The Accurate Reloading Forums
here we go

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10 June 2006, 22:05
here we go
Good idea for a forum. There are lots of us who used to trap and others who still do. I can just imagine the beaver jokes that are going to fly around in here!!
11 June 2006, 02:54
Should be great fun Chef and most likely educational for a lot of folks who've never trapped.

I have trapped since I was 7 years old and started taking fur (coyotes, gray fox, bobcats) with a rifle when I was 10.

Which I'm still doing, albeit with equipment changes Big Grin

I run into a lot of guys who trapped when they were young but fell away from it when fur prices were down. And to a man every one of em' remembers it as some of the best times in life.
11 June 2006, 17:05
Well i started with hunting, but got very fast infected with the trapping virus!!
Once you have made your first catch you are sold!

I think this forum was missing on the AR forum!
16 June 2006, 06:00
I remember back in the late 60s early 70s getting sometimes $75.00 for a trapped red fox pelt if the color was good and if it was prime. I don't think you can get $20 for them these days.
18 June 2006, 01:05
I also remember a beaver being 100 bucks or more. A fellow could make some real money at one time.
19 June 2006, 06:22
there is some benefit to low prices if you have a wife or girlfriend as you can have a coat made with the pelts. A few years ago I have a lovely beaver coat made for the Mrs. by USA FOXX in Duluth Minnesota. they did a fantastic job and the cost was reasonable.