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DIY silencers.
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I have shot silenced 22's, with and without subsonic ammo. My impression is that there is a huge difference between the two. I also tried this from a position to the side and down range, and if in front of the muzzle, the supersonic rounds are very loud relatively.

I was a little surprised by the numbers listed as standards. In the world of acoustics and industry, numbers of 130, 110 and 160 range from too loud to painful. OSHA standards call for full time hearing protection in any industrial environment where the level exceeds 85 dB. I suspect the difference is that the Mil spec refers to an impulse/instantenous level and the acoustic and industrial standards are time averaged readings. To me, the sound of a subsonic, supressed 22 is almost to quiet to hear. The sound of turbine at 130 dB is almost painful.
Posts: 1238 | Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA | Registered: 04 February 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The 84 decibel limit is based on continuous noise, not impulse noise. Impulse noise is a short enough duration that it does not cause the same amount of damage.

A special meter and microphone that has a responce time of no more than 20 micro seconds is required to accurately measure the sound.


In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
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Ranb,It appears that your video has been removed;could you repost it?
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Here is the link;


In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
Posts: 803 | Location: WA, USA | Registered: 29 December 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I was noticing that SRT claims that they can get the muzzle report on a 10/22 down to 111dB. That is the same dB reading as the action coming down on an empty chamber.

As far as I am concerned, if the muzzle report is no louder than the action, the firearm is, for nearly any practical purposes, silent.

Specifically, when the muzzle report is no longer the loudest component of the discharge, the suppressor has done its job.

NRA, Grass Roots North Carolina,Tea Party Patriots, National Association of Gun Rights,

I drank the blue kool-aid - will work for brass.
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Originally posted by ranb40:
Originally posted by 724wd:
so the people claiming silencing effects that allow to only hear the action cycling are exaggerating their success?

I think so. Check out this link. The lowest decibel reading of any suppressed 22lr firearm I have seen claimed when using a proper meter/microphone IAW MIL-STD-1474D is 110 decibels. I do not know about others, but I can hear a noise at that level even if it is impulse noise.

I have heard high quality silencers on 22 rimfire rifles using subsonic ammo. The muzzle report is obviously present. It can be covered up by ambient noise, hearing protection and action noise, but it is still there and you will hear it if you are paying attention and if you have good ears.

The muzzle report on a suppressed pistol with a short non-ported barrel is going to be much louder than a rifle with a 16 inch or longer barrel.

Do not misunderstand me though. I am impressed with silencer performance in general, but I am very familiar with their limitations.


That is kinda sorta right but not quite.
A good to fine muffler will dampen @30dB
A full 22LR will measure to something like 122-125dB
So it can be turned down to 92-95dB Thats not quiert but damn near.
I shoot my 10/22 with 22Zimmer (22LR with a 30gr bullet going 800fps) + a Vaime muffler and from a shooters standpoint all i hear is the hammer falling and the lead connecting with a magpie or the like.
Then again it started life at a little over 105dB so with a muffler it is like hearing them shoot at the telly ie. 75-80dB.

In over speed of sound guns then the general rule is that a muffler is for the shooter, thats it. Going downrange 75yards most of the noise you'll hear is from the sonic crack of the bullet passing.

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Well if you live in the USA or its territories you might be singing, "who'd a thought it", when that jail door slams in that Federal hoosecow!! Roll Eyes

I have been told any velocity over 900 FPS is impossible to silence?? BOOM

I wonder if some folks don't know there is a difference in a silencer and a suspressor?

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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I had a full auto mach 10 in .380 ACP with a suppressor and it sounded like a covey of quail coming out of the brush..Ive shot 22 L.R.s that most all you heard was the clacking of the automatic action..Not sure what ammo was used.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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There was a guy that used to shoot his Mac 10 at the range and all I remember is the sound of the action sounds from movement . . .
VERY quick movement at that.
Can was as big as the gun.

Don't limit your challenges . . .
Challenge your limits

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Ran into a guy in SE Oregon this Spring shooting a suppressed Ruger bolt gun in 17WSM. Very quiet, I was impressed.
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If that feckless cunt from Kentucky wasn't Senate Majority Leader, the HPA/HUSH act would have passed already and this would all be moot.


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I have to wear hearing aids these days, but I treasure my quite world without them.. rotflmo

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
I have to wear hearing aids these days, but I treasure my quite world without them.. rotflmo


My wife gets mad, when I remove my hearing aids while she is in the middle of a lecture about something of absolutely no importance to me.


Hunting buff is better than sex!
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My hearing is not so bad, but, my wife I have selective hearing!

This works to my advantage, as I choose what hear! clap
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Funny thing Saeed. I have a very similar situation here. But my wife, who won't admit it, is losing her hearing as well. Things may get tough around here until we admit the situation here. Good Luck, and God Bless. Packy
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