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Here are pics of the ejector blades on my Mod 70s. The big blade is on an 06 and the small black one is on my 375, is this right? The 06 ejects fine but the 375 is anemic on the last round especially, either pops it straight up and into the scope, or just barely pops it over the side. Only rarely does it eject with authority like the first three rounds. | ||
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May need a new ejector spring. They get packed with junk over time and they aren't very stiff to begin with. John Farner If you haven't, please join the NRA! | |||
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The ejector is as far 'up' as it can go if you were thinking it's not in the most upward position. It also has good spring tension when pushing it down by hand. When I push the bolt forward, the ejector isn't pushed down like the 06 is, the bolt cut rides over it (until it gets to the back of the slot where it meets the outside dimension of the bolt). I don't have acsess to another 375 but it just seems way small for a 'dangerous' or 'africa' gun. | |||
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Looks like a std bolt stop that was cut off. I had a STW made from a 7mag that looked like that. As usual just my $.02 Paul K | |||
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Well then, seems like you've got it all figured out. Now just makea new ejector. John Farner If you haven't, please join the NRA! | |||
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I went and farted around with it some more and made sure there was nothing between the ejector and the action itself (the part of the action that stops the upward swing of the ejector) and all was good. Seems i've got some goofy ejector cause there's no way in hell it's working as it should. I checked the cut on the underside of the bolt and the ejector doesn't make contact in that slot until about 1/3 of the way in. On the other rifle it's immediate. I wish I could make a new part, but alas I'm no machinist as much as I'd like to be. Off to Winchester I go!!! (or anyone know who sells these? Don't see them on Brownells) | |||
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Both New Haven guns? | |||
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Yes, both New Haven, I believe made not too far apart time-wise. I have an ejector coming from Winchester(no charge) after I called them this morning and told them the issues I am having. I also need to ensure the follower is right, as there does not seem to be enough up pressure, on the last round; it sometimes pops out. I know this can the the rails too... I wondered it I ended up with a RUM follower or something? If this IS the right ejector, I am having other issues then as well in regards to ejection. I know, I know... and it will be going to a smith when I can get some other things out of the way, but in the mean time I'm just tinkering figuring things out (non-intrusively) myself. Also it gets me more familiar with my guns and understanding how things work and when things don;t work, what might be the culprit. CAll it innate curiosity on my part! | |||
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I just looked at 7 model 70s in the case, as well as a few more out in the safe and the ejectors seem to be all over the place as far as height. To the best of my knowledge, the only difference between the 30-06 and 375 ejectors is the length of the end that you can see in your photos. But what limits how far the ejector pops up is the thiner middle of the ejector hitting the top of the slot it sits in. If the rifle has much use, the ejector generally has a shiney spot on it where it hits. New Havens machining seemed to be pretty sloppy at times, so the depth of the ejector slot may be off also. Good luck and let us know what you figure out! | |||
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The profiles of these two ejectors also look different so while the 'thin' part may determine how high the ejector rises, the overall shape is different too. What's crazy is that if you look at the bottom pic, you can see a faint circular line which more or less corresponds with the rim of the case. When you set a shell in there, there is only 1/16 of an inch or so (no more) that contacts the edge back of the brass to kick it out. If you cycle dummies with bullets in them, there if often no enough kick and the shell literally falls out, almost at your feet. Maybe i'l take new pics for you with no bolt and you can see how different they are! Thanks for any input! | |||
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HEre are some pics with the bolt out, sorry for the one slightly fuzzy pic but you can see the different profile of these ejectors. I don't expect them to necessarily be identical, but they should have the same function and they don't. There is much more of a 'hump' on the 30 06 ejector and it's just plain bigger to make more contact with the case. I would expect the opposite from what I have. I haven;t taken these out of the guns because I do not have spare roll pins or springs and I know I would either lose one or the other and I do not like re-using roll pins in any case. I have some on the way. Also, there is a pic of the follower that's in the 375. If you you have a New Haven 375 maybe you can tell if it's the same? Winchester told me it's the same follower for the 7 STW and something else (can't remember). On the back is stamped a 3 and a D. It is a machined part. Fun Fun!! | |||
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I do know that some of the South Carolina guns used a different shaped ejector...thinner in the middle and the front end a bit different. Maybe they started using them while still in New Haven??? The follower doesn't look anything like either of mine, but mine are earlier rifles...pre- G300,000 serial numbers. Winny used a bunch of different followers though. I usually replace the mag spring to a Remington or Mauser piece...either one is a lot stiffer than the Winny. Just something to consider. | |||
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YEs, the spring is nothing to write home about. Pretty loose when not fully loaded, which of course can have an effect on things. I have looked at Duane Weibe's site and see that he makes followers for the XRM box he makes and may just do that when I get around to the whole thing.... | |||
