you're missing the cheapest one available - ruger #1A/H/S models. the problem there is, very few size options and not much adaptability. same goes for ruger banded front sights - cheapest and one of best looking around but limited usefulness. pity ruger doesn't introduce a line of custom gun parts.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill
Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003
re: ruger swivel and sight bands, i'll try to find the ones i've got left but there seem to be abt 3 sizes, possibly 4. the 375 size is a total oddball. had a buddy measure his #1 and i forget the dimensions (will request again) but weren't useful for anything i envisioned at the time. i know i've got a band and front sight but is very small, on order of .550" id on the sight which is a very tiny barrel. i did luck up on my 500-3" NE i'm building (3 years now, lost my momentum) on a #1 and used a ruger swivel band and front sight for a #1H. i'll check and get back. in meantime, check brownells ruger factory parts. the one for a 338mag #1S should have possibilities. HOWEVER, this is a crap shoot and is a little silly to work barrel dimensions around the small parts.
i've also had some problems getting parts from ruger before. well, not GETTING them, they've very cooperative. just getting the RIGHT ones. i.e. i've ordered a band and sight for one model/caliber. it turned out too small so ordered one of each for what should have been next size up and it was same. tried to get a front for an m77 once that'd had the sights removed and what they sent wasn't even close to right size.
Brownell's carries them in the OEM parts section You have to call and ask for the ID's and hope to get someone in the Technical Helpdesk who has time to look up the info for you.
I've used one on my 9.3x62 and got one in the works for my .416 Aagaard. You need the front sight base, front sight, base set screw, sight plunger and it's spring. It's about $40.00 worth of parts.
Posts: 1950 | Location: Almost Heaven | Registered: 10 January 2003
Originally posted by 333_OKH: I am trying to find information on barrel band reaer sights that fit the straight tapered area of Lothar's pattern number 5130......
Supposedly this is the Rechnagel sights and NECG carries them, but i have not seen them yet. I am awaiting an e-mail response.
Does Rechnagel carry these bands too?
I just ordered that exact barrel profile from LW, thats a Mauser type "E" right.
I am up north and don't have my Recknagel catalog but I will check as soon as I get back south.
I am trying to do pretty much the exact thing your trying to accomplish, butt the barrel band up against the step.
Are you planning to use the NECG ring base?
Posts: 1486 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 28 May 2004
I have used many Talley bands, they are very easy to size with a ballpeen hammer. One of the nicest looking ones (if you're going for the original rounded look like on model Bs) is the London Guns - it is hard to install though, as you can't size it with a hammer. They are also very rough and a bit 'chunkier' than original barrel bands. If someone else was doing the work, I would use one...
Posts: 341 | Location: MI | Registered: 24 January 2005
I, too, am considering a Ruger #1 barrel band sling swivel for my .375 H&H Browning Stainless stalker. The barrel is .800 in diameter at the point where the band would be installed. The bands on my .416 Rigby (M77) and .458 Win Mag (#1) are much too large. Has anyone come up with the I.D.s of the Rugers bands on smaller calibers? I've had no luck, so I was going to call the larger gun stores around here and ask if I could measure the barrels. However, most shops don't have many #1s is stock.
I recently got an e-mail from the German Lothar Walther site with profiles of the 5125 and the 5130. They actually are not the same barrel. the 5125 is the original H&H barrel profile used for the 375 H&H Magnum when it was introduced. The 5130 was a profile used by Mauser on its larger caliber guns and also used by many of the English makers for thier express guns.
Please see the attached diagrams. They are very helpful. The 5125 has a short shank at the chamber and then striahgt taper to the muzzle. the 5130 used a concave radius after the shank (chamber bell) and then tapers slightly. Then there is a stright area for a barrel band rear sight, then a reduction in the diamter and taper to the end. I like the 5130 better. It is exactly what I want.
Now I need to find out what NECG rear barrel band sight fits that barrel. Hmmm banded front or not???
If these come out blurry, I would be more than glade to e-mail them to people thinking about using the profiles.
Posts: 3284 | Location: Mountains of Northern California | Registered: 22 November 2005
Your e-mailed drwing is more detailed than the one I pulled off the German website.
The biggest ring base I see on the NECG site is .768" ID. The tapper on the collar might be a small issue, but on the front side that is only .097" undersized, so that is about the right size. The rear with .164" different will be more of a issue, but opening up the ID of the base and possibly reducing the OD of the rear of the collar will probablt help this.
Before I get too excited about this, I want to see what the Recknagel catalog has for parts, the might have something different.
Posts: 1486 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 28 May 2004
NECG says they have a part number R-804 similar to the one on the web site that is meant for this barrel. I have a few more questions for them and I will let you know what I find.
These drawing were e-mailed to me from LW Germany. They were also very helpful, just like Woody.
Posts: 3284 | Location: Mountains of Northern California | Registered: 22 November 2005
regarding Ruger #1 bands, sorry i was slow. i've only got 2 now. one is .654" ID and is i think for the #1S model. also have one for their 458 (and i assume any #1H) and is currently .980" but would have originally been around .920-.930. didn't fit far enough back on the 500NE barrel and i opened it up some. they're plenty thick if you want to do that much work. the only ruger front sight i can find is likewise on the 500 and is .820" or so and i used it just as it was. the only guy i know w/ a #1 in 375 is out of town for several days. he'd told me the dia of that band but i can't recall nor find where i wrote it down.
like i said, if you get lucky you can get by and i find them and the front sights attractive. otherwise, is less work to just buy aftermarket stuff that fits.
one other thing to warn you about on the ruger bands, they have a small set screw hole up thru bottom dead center. doesn't bother me but i do all my own work and try to keep my per rifle cost down. if you're sinking $1k+ into a gun you'll likely want to not used what amounts to scrounged up parts. that said, i still like the looks of rugers factory sights tho.
Does anyone know the cost of those ERA rear sight bases?
Doug Humbarger NRA Life member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club 72'73. Yankee Station
Try to look unimportant. Your enemy might be low on ammo.
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
taylor in "african rifles and ctgs" recommended the rear to be 24-26" from the butt, further rather than nearer better to allow for vision deteriorating over time. i've done that the last 3 i put irons on and found them to be much more useable than most factory guns i've tried which with their original opens. i'll be in a minority here but i don't like quarter ribs for 2 reasons. one is they put the rear too close to the eye. the other is they seem to invariably end up at the balance point of the gun and make one handed carry uncomfortable. ruger #1's are particularly bad in this regard because the rib is narrow and high. the 500-3" i'm building on a #1 just has an island rear 26" fwd and while may not look "classic", it sure is more functional.