I have a .204 contender killed several badgers and rock chucks with it this summer.I experimented with it killing cows and bulls which had broken legs and cancerous eyes.We head shot them at various ranges none further than 150ft and they went down like they were struck by lightening,dead befor they hit the ground and blood streamed out the tiny hole like it was under pressure.w/regards
Posts: 610 | Location: MT | Registered: 01 December 2001
Good round but ammo might be hard to find in the bush, no pun intended. Since you can't mail order ammo in AK, it might be months before you get your hands on some .204's. How about a .223 with 55-64 gr softs?
Posts: 194 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 08 April 2004
The .204 is easily the most accurate caliber I have, but I would agree with Hardballer that it may be hard to come by in a village store. Better stock up in Anchorage or Fairbanks when you can.
Posts: 513 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 25 October 2003