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Sportsmans is loaded up nowadays
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Here in the interior it's difficult getting ammo, several plane flights if you order from lower 48.

For me it's easier to just buy it at sportsmans if they have the shelves loaded up and now they do Thank God.

They had all and as much as you wanted as far as primers. I got 6K of 215s, happy camper. Only powder I had to buy in 8 lbers was IMR-4350 & H-322. No joke, I went a little nuts and spent 2200 and they gave me 5% off but having it in stock made my day. I checked with buddy back east and he said he was paying the same prices on what I bought in Pennsylvania. Now, don't laugh many years back I bought 8 cases of 223 for $170/case; no regrets and my grandkids will still be shooting the stuff off down the road.

Paid for it all over the phone and they are keeping it for me until I get into town. Dang, I'm in a good mood. So they have everything and you can't run them out. Of ya, I did get all their RL-22, 7 cans but they told me how much more do I want nx week, ha.

Yesterday, I called and ordered some stuff from Sports Ware in Fairbanks. I asked if I could get it sent over to Everts for flight home. The girl in Archery took it over herself on lunch break; man that's some service I'd say. Ya know, I have one buddy who has been telling me for years that if I'd start buying alot from Sports Ware and less from Cabelas & Midway; I'd see all kinds of bucks off on everything. Looks like I'm going to follow his advice.

Anyway, having shelves full of ammo, powder , and primers always makes my day and they got them filled in Fairbanks.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Sportsman's has bean counters order their stuff so it's sometimes problmatical that they'll have what you need. Lottsa times I've found that Sentry in N.P. and/or Sentry in Fairtown will have stuff Sportsman'e doesn't. Ya might try them in the future too.

Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

I never thought that I'd live to see a President worse than Jimmy Carter. Well, I have.

Gun control means using two hands.

Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I've been in Sentry and they sure have everything that you need, I just never started buying things from those guys; never knew any of them being from outta town. After the last couple years of empty shelves, I'm just happy to get back to stocking up.

I was in Ethels quite a few years back and saw Pro Tec a few doors down. I've bought few guns off Bill since and he has always treated me straight up. He even fixed an old Colt pre ban that had been to other shops. I guess you got to have a dealer that you buy guns from and Bill treats me right.

I just had him order me a horseshoe ghost ring with red dot acog for a 6.8 spc stagg I bought from him; very happy how he treated me. He also got me a BAR Safari; I've been missing connecting on one for over year and a half. And I know when I get in town if he has a armalite AR in 338 fed; I'll be coming home with one of those when we get in. We hunt with ARs alot on snowmachines and road hunting; most my mag rifles sit in the vault nowadays. Bill & Kathy are good people and I get the small time gunshop vibes from them too; like buying guns from them.

Appreciate the advice just the same; I don't know all the good stuff about Fairbanks.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Was at our local Cabelas in Lehi, Utah the other day. A conversation between customer and cashier ensued next to me. Cabelas was charging $.50 tax on a $7.50 gun transfer fee. What the heck, says I". I'm an FFL and their is no tax or fees on a transfer. Right there and then I call the Utah BCI and ask. Nope, no tax but a dealer can charge what ever they want but pay the state only $7.50. I enquire again and the cashier and one of the gents behind the counter both agree that it's a "tax". The customer says "well then, it "has" to go to the state".

I doubt it will.
Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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I havent been to the sportsmans here in los anchorage since they had there money issues. when the shelves were empty, there is much of a reason to go.

I heard its changed now and should stop back in to see what they got.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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If you like your neighbors and support their endeavors to make a living, shop at the mom and pop stores. Sportsmans is really no different than Wal-Mart. Many of their goods are brought in from China, Taiwan or elsewhere. While your local mom/pop may not have exactly what you want, they'll likely order it for you. Likely to cost a dime or two more, but at least it's a home-owned shop and will know you by name when you come in.

I'd much rather shop at the mom/pop stores, even if paying a premium, for keeping local businesses alive and keeping the flavor of the community intact than turning everything over to the big box stores like the Warehouse or Wal-Mart.

Shame that America is disappearing....
Posts: 1508 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I work at SW. Yes, a lot of the stuff we sell is from China, but it's not like we can do a whole lot about it. Did you know, for example, that a lot of the RCBS stuff these days is being made in China? These decisions are being made by manufacturers, not retailers.
I'm a part of my community. My family has been in Southern Oregon since the 1880s. There aren't any "mom and pops" here that could begin to offer the selection that SW does. Thanks, all you SW shoppers. You are helping provide me with a job right here in my community.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
Posts: 16746 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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when we were up that way last month we were wondering how long it is going to take cabelas to open a store there
Posts: 13470 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Here's the thing for me: I buy my guns from one guy, but he doesn't stock all that much in terms of supplies and he kinda concentrates on a particular area as far as guns go; but he will order me anything and give me a decent price when I pay up front.

