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Kodiak mountain goat
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Picture of ashersdad
This was my 4th trip with Jake Jefferson of Black River Hunting Camps. Jake does all of his own guiding and has become a great friend. We always seem to have a great time regardless of the hunting/weather conditions.

We were unable to fly out of Kodiak on our scheduled day because of weather so we did a little sightseeing. Jake caught this nice salmon. Hehe

The next day our pilot was able to get us out first thing in the morning. Being a fly day we scouted around a bit and watched this creek that still had salmon running. We counted 14 bears in this little area. It was cool to watch them fish.

The next morning we chased 2 good billies around the mountain and got within 80 yards of them but they were above an abyss that seemed to have no bottom so we waved goodbye and headed the other way. We had one smaller billy close to camp but Jake said he felt we should leave him and hike over the next saddle and check out the next bowl. I've learned to trust his judgement so off we went.

We got into the next basin and immediately started seeing goats. We had 3 nice billies spotted below us but weren't sure how we were going to get down into range without them spooking. As we were deciding what to do, one of the billies and a few of his girlfriends got up and started moving pretty quickly up in our general direction. We quickly moved to intercept them and got about 200 yards above them. I got all set up and the fog was rolling in so I'd have to wait and then the billy wasn't broadside. Finally it cleared enough for a shot and he turned broadside. I shot and he disappeared. I was pretty sure I had hit him but you're always nervous. Jake thought the shot was good too. We worked our way down and crossed a snow field. When we got to the knob he had been on, we looked over and there he was. What a relief.

Jake made quick work of the skinning while I boned the meat and we loaded our packs for the trip back to camp. The packout is never fun but is all part of the experience and the scenery was incredible.

The next day when we got up we had a really nice billy 400 yards from the tent. You could have shot him in your underwear from the tent. Haha. Oh well, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. Later that day we were able to get flown out since the weather was turning to crap the next day.

It was another incredible adventure with Jake and I'm already planing the next one.
Posts: 8 | Location: Happy Valley, OR | Registered: 01 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the write up and pics, and congrats on a beautiful animal.
Posts: 549 | Location: n.e.Mn | Registered: 14 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Very nice!
Looks like a great trip. I'd like to see that area someday
Posts: 931 | Location: Music City USA | Registered: 09 April 2013Reply With Quote
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Picture of Colorado Bob
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That's a real nice billy! Conglads. Do you put in for a Kodiak brown bear tag?

I killed a nice grizzly with Jake this past June. He's the real deal. Great guide & a better friend. Bob
Posts: 607 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 09 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of ashersdad
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Thanks guys!

Bob, I'm still on my 4 yr wait. Killed my Kodiak bear in 2014.
Posts: 8 | Location: Happy Valley, OR | Registered: 01 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Sweet hunt!! A goat hunt with Jake is on my to do list in a year or so. Hope to find a goat like yours. Nicely done.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of TREE 'EM
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Nice hunt and report.
I'm hoping to do this hunt with Jake next year if I'm so lucky as to draw a tag.

All We Know Is All We Are
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Picture of Cougarz
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Nice billie, congratulations.

I'm a trophy hunter - until something better comes along.

*we band of 45-70ers*
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Picture of A7Dave
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Jake's good people. Pretty sure his wife is a saint.

Congrats on the goat success! Yup, we've had really crappy flying weather this (hunting) season, so glad you made it out to camp. Or should I say, it is just a return to normal Alaska weather rather than the dry hot summers we've had the last couple of years?

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