WVBlue has restocked his 22. I believe he said the rifle was now off for reblueing. Here are some pictures you can see more HERE. I'll let him give the details!
Yep, saltwood was the rason it needed restocked. The sight is as it was the day I got it, one Christmas day about 30 (+/-) years ago, and it is accurate.
Bought the blank from ElCaballero, had jeffeosso rough turn it for me. Then I asked my dad who does wood working to just get it to where I could shoot it. Well, his eyes aren't so good anymore, so he handed it over to Keith Cottrel who then proceeded to produce what you see. From my uneducated eye this is one FINE job on a stock from a man that doesn't do it for a living. Although he does carve fish and has won several awards for them. Anyway, I am exceedingly pleased with the way it turned out, except now I am afraid to go hunting with it. Next step is blueing and a couple of clips, they got lost during the years it was disassembled.