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Brown Bear Hunting Danger factor?
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Is a coastal brown bear hunt to dangerous for a father of three young children
Your thoughts are much appreciated.
Posts: 782 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 03 April 2008Reply With Quote
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I've been hunting brown bears for 32 years. When my Daughter (who will be 9 in june) was born I guided for a black bear that week and a brown bear the week before almost did'nt make it home in time.

Like most things bear hunting is only as dangerous as you make it. Any reasonable guide will make sure you won't get hurt. Actully with the way my little girl is going in regards to her interest in hunting I'll bet it will be only a few more years untill she is hunting one herself.

As fars as the danger of driveing on the interstate in Maryland that might be too dangerous for a Dad with 3 little ones.

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just don't piss off the bear before shooting him hilbilythey get downright cranky if you try to kick em in the nuts first
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The danger you face incidentally in hunting-flying, driving nasty roads, falling, exposure, infection and water hazards will far outweigh the risk of the animal hunted. This applies to every animal on the planet IMO.

The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery. -- Winston Churchill

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Originally posted by jcarr:
The danger you face incidentally in hunting-flying, driving nasty roads, falling, exposure, infection and water hazards will far outweigh the risk of the animal hunted. This applies to every animal on the planet IMO.

I will second that

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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[Goat hunting is probably the more dangerous than brown bear hunting!
The only nasty dealings I've had is in my yard on pitchblack nights with the animals going beserk and a racket coming from the smokehouse or chicken shed. The 425 feels good in my hands on those nights! QUOTE]Originally posted by 458Win:
Originally posted by jcarr:
The danger you face incidentally in hunting-flying, driving nasty roads, falling, exposure, infection and water hazards will far outweigh the risk of the animal hunted. This applies to every animal on the planet IMO.

I will second that[/QUOTE]

I tend to use more than enough gun
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Your more likely going to die driving, flying, 4 wheeling, or climbing than any animal encounter. Probably your daily commute to work is more likely to kill you as bear hunting. As mentioned above goat/sheep hunting is likely the most dangerous mainly due to the climbing conditions. One of my friends lost his best friend while goat hunting this year, he fell to his death.

Alaska can be very unforgiving for stupid mistakes but as long as proper care is taken you should be fine, Your guide won't let you come to any trouble.
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i'm a guide and have 2 young children..working on 3 and 4 at the moment..if that answers your question.
don't matter how many kids you got, how old, young, smart, education, rich, poor....crap happens sometimes.

Just think of it this way...if you stay home. you might get killed in a car crash.

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Both of my children spent their entire lives in bear hunting camps and are now bear guides. Including my daughter

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Dear Phil:

Sharp looking young lady, you should be proud.


Chris Bemis
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Good job Phil you must be proud, My little bear guide is a work in progress but we're getting there.

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akshooter, dang cute little lady you've growing there! that looks like a B&C squirrel she nailed...i'm trusting she had enough gun? if not we'll have to start a new thread!
my boys are 8 and 6, love to take them out shooting and hunting!! my 6 year old insists that bear is gonna be his first big game animal...

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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The best thing all of us can do for both hunting and shooting is to educate our kids and their friends.
Another thing that both my daughter and I have found enjoyment in is teaching Hunter Ed courses when we have time. Seeing the enthusiasm of all those kids is infectous

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Thanks Jake your right we are getting off topic but maybe we should start a thread about how we are bringing up our Alaskan kids.

Phil yes keep them involved and good for you on giving your time with the hunter safty your doing us all a great service.

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All of these cute kids - I guess I have to chime in. The first is my daughter showing off a fall beaver we caught and the other is her on a AK Peninsula bear hunt (notice the double barrel, bug net, and stuffed animal in her cargo box).

I agree with the previous posts. The biggest thing I would say is ask your guide or outfitter who does their flying and then ask around. There are a few characters out here that do their own flying and I wouldn't do that to my kid... On that note, you can't beat the Shoemakers...

[URL= ]Beaver[/URL]

[URL= ]Crash[/URL]
Posts: 75 | Registered: 28 October 2009Reply With Quote
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I'm thinking one it's of those, "IF YOU HAVE TO ASK" questions. Flying in the bush can be dangerous, the elements can be dangerous, and a bear can eat you according to Alaskas records..

That is just something a hunter never even considers IMO...Not trying to be rude or smart just trying to address your question as honestly as I can..

Ray Atkinson
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