Here are some pictures of the stock I received yesterday. The fit around the bottom metal was rather snug, but the other sections fit well. The barrel seems to be floating and isn't leaning to one side or the other.
The stock weighs 2 lbs 5oz. The wood is AA with the rubbed finish. Overall I'm pleased with what I received.
Had one made for my sons MRC LH Short action.They let us pick out a AA blank then cut it for a right hand action. Picked out another When It was finally sent We kept it one day and sent it back along with the barreled action. The first stock had a milky color, the bolt handle was cut at least twice to wide(When you looked at the gun from the bolt side the yellow bedding block was the first thing that you could see and really stood out, not good). They said they would put a rush on getting us a new stock so my son could us it for deer season. After calling about every three weeks or so and being told they would start on Monday for sure each time, we finally got it the day before we were going to be going to Almans In MN. for a checkering Job at the end of April. The second stock was much better than the first one, I wanted to inlet the Bolt handle myself but they insisted on doing it. I,ll say that It was better but 45 minutes with a file would have been much better. That said the did throw in a ebony grip cap and fore end tip. The gun Shoots really well. I just got tired of being lied to every time we talked on the phone. They didn't sent it untill I told them to for get it and just send me my money back.
Posts: 215 | Location: BRF mid west WI. | Registered: 28 February 2003
Whoever graded that stock AA need their eyes examined! I would send it back & tell them so in no uncertain terms too!
Posts: 8352 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
The wood looks ok, the finish just doesn't seem to bring out any color. That could also be the pics. But, I thought white line spacers went the way of asbestos.
Originally posted by Kevin Gilbert: Has anyone had any experience with Accurate Inovations in replacement rifle stocks
Ooops! My appologies. I misread the thread. I was thinking Accuracy International stocks... Welcome anyway!
_______________________________________________________________________________ This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life.
rem721, it's funny you mentioned the white spacers. Those are on the rifle because of a mistake that Accurate Innovations made. They called me about 5 weeks ago and said they mistakenly cut my stock 1/2" too short. They said they could put on a thicker pad, put on spacers, or they would start from scratch with a new blank. Given I had already waited months and already was ready to shoot the gun, I decided to go with the spacers. Now that I see it in person, I kinda like it. Maybe it's because I'm a 1970's guy at heart.
Humbarger, to some degree your thoughts on the grading crossed my mind when I first saw it. It's not bad, but I'm not sure it was worth the extra $60 I paid for the upgrade. At this point, I'm just happy I have the gun all together.
This is the first time I've had a gun semi-custom made. I've always just gone to the store and bought one off the shelf. So I learned that even though you get to choose what you want with a custom gun, you don't always get exactly what you want and when you want it. I also learned it costs a heck of a lot more than a off-the-shelf gun. In spite of it all, I really like this gun. I have my 250-3000 ammunition all loaded up and will take it out for its first shoot this upcoming week.