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Is this trap too big for dingos?

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04 November 2010, 05:06
Is this trap too big for dingos?

It's a wolf trap, and I am still learning the laws, and I aim to use it on wild dogs in Australia.
06 November 2010, 04:04
How big is an average Dingo? Here in Wisconsin, USA I use the regular steel jaw for beaver and they work great. For the coyotes here I use the little brother to this trap, the MB650 also a great trap. If I had to hazard a guess, that coyotes and dingos are nearly the same size (35 lbs or so) the MB650 would be the better of the two but the MB750 would still certainly work. For your information the 650 has a 6.5" jaw spread and the 750 has a 7.5" jaw spread.

Good Luck!

**************************The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.
06 November 2010, 18:16
I think its to big, most dingos are about the size of a coyote, but with a lot less hair. You also don't have a lot of snow and ice to contend with. I wouldn't go bigger than the 650 and if properly anchored with a spring, I think the 550 would do you. I always meant to try a predator call on dingos and I am positive they could be "howled" in. I nearly got the bite put on me once by imitating a buffalo calf!
19 February 2011, 05:26
Alpine Hunter
What state are you in? Trapping regs are different in each state.
Having said that - you dont need a wolf trap for wild dogs. A number 3 size trap and bigger is generally suitable. The 750 has been used on dogs in more recent years but the 650 is probably a more appropriate size. Look up Western Trapping Supplies for an idea about what size traps for what animal.
Traps used for trapping dingoes/wild dogs here in Aus have traditionally been much larger than in other countries. People are starting to realise that bigger is not always better.
09 March 2011, 04:16
you don't want to catch the animal by the legbone. YOu want to catch them by the footpad.
09 March 2011, 22:54
For coyote sized canines, a #2 or #3 would be ideal.
15 March 2011, 17:29
These Oz trap suppliers know their stuff; go with what they recommend for dogs:

There's been quite a bit of discussion on dog trapping techniques over at AHN, in the Australian Hunting forum.

They even held a weekend workshop on it recently [in southern Queensland though], with another probably coming up over winter.

18 March 2011, 18:24
Wow! You can trap in Australia! What else is on the menu? Is it mostly damage control, or are there skins you can sell?

21 March 2011, 02:27
coyote wacker
A No.3 would work just fine, I have held up to 100lbs. wolves in them. A No.2 adding larger springs, is a lot easier to make a set, smaller and will hold a large northern coyote, up to 50 lbs. no problem.
22 March 2011, 15:29
Originally posted by Minkman:
Wow! You can trap in Australia! What else is on the menu? Is it mostly damage control, or are there skins you can sell?


Mostly damage control, particularly wild dogs and dingoes. Bounties of $25-100 are paid for dog scalps in some areas.
Some rabbit trapping for meat and skin sales still occurs.

Red foxes were the big fur harvest here back in the '70's, but most were/are shot at night, under spotlight. Skin prices now are too low to make it worthwhile going after them for skins, but a lot are still shot as damage control.

09 October 2011, 09:01
Jack H
l have just started chasing dingo's and are using MB650's. To date l have only got a fox and the farmers dog.
Have a talk to Pete at Get Trapped.

06 January 2012, 19:42
700 nitro
if you can trap/snare wild boar its highly effective
07 January 2012, 10:48
My guess is a #3dls or #4dls would be more than adequate for any dingo that ever walked.

Here's a120lb wolf in a #9 Manning!

I tend to use more than enough gun
29 January 2012, 16:11
Great wolf pic! A number 3 coil spring will do just fine on the dingos. Even a 2 would do fine, but the 3 will give you a little more catch area.
01 February 2012, 04:54
I lost my place to trap when the developers tore up the hillside.

Developers are about the worse thing on the planet.
15 April 2012, 10:03
No developers create jobs and keep capitalitisim going so many can go hunting
just because you lost your free hunting doesent
mean that they are "the worst thing on the planet"