting thier hands on arms.

All it does is hassle law abiding people.

I just wish the general public would see through all the stupidity the politicians are selling.
Posts: 67394 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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I posted this once before but I think it is worth repeating here. Here in Vermont we have one of the, if not THE, lowest gun related crime rates in the country. It also happens that we also have some of the most lenient laws on the purchase and ownership of guns, in the country. I don't think this is a coincidence! When people are brought up around guns and are taught the respect and proper use of them, gun crimes, and accidents for that matter, go down.

Posts: 286 | Registered: 05 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of BBTURTLE
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[Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Wayne LaPierre called me on this about a month ago. This bill is far reaching to all legal gun ownership. My understanding of some of the content will outlaw the passing of firearms within a family as well as effecting guns shows. Yes the checks off to the NRA and my congressmen have also been notified. My sportsmen's club is also targeting this bill. I would hope that all the US sportsmen and women show their opposition to bill 890 with a LOUD voice. Our voices and votes count more than a bubble minded group of politicians.
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Turtle [Cool]
Posts: 1115 | Location: SE PA | Registered: 29 May 2002Reply With Quote
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What ever happened to an oath to uphold the Constitution? Upholding the Constitution doesn't mean passing laws that are probably in violation, but for which the ball-less Supreme Court will probably never grant certiorari on a relevant case.

H. C.
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Paul B.
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