1. What if - you shoot a caribou with a firearm at least 5 miles away from the Dalton Highway but it doesn't go down immediately and, instead, runs toward the highway and drops dead closer than 5 miles, would you get tagged by F&W if you gut it out on the spot or do you have to drag it back past 5 miles?
2. What if - you shoot a caribou with a firearm at least 5 miles from the highway and you are carrying the meat back to your vehicle and you have to stop or camp within the 5 mile archery-only zone before proceeding on, would you get tagged by F&W?
Posts: 665 | Location: Oregon or Namibia | Registered: 13 June 2007
Best thing you can do is mark the spot on a gps where you killed/shot it and take pictures as well. I wouldn't worry to much about the camping thing as the carcass should be enough proof to show that you shot it 5 miles or more. Caribou aren't that hard to kill and I can't imagine one running back into the archery corridor unless you shot it right at the 5 mile limit. Call the troopers or F&G and see if they can answer your question.
Chances are you probably won't get caught, You ought to see what goes on up there especially around Labor day weekend, and the herds in town. I have seen hunters riding on the running boards of trucks trying to chase Bou along the road. Turning them in don't help either, theres only so many troopers to go around, and the stretch from Atigun pass to Prudhoe Bay is hundreds of miles. I have seen some big boys coming out with caribou shot with their rifles within the corridor, and when I stop to ask them where they got it they said they were five miles in...Yeah right, those boys were too out of shape to hike on them Tussoks. But most of them get away with it....CK
Posts: 552 | Location: Brooks Range , Alaska | Registered: 14 March 2008
In both cases it would be up to you to prove where you shot it. A more interesting question is if you killed the wounded animal in #1 with another shot inside the zone or if you let a wounded animal escape and not shoot...
My wife shot hers at 5.5 miles and while we were dressing it a trooper plane flew over and circled while he checked the grid, waved his wings, and flew on.
Posts: 152 | Location: Carlisle. PA | Registered: 25 September 2002
This seems like a good thread to clear a couple of questions. (1) The ADF&G regs state that within the haul road corridor, Unit #24A, there are two types of drawings for moose tags, DM 920 and 922. Season is 9/5-9/22 generally during the rut. Are these strictly for archery? Are the tags good for within the 5 mile limit? Or is this special tags allowable for rifle hunters within the 5 mile limit?
(2) The regs further state that in Unit #25A there is once again DM 922 and it is listed as archery only. So, again, is that within the 5 mile buffer? And as near as I can tell from the map, #25A is only applicable to a small slice of the highway near Atigun Pass. True?
I am just now gettng a sense that this is a popular pastime for both residents and non-residents. Nevertheless, it sounds like a great adventure, whether there ends up with meat on the ground or not.
Thanks for your input.
(3) Also, as near as I can cypher, caribou must be taken outside the 5 mile corridor even if the drawn moose tag isn't.
(3) Last question. So how good is the moose hunting along the haul road, and at that time of year?
Whoa! 61" is a really nice bull. Did you take him with archery tackle? I see you are from the Brooks Range, so you must know the country very well. There are 70 tags to be issued for both districts this year. Somebody's got to win, right? I've been putting in for Montana for over 30 years.
If I get lucky, and I'm looking at other areas in the state, I will plan to drive up the Alcan and haul Mr. Moose back home. I hate to waste meat just for a trophy head. Gasoline is getting expensive, but so are plane tickets and air freighting meat boxes.
Any thoughts on the good and bad of 24A and 25A? And is it archery only?
Yes Archery only. Big Bulls lurk the corridor. This was not the biggest bull either, I did this hunt solo, but did get help from a friend I met up there who was sheep hunting, and it took us two whole days to pack him out. A tough hunt once you get a big bull down, but its rewarding. Most of the big bulls I've seen been around 2-plus miles from the road, so lots of glassing involved, and they are not easy to get close too, although I shot him at 25 yards, I used a simple soft cow call to bring him in. I watched this bull the day before, which a bigger bull came in and took his cow. So he was lovestruck and desperate. He came in on a rage and coming in hard, I had a cow scent on me, so he didn't even think twice, he came in hard and came in fast, I really thought he was going to be right on top of me, my adrenalin was pumping because I really thought he was going to stomp me or make me a cow...What a rush it was, I'd pay to do it again. My African Safari doesn't even come close to this experience.
Posts: 552 | Location: Brooks Range , Alaska | Registered: 14 March 2008
Good morning Sheep Hunter, Nice picture of a great trophy and you did it all the right way. By that I mean, DIY with your own skills. I went to Africa last year and had a great hunt, but the truth of the matter is that we are not really hunters in that safari culture, but shooters. With the PH, two trackers, the gov't game scout, a skinner and a combo skinner, driver, mechanic, it's a rodeo. You just pull the trigger while six other guys stand behind you and watch. I can't imagine a Montana elk standing around while seven people "sneak" up on him and pull the trigger. I don't really have anyone I can think of at the moment who might want to come with me if I draw a tag, so one more question, if you please. Any outfitter in the area that can help me drag this rascal out of the pucker brush if I am successful. I appreciate the information.
To all that hunt the Haul Road or planning to: How much do you think fuel prices are going to be in Coldfoot this season? Deadhorse?...Looks like its time to break out and haul more fuel cans...I really don't want to drag a trailer up there either...
Posts: 552 | Location: Brooks Range , Alaska | Registered: 14 March 2008
If I thought about fuel costs it would depressing and a reality check. Airplane tickets are going up as well. Hunting away from the home fires is discretionary dollars for sure. Still------------ I quit smoking, hate golf, don't chase girls anymore, hardly drink, ain't bought a new gun in a couple of days. What's a guy to do his money. Geez, 80000 barrels a day flowing over your head and not one drop of unleaded.