They all smelled like cat food, except the tuna, which actually was cat food.
I was out in the field when the C-ration to MRE changeover took place. We were like children at Christmas time. We used to heat water in our canteen cups to warm the foil packets, then make coffee out of the water. About a year later they told us to stop doing that. It seems that the glue on the foil packets was toxic and was melting in the hot water.
Just read this on another website in reference to rebarreling a Mauser.
Quote: "I've used a crescent wrench to remove receivers from shot out barrels, but I used the outside of the receiver ring and recoil lug as the place to grab.
Have to use a BFW tho."
Ouch!!! This was in response to a guy who wedged something between the receiver rails to remove the receiver since his action wrench would not loosen the action. Talk about the blind leading the blind! Just goes to prove that theres more than one way to ruin a receiver, lol.
Posts: 4871 | Location: Lakewood, CO | Registered: 07 February 2002
Myself and my fellow idiot grunts using the three pronged flash suppressors on our M-16 A1 rifles to twist off the wire that wrapped around the cases of C rations.
Posts: 7158 | Location: Snake River | Registered: 02 February 2004
Swept back bolt handles, barrels w/o sights, ventilated pads, white line spacers, ebony forend tips, skip-line checkering, and grinding the hump off a 98 just to mount one of those optical tubes.
Belted cartridges, safeties on the right side, roll-over cheekpieces, and using anything but measurements to name a cartridge.
How about the 4 guys at the range that were going to use "live" .22 rimfire rounds to drive out the stuck 7mm mag round......Hey, their rimfire right, shouldn't be a problem....
Or the guy that used a hand drill to tap his rifle for a scope......
Posts: 49 | Location: Indiana by way of Louisiana, Arkansas & Oklahoma | Registered: 25 December 2003
Quote: Opening a classic SxS, snapping it shut instead of moving the lever, and then dry firing it to check out them there double triggers. Major cringe.
Even better, doing it one handed, from the waist, so that they REALLY get a good "snap" down and a good "flip" coming back up.
Heck, who needs that skinny little piece of wood out there under the barrels? What's it there for anyway?
guys that turn the pistol to charge it (autos) and generally wind up pointing a 3/4 loaded pistol at teh girlie they are showing off to.
jackasses that hand a first time shooter a BIG gun, and then make fun of them... this is mitigated if recoil is explained and the owner fires it to show them...
the range master running down to me after I put three in the bull, off hand, at 50... tell me I am shooting too fast... with a fricking 500 jeffe
being 1/2way down range to change targets and the sket guys light off a pair of 12's
a "hot shot reloader" with his 300 whizbangsuperstupurmag, that reaches for a mallet (in a HOLSTER on his hip) to open the bolt
"brand new" sks/ak at the range... right out of the box, and 1000 rounds.... and new owner (should be a name for someone that buys something and throws it away the same day) proceeds to swap out the mil clip with a 500 rounder (or some crap) and cooks off 10 "really fast"... and wonder what the smoke/char/broken pieces are from (i saw a guy do this TWICE in 15 minutes)
a weinie with a 223 AR sitting down on my LEFT
some guy telling me "all about guns"... and how the 44 mag is more powerful than ANY bolt gun... and how he can march a can for 75-100 yards... and KEEPS telling me...
oh, did i mention that he conceeds there's a more powerful round... the 444.... "should be good enough for anything in africa"
"experts" in ONE defined field, that are unwilling to be less than acknowledged experts in other fields...
One each SP4 August A. Polio, medic, 82nd ABN would actually trade me pound cake, John Wayne bars, and packets of coffee for Ham and, dare I say it, eggs . He deserved either a medal or a complete neuro-psych evaluation. There is not enough tobasco sauce in the world to make that stuff edible.
The most positive memory I have from that time is that a grenade pin ring and a P-38 can opener combined to make a thrifty and stylish key ring.
Posts: 7158 | Location: Snake River | Registered: 02 February 2004
Quote: Rick, Craig, The most positive memory I have from that time is that a grenade pin ring and a P-38 can opener combined to make a thrifty and stylish key ring. JCN
I have been carrying that exact set-up on my key ring since I came in 89. The P38 is a "wonder tool".
My cringe is the guy who flips open the laoding gate on a Black hawk or half cock on a SAA and spins the cylinder.
Another is the idiot who carries the hammer cocked on a Win 94 while hunting. Seen that one a few times. I dressed them down big time for it.
Posts: 3156 | Location: Rigby, ID | Registered: 20 March 2004
since we are all cringing (not even sure I can spell it )
I'm guilty of causing some of you to cringe, but not on purpose. I've taken a gun or two apart with pipe wrenches in my younger yrs, own a gun with a rollover stock and a swept back bolt. Oiled my gun with Camp dry once, all I had, but I killed bear with it. Will not hesitate to wipe the lense on a Euro scope with my tee shirt. Wish I had rubber mallet at the range a time or two, never even thought about a much for the humor, let me tell ya what my biggest cringe was. Took a day of vacation to go to the range (American Shooting Center Houston) in the middle of the week hopeing to shoot kinda to myself to seriously group and sight in a couple of guns for an upcomming Elk hunt. About half way through two guys drive up and dragged out a big ass machine gun on a tripod and set up right next to me, with a muzzle brake as big as my.....uhh uhh rubber mallet .
I asked them to wait till I could get loaded up, I wanted keep what little ears I have left. I gave up and went to the house........that made me cringe.
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003
I cringe every time I read most of the things I see posted. Friends, I have a rather large and diverse collection of firearms and could convert them into a considerable pile of cash. BUT, none of these objects were created by any god, they are not due any reverance and while I belive in not abusing something, some of you fellows make me cringe when you act as if using a pipe wrench on a damned old Mauser is akin to burning the flag and that the actions of double guns are as delicate as the innards of a Rolex.
Come on, lighten up and enjoy life a little. You'll never snap your Boss shotgun enough to loosen it.....IF you ever even see one, let alone handle one and there have been more Mausers used for rebar than ever ruined with pipe wrenches. While you're slithering under your theater seat because Clint slides his model 29 across the cement, think of all the city police departments (those GREAT men in blue..puke, puke) that are torching guns everyday. So what. It keeps S&W, Ruger, et al., in business making more.
Posts: 288 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: 23 August 2003