How do you care for your wood stocks? I am familar with good barrel cleaning and wiping down with CLP (the smell arouses me ), but I am not knowledgeable about how to care for my wood stocks properly. I searched the archives somewhat and found that some people use Tung Oil and others use Linseed Oil. I would like to know what you use and why.
Good advice on the wax. Make sure your finish (if you have refinished) is REALLY cured. I generally wait at least a month after final coats. I used to use Birchwood Casey wax until I got caught in the rain at a competition. What an incredible gunky mess. A good car wax (Meguire's) works great. If you ever see a chunk of carnauba in its raw state you will see why.
Posts: 904 | Location: Austin,TX USA | Registered: 23 January 2001
Thanks for the advice. These are for my current wood stocked guns that have come with the factory finish. I have been fairly fortunate in the quality of these stocks. One from the Winchester Custom Shop, two Supergrades, and one Compact Classic. I just don't recall much discussion on wood stock care.
For an oil finished stock I was put onto a product called CCL conditioning oil. I think CCL stands for "Clive C Lemon". You use the tiniest little bit & rub in with your hands to generate heat. Boy is it effective. Stock looks great, really enhances the figure of the wood & gives a niice sheen. Pretty expensive stuff though A$25 for a small bottle. It works so it is worth it.