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Moderators: Paul H
Re: Price increase for license and tags
Picture of Paul H
Anyone heard about plan B? I came accross this on another web site:

License Fee Increase: Plan B
Institute new resident big game tag fees so that those who hunt more species or more highly sought after species pay more. This is the approach used in all western states but Alaska. It is sometimes referred to as the "cafeteria" approach since the cost of hunting is based on how much
and what one harvests. In all cases, Alaska's proposed fees are lower than the average charged
in other western states. Purchasers of low-income licenses could be exempt from these fees or
charged a lower fee. The cost of a general hunting license could be set at $35-$40 to generate at
least $3.5 million in new revenue for the Division.
Proposed Fee
Species Alaska Tag Fee

Black bear I $25
Brown bear I $55
Bison $150
Caribou 2 $10
Dall sheep $50
Deer 3 $5
Elk $50
Moose $20
Mountain Goat $50
Muskox $150 Wolf I $25
Wolverine $25

I Wolf and bear tag fees would only be in effect outside of areas where predator control
activities authorized by the Board of Game are being implemented.
Caribou tags would be $10 per animal with a maximum of $50 for high bag limits.
Deer tags would be $5 per animal with a maximum of $30 for high bag limits.

Because this approach would be new for Alaska, we can not precisely estimate the administrative costs of changing our fee structure, including educating license vendors statewide, or the revenue
it would generate."
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Alaska caters to Guides and tourist companies.They want to pave the Dalton Hwy and the Denali hwy for tourist companies and forget hunters.Princess tours if Jap owned and does not hire locals.The fish and game dept is on its way to making hunting a rich mans sport in Alaska.Anchorage already has a hudge area that you can only hunt with air rifles and bows .The last thing i want to hunt with in alaska is a air gun.There are large areas of Military land closing for hunting due to the missle base and 911.There is a 70 mile long road which goes to Pogo mine through the good pasture that F&G agreed with the mine to not open to hunting.The Alaska F&G is full of anti hunters who will make sure in the end the road system is a park and hunters must be flown in by expensive guides.
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Speaking strictly as a non-resident the tags in Ak are still a bargain compared to many areas. In fact I'd still rate AK as the best value in hunting or fishing.
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Has any one heard if anything new has passed on the licence increase?
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Stark
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Always looking for more ways to make money aren't they? Mad At least the deer tags for residents here in AZ aren't too bad.

Ruger SRH in .480
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Posts: 36 | Location: Willcox, Arizona | Registered: 15 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of MuskegMan
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According to Fin, Fur and Feathers website, they are waiting for the upcoming legislative session for their approval. Details at the ADF&G website:

License Fee Increase Information

Posts: 2097 | Location: S.E. Alaska | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of RMiller
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I am not looking forward to higher fees. Mad Mad

Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of RMiller
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Wow, those increases are something.

I hate to say it. But I will have to be more specific in only paying fees for what I know I will hunt.

I can see that my permit aplication will only have a couple spaces filled in.

I guess that when my kids get a little older I'll be donating big time. I better start saving now! Eeker

Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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DGR, you are right on. They've got this state locked up. I went into their site and let them have my opinion. click on here and let em have it with both barrels:

Originally posted by dgr416:
Alaska caters to Guides and tourist companies.They want to pave the Dalton Hwy and the Denali hwy for tourist companies and forget hunters.Princess tours if Jap owned and does not hire locals.The fish and game dept is on its way to making hunting a rich mans sport in Alaska.Anchorage already has a hudge area that you can only hunt with air rifles and bows .The last thing i want to hunt with in alaska is a air gun.There are large areas of Military land closing for hunting due to the missle base and 911.There is a 70 mile long road which goes to Pogo mine through the good pasture that F&G agreed with the mine to not open to hunting.The Alaska F&G is full of anti hunters who will make sure in the end the road system is a park and hunters must be flown in by expensive guides.
Posts: 467 | Location: Anchorage, AK | Registered: 27 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Why not a price increase? More welfare for goverment employee's. Seeing as how matching funds comes thrrough the Fed's by the Pitman, Roberts fund. The State of Alaska has screwed-up every program it's ever had their hand in!
Posts: 116 | Location: Alaska,U.S.A. | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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The State Trooper combined with F&G to create a mess.I had a friend call F&G about a problem moose in his yard.They told him to squirt it with a super soaker.I told him to tell F&G to come out and show him how its done.If there is a price increase to charge per animal there will be so much poaching that it wont be funny.The natives do what they want to do anyway.Its just going to hurt regular hunters not the rich guys who fly in with guides.They had to make bear tags free in area 20 and 13 so residesnts would even shoot them.They will stop all bear hunting and create even more bears in other areas which the bears already eat most of the calf moose and caribou.The $50 increase i can see but not the per tag increase.The F&G mostly plays on computers and is out of touch with whats going on in the field.They should do the old camp surveys to find out from hunters where the moose and bears are not computer models.You would not believe how many antihunters work for F&G in Alaska just ask Anchorage people.
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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