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The ejector on the '06 needs to reach deeper into the bolt face as the case diameter is smaller. I do notice that the 375 ejector has way more radius to it than the '06 (on the nose of the ejector). That diminishes the reach of the ejector by a fair amount. Roger Kehr Kehr Engraving Company (360)456-0831 | |||
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If I remember right, most of them should be at least square to the case head, yours looks as though the face is canted rearward. I'd bevel the front edge to offer a flat face to the cartridge and I think that will fix your problem. Shoot straight, shoot often. Matt | |||
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Roger, you are right and I thought about case diameter as well. I was just doing some more looking and notice that the protrusion from the face of the bolt is more on the 06 as well. I should video the thing ejecting, it really is funny. One time it flies out fine and next time the round bounces off the scope and lays back on the magazine, all with an a consistent motion as I can do. I have found the harder I eject, the more positive it goes into the scope. I have Medium Talleys in custom bases. I had lows but almost every round hit the scope on those. I should have the part by friday so we'll see what happens. If the part is identical Ill just have to wait until I can get it worked on, but it's fun in the meantime! | |||
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Matt, that's a bit of an optical illusion in the pic. The front of the ejector is flush with the bolt face, so it is square against the rim. | |||
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My 2004 built lefty 375 looks just about like your first picture. The blade of the ejector is flat in front and fills the slot in the bolt face to within .010" or .020" or so of the top of the slot. My follower is exactly like yours, even though my gun is left handed. Frank "I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money." - Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953 NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite | |||
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Thanks Frank. Have you ever had any issues on the last round ejecting? Or hitting the scope? | |||
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Not once that I can remember. I don't think that it has ever not ejected a round. Frank "I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money." - Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953 NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite | |||
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Thanks! Well, if we have the same follower then maybe the ejector I have on the way will solve the problem. It's such a contrast to my other Mod 70, that thing ejects like a champ! | |||
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OK, well, I received the new extractor from Winchester and it's identical to the one I have. Pretty damn identical as a matter of fact in regards to manufacturing marks etc... so...apparently the extractor is the 'right' one. I have also seen a pic of Todd's 375 and it looks the same, same goes for the follower. So...the fun continues.... I made a short video showing what the thing does. I also have 3 still pics showing the round hitting the scope and 'pooping' over the side. If any of you have ideas I'd love to hear them. FYI, the scope is mounted in Talley mediums in custom bases. This is a fairly common setup for the rifle I believe. On another note, other than the caliber (and technically the ejector and follower) my 06 is set up identically (Med Talleys in custom bases) and the thing has NEVER hit the scope and ejects ALL rounds just fine into a nice little pile. The video: Eject video 375 hitting scope: ![]() again.... ![]() and pooping over the side...these rounds land almost on my feet ![]() | |||
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I know that the rifle should eject loaded rounds with no problems... How does it do with empties? Roger Kehr Kehr Engraving Company (360)456-0831 | |||
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A new follower solved my ejection problems. I got it from Brownells. | |||
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Roger, Empties are better but not 100%. 470: I have thought the same thing. Here's my logic (for all 2c worth). When I load 3 rounds and eject the first round, the 2nd round in underneath, on the left side of the magazine, putting upward pressure on the round/case as it's ejecting, kind of supporting it. The first round ejects fine. Then the 2nd round gets cycled and as it is ejected, the 3rd round in the magazine is now on the right, also giving support from underneath. The 2nd round ejects fine. Now, when the 3rd round is cycled, there is NO support from another round underneath it, only the follower. This follower, as pictured, does not have the 'hump' on the left side of it (acting like round 2 as the 1st round is ejected in my example above) and this is the round I have issues with. A few people have told me their 375 follower looks like mine so it's kind of odd. It's also possible that people haven;t tried this specific test as I have done in the same manner, else they may get the same result. 470, did you end up with a follower with a hump or sans hump? I just figure a rifle, with a scope in medium mounts, should be able to feed and eject cases and loaded rounds in any order without hitting the scope. It really whacks it good at times. Yikes! | |||
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If you have the ability, swap the 06 ejector and see if it makes a difference. ![]() Olcrip, Nuclear Grade UBC Ret. NRA Life Member, December 2009 Politicians should wear Nascar Driver's jump suites so we can tell who their corporate sponsers are! | |||
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Olcrip, I'll be doing that when I get a chance. It was the next thing to do after ensuring I had the 'right' factory ejector. Just haven't had the time with Christmas etc. I did try to swap the follower but have found out that the magazine box in the 375 is narrower than the one in the 06 and the 06 follower will NOT go into the 375 magazine box! Who would have thought. But then, maybe THAT"S an issue? I'll let you know about the ejector swap...hell, as cheal as they are I might just order a new 06 ejector, cheaper than my time to find that little spring that goes SPROINGGGG across my floor! | |||
