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knobby soled xtratuf boots?
one of us
I am planning a bear hunt in SE AK and think I should get some rubber boots. Xtratufs have been recommended but it looks to me like the standard smooth chevron sole would tend to be fairly slick on slippery tidal flat rocks etc. So I have been looking around to see if there is an optional knobby (airbob type or vibram lub type) sole that might give better traction. Anyone know if and where I could buy these boots with such a sole? Thanks, Rufous.
Posts: 224 | Location: Walla Walla, WA 99362 | Registered: 05 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I live on the coast in AK and regularly wear Xtratufs with the regular bottoms. The uppers wear out before the bottoms. No problems w/traction.

Posts: 369 | Location: Homer, Alaska | Registered: 04 February 2004Reply With Quote
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I've got a pair of the "other type" of X-tratufs. They are OK. I have found them to be a little slippery though (probably because of the air bob) more so than the regulars. They are insulated too, the insulation is not as thick as the original/traditional. They are also a lighter tan than the traditional brown. Really don't think you will find much that is not slippery on the tidal rocks (other than "corks". Just have to be careful and watch where you step.

Posts: 116 | Location: Juneau, Alaska, U.S.A. | Registered: 25 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of MuskegMan
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Just a few comments.

1. XtraTuff rule!! They have plenty of traction, unless you are on steep slopes - and you won't be doing a bear hunt. Why do you think we call 'em S.E. tennis shoes anyway??? [they are the #1 cause of foot rot, though]

2. A wee bit off topic, but a buddy of mine had his XtraTuff "corked." Loggers do this to their shoes for extra grip. Just like having studs put on a set of rubber tires. I would never do it personally as the risk of rolling an ankle is increased. You have no ankle support in rubber boots.

3. It's always a tuff (pun intended) decision on whether to go leather/gore-tex or XtraTuffs. Even on flat ground, I prefer leather boots. If you are getting in and out of a skiff and fording lots of mud flats and creeks, then go with the XtraTuffs. I usually take both!!! [I'm talking deer hunting mostly.] Use the rubbers to get up the beach, then switch to leathers.

Posts: 2097 | Location: S.E. Alaska | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Hoffmans boots have both airbobbed and corked Xtratuffs, for around $85. In my opinion, there's no comparison. Once you've worn corks in the slick stuff, you'll never want to go back. But it could be a little hard on the ankles with Xtratuffs. I'd recommend corks on something else, even Pack boots (Hoffmans has a good selection, also corked Meindls). Regular Xtra tuff soles are better than you would think, but Bobbed soles are a definite improvement. They can rip off on real steep rocky terrain, but they are a good compromise, good on rocky beaches, etc. Maybe the best option is a pair of Xtra-tuffs for the boat/beach/swampy stuff, and then change into high leather calk boots.
Posts: 1 | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Antlers
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Regular XtraTuffs give much more traction than they appear to - cant go wrong in low to moderate elevations!
Posts: 1990 | Location: AL | Registered: 13 February 2002Reply With Quote
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