The trigger system is totally different on the 550 along with the safety. The 550 is finish a bit better. Bolt sleeve is different. Other than these things everything is much the same. I thinkI would consider the 550 preferable. Regards, Bill.
I havehad bth of them and I prefer 550 because it is more advanced it is something like clone of Mauser 98 and Remington 7... together takyni advantages from both. And CZ-550 (I have custom build one) has excelent trigger adjustment and incredibly short locktime.
Posts: 64 | Location: Zlin, Moravia, Czech Republic, Europe | Registered: 30 May 2002
What are some options for a replacement trigger for the 550? How difficult is it to install a model 70 type three position safety? Thanks, for any help.
I have a coverted 602 and own 2 550's. I agree that the 550's are better fit and finish but the 602 can be bought up to scratch. I have replaced the 602 set trigger with the blade that was supplied with the orginal rifles and with that new trigger blade the trigger actually sits further to the rear of the trigger guard and is a nice big wide blade, and feels much better than the little wire one that the cz 550's have. I still feel the 602's are desirable and I saved $480 odd dollars when buying the 602 over a new cz 550 for my project. Also the 602's have very tasteful old world looking logo on the front bridge and also lack the boat hull advertisment on the left of the reciever.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
I looked at the 550 prior to buying a mint 602 in 375 from 1985 (date stamp is on the receiver) and prefer the 602 for two reasons. My 602 has the standard trigger which I much prefer to the set trigger on the 550 and the 602 can be found with the "Deluxe" stock which has better wood, classic shape, and the foreend tip which I thought was much better than the 550 stock. Bedded the stock and added two cross bolts. Maybe the 550's better finished but my 602's just fine and smooth as silk. One pro for the 550 may be that rumor has it, at least in the 416, it's got a Lothar Walther bbl on it.
I am finding out that a lot of people I know have bought the CZ 550 in 416 Rigby. Everyone has told me their rifle feeds, fires, and ejects without problems. Also, everyone has told me their CZ 416 Rigby shoots MOA or less. Do you find the same results with your 602/550's?