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Simple Shop Alarm Needed

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For simple and cheap, you can put together a system with X10, and they have all sorts of ways to add on later:

Now, if what you want is dirt simple and cheap you can put one of these in your shop, a remote operated motion sensing alarm:

Also, since you have no windows and one door first thing I'd do is put a motion light over the doorway, and put a plug adapter in one of the sockets and have it plugged into a radio or tape recorder that has some album playing you like. Everybody has an old cassette player, and most people also have some old cassette of an album they like but aren't going to throw away. Put the player in your shop set loud, then whenever the alarm trips you'll know it and it will be a lot more pleasant that a siren. Plus you could have it play something that would also let the miscreant know they were not welcome, plenty of songs from most any era that have the theme of "keep the hell away from me" Heck, I'm not even a Hank Williams fan and I think "Your Cheatin' Heart" would be a hilarious alarm.

Anyway, hope that helps!


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Thanks for the links Mark. I'll check them out.

Shoot Safe,

NRA Endowment Member

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Simple. I used to use an alarmed motion sensor,but mice kept setting it off.So I used an idea that a friend had used similarly in the 70's when the CB craze was so high;he got tired of getting his CB radio stolen out of his truck when he was asleep ;so he brazed some treble hooks on the backside,low + behold that wet was still there in the morning,hung up under the dash.So I used this totally passive sercurity idea by suspending secure treble hooks on trylene inside the only entrance,1 every 6" chest high.It is dark + even w/ a flashlight you would'nt know what you were seeing.You WILL catch a villan.Fornunately I have not needed to catch one as todays laws would most likely incriminate me.Of course if you also had a backhow that might change matters.

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I live in a high theft area and I've never had anything dissapear with my system. Got 6 back ups to the primary too.

A little dog shit is a small price to pay for absolute peace of mind. Security is just the bonus of a good Treeing Blackmouth Cur. Highly protective over kids too.

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You can use an alarm w/o delay as long as you can disable before it goes off. Either a hidden switch outside (but someone might see you using it) or the sensor aimed so it doesn't go off when you first walk in.
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