<G.Malmborg> posted 01 December 2002 16:21
Sask_hunter, Years ago Millett (the sight company) used to offer an injection molded stock in blaze orange. Today I don't know who would. You may have to paint it yourself... Good luck. Malm
one of us These guys can for sure.
www.mcmfamily.com Give em a call Monday A.M. and ask for Lynn. She can give you details. MtnHtr
[ 12-01-2002, 08:05: Message edited by: MtnHtr ]
one of us Any car body shop can paint a fiberglass stock with a tough auto paint....any color including camo.
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
one of us ill have to look in to it. i think it would look cool an match my huting gear to boot. did the millit stock look any good?
Posts: 159 | Location: Saskatchewan | Registered: 14 November 2002
<Buliwyf> posted 04 December 2002 13:23
I think Blaze Orange is a fantastic color for a stock Sask! B
one of us Brownell's will sell you a blaze orange stock for your Rem 870 so your guns will match.
Posts: 1570 | Location: Base of the Blue Ridge | Registered: 04 November 2002
One of Us Sask_hunter, you really don't want to know what I think of a blaze orange stock. You asked though, lol. There are some advantages, you wouldn't ever loose it, even if you wanted to.
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001
one of us If after serious and "sober" consideration, you still want an orange stock, you could pick up any old synthetic stock and paint it yourself. Just go down to any hardware store, get a can of Krylon OSHA Safety Orange and spray-bomb the mo-fo. If the paint fails to stick and flakes off in random patterns, just tell anyone who asks, "It's Blaze-Camo!" Tongue in cheek, Joe.