I have a post 64 G series CRF Classic Model 70 custom rifle in 416 Rem with feeding issues--1 or 2 rounds in the internal box function flawlessly. Put 3 in and the bolt passes over the top of the top/3rd round and does not pick it up. Put 4 round in and it will feed the top round, but not the 3 round. Any thoughts on how to correct the issue? Thanks bowen475
You're describing not feeding off one rail, #4 and #2 feed off the other rail, and the final round feeds off the rail that #3 doesn't. So, the follower holds the last round where it feeds off that rail, a cartridge doesn't. But, since #4 and #2 feed okay, the mag box width probably isn't the issue. That points to a problem on the rail on that side; since the last cartridge feeds it's not likely a hangup in the box.
I'd look at where the cartridge that doesn't feed is being held down by the rail, so that it doesn't rise high enough to be stripped by the bolt; and open up that rail just slightly in that location. Or, take whatever corrective action is necessary to stop it from hanging up in that location. Look at what is keeping the cartridge from rising into position, and fix that.
At least it's an identifiable and repeatable problem to diagnose, that's easier than a random one or one that doesn't have a pattern. I'd not expect it to be the mag spring, as the next two feed right. Weak spring or mis-bent usually exhibits in the last cartridge not feeding right.