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Gun dogs

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24 October 2012, 00:11
Gun dogs
How about a forum to discuss gun dogs & other hunting dogs? Smiler

24 October 2012, 06:40
I would have to agree as well.
24 October 2012, 11:53
That is a brilliant suggestion - yes please !!
24 October 2012, 15:04
Originally posted by shakari:
How about a forum to discuss gun dogs & other hunting dogs? Smiler

Guess who is getting a damn dog? Big Grin

Of course you could try here????


24 October 2012, 17:48
Steve, you getting a dog? What kind?

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
24 October 2012, 18:19

Well, I'll be blowed...... I hadn't seen that one at all but in my defence, I was expecting to see it under a different category and looked close to the cat forum..... thanks for that buddy!


I had dogs for years and then went without when I lived in Africa but now I'm in Europe and the hunting, especially the bird hunting is just soooooooo damn good, I WAS going to get a black lab and a GSP.

When the subject came up on a recent hunting trip, my friends here in Portugal were appalled and told me that whilst it was right I have a lab, as I was nearly Portuguese, I'd have to have a Portuguese hunting dog as well so the upshot is the GSP isn't gonna happen and I'll be getting a Portuguese Pointer puppy instead.

To be honest, I'd never heard of Portuguese Pointers but I googled them and contacted the Portuguese Pointer club of America and a few local hunters etc and they look to be a bloody breed for hunting here and I'll be delighted to have one.

I've just spent the morning making a kennel for her out of one of the old wine barrels from my adega (wine making cellar) and although it's gonna take time to get right and properly clean, I reckon it's a nice idea for a Portuguese Pointer. Wink

Here's a link for the breed:

24 October 2012, 21:23
You do know that you are going to have to change your avatar there Shakari. A "Pork'n Cheese" rabbit, boar or something not African. Roll Eyes
24 October 2012, 22:15
It took me bloody ages to get that one up there but I'll give it some thought. Eeker

25 October 2012, 11:44
You will be disappointed in a Portugusse pointer, they are strictly pointer's and nothing else. Have you ever heard of barking up the wrong tree? Portugal is VERY famous for that, I alway's thought it was a American slang but it is NOT!!!!!! Please do your research, by the way, there are type's of Portugal pointers.
25 October 2012, 11:46
There are 3 type's as far as my memory can recall as well the stud book.
25 October 2012, 13:27

I plan on having a lab as well so I reckon it'll probably work for me..... the PP will be used for pointing the partridges (I adore shooting over pointers) and the lab for retrieving and (with luck) will also help me track wounded deer and maybe wild boar.

Although I get sufficient opportunities to hunt deer and wild boar, I'm expecting most of my hunting here to be wingshooting rather than anything else...... I rather feel I've killed more than my fair share of big/bigger game and am not too bothered about doing much more of it.

I'd like one half decent red deer trophy and might shoot an occasional deer or pig for the table but can't ever see myself doing much more than that.

Do you mean there are 3 sizes of PP or do you mean something else?

26 October 2012, 17:47
We've had this forum since 2007:

Dogs: Man's Best Friend - No Doubt About It - Especially Hunting In The Fields

Are you all blind? Maybe we need a seeing eye dog forum.


26 October 2012, 19:14
Sorry Don. My fault entirely. I expected to find it next to the cat forum & just looked in the wrong place. homer

26 October 2012, 21:51
No worries. I'll delete the thread tomorrow.