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Open the floor plate and see if it ejects properly. Could be the follower is interfering. I notticed the same thing on a 30-06 that I converted from a 243. | |||
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No better with the follower out of the way. I actually think this may be the problem. I was a Cabelas 2 days ago and they had three rifles: two older Mod 70 Safari Expresses in 416 and an RSM in 375 Weatherby. All three had a different style floorplate that looked more like the 06. I know most of the new Mod70's 375's have the cutaway looking one but it just doesn't seem right. No part of the follower projects above the rails to provide support for the final round. When the bolt is cycled, the bolt does not touch the follower at all on the 375, just goes right over. Not sure why my rifle is acting like it needs work when other rifles don't? Also the thing has a terrible tendency to pull the last round out of the magazine as the second to last round is ejected, if you get my drift. In the video you can see that the last loaded dummy points up as the bolt is cycled. With more speed it sometimes jumps out of the mag. | |||
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Have you tried the 30-06 ejecter yet? ![]() Olcrip, Nuclear Grade UBC Ret. NRA Life Member, December 2009 Politicians should wear Nascar Driver's jump suites so we can tell who their corporate sponsers are! | |||
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I'll get there oldcrip...just been out of the house for a bit...won't be able to get to it until probably Friday. | |||
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Very simple to see that the 375 ejector in the opened up bolt face for the belted case is only just hitting the outer edge of the rim which is rolling off the beveled edge of the ejector as the front of the case lifts and then looses the kick out effect. The 30.06 case on the other hand gets a good sustained kick in the pants as the bolt is drawn rearwards with the ejector face always in contact with the case head. It appears Winchester have botched the ejector size on the opened out bolt face for the 375, or the ejector has been cut down for some reason. I would not be happy until I could duplicate the 30.06 ejector setup. | |||
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Maybe you should try replaceing the stock or even the barrel. They seen to be more difficult and expensive that trying the other ejector. ![]() Olcrip, Nuclear Grade UBC Ret. NRA Life Member, December 2009 Politicians should wear Nascar Driver's jump suites so we can tell who their corporate sponsers are! | |||
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Just wondering with the 06 ejector being longer what would it prove to use it? As usual just my $.02 Paul K | |||
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If the 06 ejector worked right then you need to purchase another 06 ejector and install it. ![]() ![]() It will tell you if the magnum ejector is the culprit, NO? ![]() Olcrip, Nuclear Grade UBC Ret. NRA Life Member, December 2009 Politicians should wear Nascar Driver's jump suites so we can tell who their corporate sponsers are! | |||
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The 06 ejector is designed for a mag box that is about a 1/4" shorter. So the 06 ejector is you lay them side by side will stick out around 1/4" longer to allow it to reach the case head that stops in front of the spacer in the back of the mag box. I don't have a m70 to look at but I wonder if a loaded shell would clear the front of the ejection port when it stricks the ejector. I've made 7STWs from 7mags by removing the spacer and then simply removing metal on the front of the bolt stop and ejector. Maybe a touch(not 1/4") longer ejector or hitting the bolt stop with a file to allow the bolt to travel farther to the rear. As others stated the ejector doesn't have to travel as far towards the center of the bolt for a magum because the case head is larger dia. As usual just my $.02 Paul K | |||
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Don't forget that for the Mauser type ejector system to work properly the extractor must grip the case tightly to the bolt face so that when the case is withdrawn on the bolt face and hits the ejector there is enough 'spring' in the grip of the extractor to actually flick the case clear of the action. A loaded round should be able to be suspended tightly against the bolt face by the extractor when holding the bolt horizontally out of the rifle without the case falling out of the grip of the extractor. If this can be done then the empty case should well and truly be ejected clear of the action provided the mouth of the case is clear of the receiver ring when the ejector starts to force the case up and sideways off the bolt face out of the grip of the extractor. As I said in my earlier post the ejector must stay in contact with the case head long enough for the ejection process to take place. If this contact is lost too early as the case starts to lift and the rim rolls off the ejector then the case will just flop back into the receiver. | |||
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I realize that the 06 ejector is longer but it can still be used for testing. It sits deeper in the slot and there for has more contact rather than loosing control as soon as the empty starts to move. I agree with eagle27 about grip by the extractor. Seems like the last empty is slipping out of the control segment while the first two are supported by the cases in the magazine sitting on the follower. Once they're gone nothing keeps the last one from slipping out of the extractor grasp. Seems to me that a tighter grasp by the extractor and a longer contact by the ejector to spring the empty out of the extractor grasp is what's needed. The problem may just be both culprits. As Eagle27 suggested to remove the bolt and see if it will grasp and hold an empty or a loaded round in the horizontal position. If it slips out the extractor is defective. ![]() Olcrip, Nuclear Grade UBC Ret. NRA Life Member, December 2009 Politicians should wear Nascar Driver's jump suites so we can tell who their corporate sponsers are! | |||
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Had a similar problem with my CZ. A new magazine spring solved it.Make sure the follower is not sticking on a fire inside the magazine.jc | |||
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