A friend has a Garand in excellent condition with a new barrel, op rod, and gas cylinder. He had also bedded the barrel. He asked me if I wanted to shoot a few of his hand loads (Oh, hell yes).
1st shot - cold barrel, dead center, 2" above six o'clock. 2nd through 10th shots, 10 seconds between shots, 1" group at three o'clock.
This same pattern (first shot way out, next nine grouping very well, but at a different POI)occurred with six different loads using three different powders. Anyone have this happen to them? Any probable solutions??
You said he had the barrel bedded? That is the last thing you want to do to a Garand. The barrel needs to be free floated as much as possible. How would the op rod work with a bedded barrel? It wouldn't! Go to www.fultonarmory.com and they can help you. It sounds like you have some binding problems somewhere with the op rod. Just my guess though. Jeff
Have the slots for the gas cylinder been peened to tighten up the gas cylinder(and sight)? has the front handguard been pinned to prevent contact with the barrel? I've owned 7 garands, and still have 2. they can be really finiky sometimes. suggest you go to www.jouster.com and talk to some of the guys on the garand forum. I have found them to be most helpful.
Posts: 1991 | Location: The Three Lower Counties (Delaware USA) | Registered: 13 September 2001