Maine Bear Trapping
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Can anyone tell me about or where I can get more info on Maine Bear Trapping? Thanks in advance!

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Here's some interesting read about what we are up against: Humane Society of US - anti-information

And here's a link to the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

I've never done it, but I know a guy that snared one a few years back - he was thrilled. Are you looking for stuff like stories and guides or just factual information?


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I'd like to try it. Thanks for the the info.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson
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I have a Newhouse bear trap my dad and uncle used back in the 30s and 40's to trap bear in Wis. It would be kind of neat to trap a bear with it.
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p dog -

I don't know if you'll ever be able to use those leghold bear traps legally in the lower 48 ever again. I'm pretty sure Maine is the only place with bear trapping still legal, and they are constantly battling that. I think catching one in a cable restraint/snare and walking up on it sounds pretty exciting, especially if you want to release a little one. Anyways, here's their rules:

From the Maine Wildlife site:

"Bear Trapping

There is an open season on trapping bear from September 1 thru October 31 annually. With the appropriate license, you are allowed to take only one black bear a year, either by trapping or hunting. (New this year: Persons who hold a trapping license will be required to obtain a bear trapping permit).

If you trap for black bear you are required to follow the same general rules that apply to the labeling of traps, the tending of traps and the need to obtain landowner permission. If you trap a bear, you are required to follow the same transportation and registration rules as apply to bear which have been taken by hunting (see page 23). In addition, you are required to follow other rules which apply specifically to bear trapping, as follows:

a. You are not allowed to have more than one trap set for bear at any time.

b. The only types of traps you are allowed to use when trapping for bear are the cable trap (foot snare), and cage type live trap.

c. If you use a cage-type live trap, you must enclose the trap, as follows:

1. the trap must be enclosed by at least 2 strands of wire, one strand 2 feet from the ground and one strand 4 feet from the ground;
2. the wire must be held securely in position;
3. the wire must always be at least 5 yards but not more than 10 yards from the trap;
4. the enclosure must be plainly marked with signs that say “BEAR TRAP” in letters not less than 3 inches high; and
5. the signs must be securely fastened to the top strand of wire and be spaced around the entire enclosure not more than 20 feet apart.

d. If you use a cable trap, the trap must have a closing diameter of not less than 2- 1/2 inches.

e. Whenever cable traps (foot snares) are used to trap for bear, each trap must be set at or below ground level in such a manner as to catch the animal only by the foot or leg.

f. All bear traps must be tended at least once each day.

g. You are not allowed to catch a bear in a trap and allow another person to kill or register the bear.

h. You are not allowed to continue to trap for bear after you have already killed or registered one.

i. Bears caught in traps must be killed or released and not moved away from the catch site. A bear caught in a trap may not be used in conjunction with a hunt or to train a dog for bear hunting.

j. The same rules apply to hunting and trapping for bear with the use of bait.

k. A line of demarcation of at least 500 yards shall be established at sites permitted or licensed for the disposal of solid waste. A person may not trap within the demarcation area (except that an agent of the commissioner is exempt for the purpose of live trapping of nuisance bear).

You are not allowed to trap within 500 yards of a site permitted or licensed for the disposal of solid waste, except for agents of the commissioner who are exempt for the purpose of live trapping of nuisance bear."


"Listen more than you speak, and you will hear more stupid things than you say."
Posts: 706 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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The guy who owns and runs this outfit is the Vice President for the Maine Trappers Ass. He is the one who I got my trapping coarse with.
Check out his site, pop in and say hi. Maybe a good place to start. Best of luck to ya!

Disabled Vet(non-combat) - US Army
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Posts: 934 | Location: North Anson Maine USA | Registered: 27 October 2008Reply With Quote
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Bears caught in traps must be killed or released

Eeker Released? Yeah, right!!!
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Just got back from Alberta where I found a #5 Newhouse bear trap. It had been painted and used for an ornament but it appears in great shape. I'm going to have it sandblasted to remove the paint. Any suggestions on how to handle it after that? Should I dye it, etc???
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I would do everything you normally would do to a foot hold, boil, rust, die, wax.
Sense this thread was started about Maine bear trapping, may I remind you that foot holds for bear in Maine is now illegal.

Disabled Vet(non-combat) - US Army
Hunter, trapper, machinest, gamer, angler, and all around do it your selfer.
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Posts: 934 | Location: North Anson Maine USA | Registered: 27 October 2008Reply With Quote
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How do you release a pissed off bear?
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hey sevenmag,

two schools of thought, either let it sit and weather itself to a dull patina with some rust, or, dye it black. Kinda depends on what look you're going after.

Dan Donarski
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