I don't mind paying a little more and supporting mum & pop gun shops but when the little more is 300 bucks/gun more; I hesitate. Every gun shop got to make a $100/gun on somebody that gives them all their business, but $300?

I also don't mind paying up front for shop to place an order either but it seems with many small shops; you are still going to pay top dollar no matter what you do.

When that girl at Sportsmans Warehouse took my order over to Everts Air on her lunch hour so it would make it on the mail plane out the nx day; well they got my future business.

Ya know, I called a local gun shop (other than my favorite gun shop on Van Horn) in Fairbanks a couple weeks back looking for a 900 dollar leupold VX-3. It was the gun shop down town (not sentry) and I'm sure you guys from Fairbanks know which one. I asked the guy if he had several leupolds I would have bought. He said he didn't have any of them. So then I asked what kind of time frame to order one as I'd prefer to order locally than from midway ect. The moron hung up on me; maybe he was having a bad day, but one thing for sure is that I'll never step foot in his gun shop and I figure that I'll talk about him like a dog too. So any of you guys know the guy at G&M tell him he shouldn't hang up on people, ha. Just another reason to buy all my hunting stuff at Sportsmans.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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You guys in the lower 48 don't understand - there are NO "MOM & POP" outdoor stores here in Fairtown. ONe guy over on 5th Ave. (maybe it's 6th) has virtually nothing in supplies. We're stuck with S.W. & the other 2 I mentioned above.

For your scope, go here:

Best prices I've seen anywhere & fast service

Bear in Fairbanks

Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

I never thought that I'd live to see a President worse than Jimmy Carter. Well, I have.

Gun control means using two hands.

Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I totally support mom an dpops but they are pricing themselves out of existance..for the most part.

I'll shop around but hey, I'm not rich. If I have to go to SW to save my wallet than I will.

If the prices are reasonably close I will support a local shop but for the most part its reality.

That being said the SW up here doesnt impress me one bit, but sometimes you find some deals.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I went there today to find more ammo and to bs with Frank. Frank used to work at Walmart but has worked at SW for a couple of years now. He kind of collects big bore rifles so he is fun to talk to.

The workers are saying that new stuff is coming slower. I asked about my favorite flavor of 06 and they didn't know if they would get more. They said that sales were fine but that supplies were quickly getting used up and shipments in were slower.

Thomas Kennedy
Posts: 122 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 08 November 2009Reply With Quote
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When I lived in Barrow, guns could only be bought from the Alaska Commercial Store. Funny though they stocked 416 Rem Mag for whale hunts.

In Sitka there was only one guy to buy guns from, but it was a damn nice shop. And just 200 yards from the academy.

No place to drive to, or walk to, or call. You get it there or you don't get it.
Posts: 955 | Location: Until I am back North of 60. | Registered: 07 October 2011Reply With Quote
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MOA, When you drive up, be sure and stop at gun store in TOK across from main eatery. He has the best prices around and has always treated me right which counts the most. Mostly guns, scopes, ammo, basic supplies. I've ordered a few through him and another store in Fairbanks; other than that I buy from AK list. Still get most reloading supplies from Sportsmans though.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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You talking about bull shooters? Been a while since I been in there.

A lesson in irony

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us... "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus ends today's lesson in irony.
Posts: 1626 | Location: Michigan but dreaming of my home in AK | Registered: 01 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Couple years back the place was sold, new ownership really improved everything by the way of prices. No joke, I have bought ammo there for 20 bucks/box that was 27 everywhere in Fairbanks. When ya get ready to buy a new gun or scope, call them first; you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Since we don't have cars in storage, and are flying directly up from the South Pacific we will be flying directly to Fairbanks or Anchorage instead of driving up the Alcan.

I'll be staying on one of the military bases until we buy a house. I am hoping they will let a retired person stay in billeting/lodging that long.

Gotta buy cars too, but going to buy cheap until we get the house bought.

Everything depends on jobs!
Posts: 955 | Location: Until I am back North of 60. | Registered: 07 October 2011Reply With Quote
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MOA, Really look everything over, the winters are hard on houses where it gets minus 60, get inspection & guarantees.

Teachers jobs fair every April in Anch. They don't have the openings they had many years back but a place to start. MOst teachers want in places like the Valley and outside Anch & Fairbanks. If you've grown up in say Glennallen, Delta, Tok, places on the road system, many teachers stay.

Ya just don't want to get stuck working away from the family, many Alaskans do and it's awful hard on families; my 2 cents.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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You are right about that!

Wife told me that if I worked 2 weeks on the slope she was going to get a replacement husband for those 2 weeks. I told her "he better have a good job".

I'll figure something out, TSA hired me for Fairbanks and told me I could defer 18 months. Not quite enough time, but we'll see what else happens.

Too far out to apply for civillian jobs.

Wife sent her resume to the school district in Fairbanks and they called her for a phone interview.
Posts: 955 | Location: Until I am back North of 60. | Registered: 07 October 2011Reply With Quote
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