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Help me out here please !
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If you read my post on the .243 problem and I can't get it to work righ I'm going to rebarrel the rifle to .358 win. I know this has been boached before but a guy says he can put on a Shaw bbl at a reasonable price. Are shaw bbls any good ? I just looked at an article in Rifle mag wher some writer built a custom gun with a shaw bbl and accoring to the writer it shoot 3/4"" all day so he recommends them. Since I'm a little light in the pocket book I'm tempted to go for the shaw but a douglass is only about $50.00 more. Are they any good ?
Posts: 367 | Location: Farmington, Mo | Registered: 07 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of D Humbarger
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Your smith will charge the same for labor no matter what barrel you use so buy the best that you can afford. I personally like Lothar Walter barrels But I would go with the Douglas over the Shaw anyday.

[ 09-03-2002, 04:13: Message edited by: Bear Claw ]
Posts: 8347 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I've said it before and I will say it again: Don't waste your money on a Shaw barrel when youcan get a good, no, great barrel for a few bucks more. These guys that write these articles need something to write about and as soon as some needy SOB like Shaw barrels sends them a barrel, they have to write about it being the next best thing to sliced bread. There is a reason why the guys at Shilen, Lilja, Pac-nor and Krieger don't need to get their names in the news. They have good quality stuff and don't need some half-brained gunwriter to espouse their goods. Here we go guys, but you know how I feel about those barrels and I ain't about to change my mind when there are so many good ones out there.

Posts: 5506 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 10 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I suppose a Adams& Bennett is out of the Question?
Posts: 200 | Location: Tin Top .Texas | Registered: 21 August 2001Reply With Quote
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For me it is.
Posts: 8347 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
<Don Martin29>
I would buy the Shaw barrel. On this forum its' automatic to the lowest common denominator. This means that no matter what topic comes up someone will top the story. We keep going up and up. You would think the sky was falling sometimes. There are guys here who can't shoot regular guns.

The .358 Win is not going to be a varmint rifle anyway. Since the main cause of mechanical failure is improper assembly all you have to do is put the barrel on the right way. I am sure it will group fine. I have rifles made 125 years ago and they shoot fine.

Relax and save a buck.
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I would buy the Shaw also. You never know when you might have need of a long jack handle. As for your barrel you would be wise to purchase the best that you can afford. It only costs a little bit more to go first class whether it be jack handles or barrels.
Relax and save a buck? Not me!.He who dies with the most toys-------WINS

[ 09-09-2002, 03:33: Message edited by: Lightnin ]
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