Coyotes Killing my Cats
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I've got a problem with coyotes coming into the yard at night and killing my cats. Just lost 2 neutered cats in the last couple weeks.Anyone have some effective proceedures ?
Posts: 2457 | Location: manitoba canada | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of TREE 'EM
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Find their travelways where they enter your property and set snares.
Collar-em traps are highly effective in a setting like that too. No worries about non-target catches with the collar-em as it is just a cable restraint with a relaxing lock which makes it non-lethal.

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Coyotes, foxes, Great Horned owls all eat cats. Keep em close. Wink Don't generally hunt coyotes, but the rule here is, if they get too close to the house or too familiar, lead poisoning is in order.


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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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If the coyotes were around in daylight the lead poisoning would have already happened. They only show up at night and the neighbors are likely going to be more than a little concerned when they hear shots at night. We live on an acreage so the cats are outside keeping mice under control. At over a $ 100 a cat to get them neutered it ticks me off to have coyotes get them. Others must have similar problems. Hoping to hear from someone who has a particularly effective trap/way of dealing with the coyotes.
Posts: 2457 | Location: manitoba canada | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dieseltrucker
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I to have lost a couple cats. I get them on a game camera, but routes and times are sporadic. I keep a suppressed rifle in the living room for just such occasion, but the song-dogs are more than a little cagey.
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check your regs. We are very limited with cable restraints here in Wisconsin. The downside to snares/poison is that you run the risk of killing any cats/dogs that are in the area as well. I've only been trapping a few years now, but MB 650's have now accounted for 16 yotes. Dirt hole sets are very effective.

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Alberta rule is you can hunt but not trap them, unless you're a licensed trapper, don't know about Manitoba, I'd check that before setting any traps or snares. Might try a predator call late in the day and see what happens.


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote

Picture of Mark
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I'd get a box trap or build a large pen trap close to the house, then no big deal if/when you catch the family pooches. It's traumatic for the birds but build a cage within the cage and put a chicken in there overnight.

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If you don't want the cats killed, put them in the house and put out poison for the mice and rats.

Not being snide or rude, but house cats are house cats, not outside cats coyotes and Great Horned Owls treat cats like dessert. Going with varmint calls and shooting or using live traps might help with the coyotes but won't do anything with the owls.

There are different mouse and rat baits that can be used outside on the market, check with any local Farm & Ranch store.

I love cats, but outside cats are just not a good idea, they are as equal opportunity in what they will eat as is a coyote or GHO. Song birds/quail/squirrels/rabbits are all on an outside cats menu.

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Coyotes will kill cats every chance they get, a cat is an easy mark for a coyote, especially a house cat..Feral cats survive much better, but even they fall prey to coyotes..You can trap them out, but you might catch your cats also, poison the same...its a no win situation.

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