I hope it isn't presumptuous, but in hunts past, Saeed has sent me a video to send around Alaska. I know prior to that, there were complaints about the time lag due to shipping between the lower 48 and here, and post 9/11, mail service has been notably slower.
Anyhow, this will serve as the Alaska list, first come, first served as usual, I'll send it to the first on the list, then you guys take it from there.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Paul, I just have KMuleinAk on my list, as the only Alaskan. I will keep him there until he tells me otherwise, or you and Saeed make it official. Aloha
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001
The way we've done this before is I get the video to the first guy on the list, he watches it, then sends it on to the next guy. You are responsible for contacting the next guy on the list to figure out where to send it to.
If anyone else in AK is interested, reply to this thread and your name will be added to the list.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
This is perfect timing for the new forum, as I just received the 2003 Tanzania video today.
The current list is:
Kmuleinak AKJD Nitroman Erik Jarett Yukon Jack Inyati
The way we've done it in the past is I get the tape to the first guy on the list, and the rest of you are responsible of contacting eachother to figure out who to send it to next.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Couple of updates. Kmule e-mailed me to say he'll be out for a week helping a buddy with the elusive, well hard to draw for, Delta Bison. So, that bumps AKJD into the #1 spot. I'll try and get ahold of him and get to tape to him this week.
I'll gladly let you know my favorite part when I get a chance to view the tape. Hopefully I'll find some free time this week, something about haveing little ones in school, with aftershool activities nearly every night, and homework, just takes up what little spare time and energy I have.
I'm especially looking forward to viewing the buff hunts, as that is my favorite. Of all your videos, the first Zimbabwe tape, '97 I believe, was the most enjoyable with you and Roy quietly stalking through the brush after the wounded buff. That one hunt really made me feel like I was there, with the tension in the air.
The updated list is:
Kmuleinak AKJD Nitroman Erik Jarett Yukon Jack Inyati Robert Johnson Bee Dubya YK Delta
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Yes we made it to Kenai, no we didn't see so much as a cow or calf, let alone a bull
That said, we had a great time, and caught our share of rainbows. We also made it down earlier in the season for dipnetting, and limited out in an evening, so the freezer is full of fish
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
quote:Originally posted by Paul H: The list so far is:
Kmuleinak AKJD Nitroman
The way we've done this before is I get the video to the first guy on the list, he watches it, then sends it on to the next guy. You are responsible for contacting the next guy on the list to figure out where to send it to.
If anyone else in AK is interested, reply to this thread and your name will be added to the list.
Paul add me to the list kk alaska Kmuleinak AKJD Nitroman
The way we've done this before is I get the video to the first guy on the list, he watches it, then sends it on to the next guy. You are responsible for contacting the next guy on the list to figure out where to send it to.
If anyone else in AK is interested, reply to this thread and your name will be added to the list.[/qb][/QUOTE][/QB][/QUOTE]
I'm back - I can tell you that the Delta bison hunt is great - my buddy that drew the permit, killed a handsome bull the second day of season!!! Wow, we had all the luck on our side - I have emailed Paul about the video, no hurry on my part - thanks Paul and thanks Saeed for starting up the Alaska forum
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002
Thanks Paul, good to finally meet you - I will watch the video this weekend and share with several friends plus email AKJD as he is next on the list for the video - KMule
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002
You guys will enjoy the video, some great shooting by Saeed and roping by Ray; now this Walter, he is a hoot!!! Every campfire after a day of hunting needs a guy like Walter KMule
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002
The videotape has arrived. I will start to watch it tonight. Thanks KMuleinAK. Nitroman, you are next on the list. Please contact me with mailing information. Thanks.
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002
Nitroman, I have sent you an e-mail to the address listed in your profile requesting an address to send the tape to. Please contact me so I can send out the tape. Thanks. JD
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002
I got an e-mail from Nitroman a couple of days ago, he informed me the video will be heading my way on Friday. Jarrett, send me youmailing address and I'll get the video to you as soon as I watch it.