Moderators: Paul H
Wolf Propaganda
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I this was sent to me via email. My response follows. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

Dear Reader,
Another season of senseless killing of wolves is underway in Alaska, and hundreds of wolves could die. You can help save them - today we are sharing with you an urgent action alert from our partner Please tell Congress to stop Alaskas brutal aerial hunting program once and for all. With your help, we can make a difference. Thank you for caring!
-- Tom McGuire, Publisher,

Urge Congress to Stop Aerial Hunting of Wolves

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Dear Friend of eNature,
Alaska is the only state in the nation where trophy hunters can gun down wolves from airplanes or chase wolves to exhaustion and then shoot them from the ground all under the guise of "predator control." Act now to protect America's wolves.
We've already lost close to 700 wolves in the past four years to the brutal practice of aerial hunting, and Alaska officials hope to kill hundreds more this year alone.
You can get Congress to stop this cruelty now. Please urge your representative to co-sponsor the Protect America's Wildlife (PAW) Act before another wolf dies.

Thirty-five years ago, Congress passed a law to put an end to aerial hunting. But Alaska is exploiting a loophole to resume this cruel practice. The PAW Act can close this federal loophole and curb Alaska's brutal aerial hunting program.

Hundreds of scientists condemn this cruel practice even as states like Wyoming and Idaho threaten to follow Alaska's dangerous lead. It's time to stop aerial hunting once and for all. Please take one minute to sign our petition to stop aerial hunting of wolves today!
Thanks for your love and respect for wildlife, and for taking the time to make a difference,
Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

My Response:

Sorry, have to say BULLSHIT to this;
I've been in Alaska, several times, and seen what wolf overpopulation has done to the moose herd in many areas. While I was there in '99 I was told to shoot every wolf I saw, and if I got more than one, I could have a free caribou hunt the following year.
I saw several but never got a shot.
Not advocating the extermination of wolves, but there are many areas where control needs to be strongly implemented. I see no problem with shooting them from the air (DNR or Feds, not licensed hunters) for pop control. Like fox, cougar, bear and coyote, wolves should be managed as a renewable resource, which they are. There's nothing wrong with shooting a few wolves.
What's next, a trapping ban?
I'm long past the age of being politically correct (if I ever was). I would trust the Alaska DNR biologists to make the right call on wolf control; if they think that aerial control is necessary, then I agree with it.

Posts: 324 | Location: VIRGINIA | Registered: 27 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of gumboot458
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............Kill Em All .....Every last one of em ....Because are never going to find them all .............They repopulate very fast and move away from hunting pressure ..........I know a guy who took around 65 wolves out of Tolstoy Bay over the course of 10- 15 years and you sure can,t tell there are any fewer than before he started ......The problem with the areil hunt is there are alot of wolves that live in the timber here in Southeast and you can,t see them from the air ......We need a bounty again ...........We have winter snow that controls deer herd population we don,t need no wolves ...............................

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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need to post website/email address so all of us can join the fun.
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006Reply With Quote
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posted Hide Post and are the sites that have the petition. What a crock.
Posts: 324 | Location: VIRGINIA | Registered: 27 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Scott King
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Gumboot is figuratively right. Even with airplanes, you can't get all the wolves.

The airplane program is a state predator control program, it is not hunting.

Alaska has wolves like Arizona has coyotes.
Posts: 9859 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of M70Nut
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Typical granola eating, tree hugging, tofu chomping propaganda. Don't you just love it when people from another state try to tell us what to do with our wildlife? I'm with gumboot, put a bounty on them and see what happens.

"We band of 45-70'ers"
Posts: 845 | Location: S.C. Alaska | Registered: 27 October 2006Reply With Quote
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..............They need to get chewed on by cougars and bears ....and packs of dogs ....or better yet wolves.................They give tofu a bad name ........

if there were sasquaches , some miner would have a recipe for them
Posts: 40 | Location: sheltered from the north wind | Registered: 01 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of RMiller
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Probably the same guys that put up the same ads in the new york city subway terminals a couple weeks ago.

Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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The wolf litters, the elk and deer do not, go figure...These bastards that sit in their ivory towers in LA and NY live on emotion as opposed to intelligent education, but they pour a lot of money into their causes..Most of them build there million dollar homes on the traditional elk winter feed ground in Sun Valley, but hey thats different, its for their pleasure, screw the elk!! moon

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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