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Picture of vapodog
Forgive me here but I'm really more interested in Alaska for fishing.....Salmon and Halibut and whatever else there is. I want to drive my truck there and bring home filets.

Probably head for the Juneau area.....maybe Ketchikan.

I need advice as to when? do I need a boat?..just a lot of info needed. I don't know enough to even ask the right questions!! I dearly love camping...does that help?
Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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For the two locations you speak of you will eventually have to get on the ferry system. Yes you will need access to a boat for halibut. Salmon possibly unless you are planning on river fishing. I believe it would be cheaper to do the Kenai Pennensula gig rather than where you are talking about.
Posts: 1058 | Location: Lodge Grass, MT. Sitka, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Chevak, Skagway, Cantwell and Pt. Hope Alaska | Registered: 24 June 2000Reply With Quote
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It would actually be cheaper to fly to Anchorage for about $500 and rent a vehicle to go to the Kenai area (as Allen suggests). If you end up taking our advice I have a captain I can recommend. Myself and my friends have spent about 19 total days with him and he has never disappointed.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Probably head for the Juneau area.....maybe Ketchikan.

There are no roads connecting the rest of Alaska to Juneau or Ketchikan. You can fly to these locations, or use the ferry system.

Not too far from Anchorage there are several places where you can fish from the end of May through July or so. Halibut fishing requires the use of a boat, which can be a little expensive sometimes. Some guides offer salmon and halibut fishing tours.
Posts: 2448 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Send me a email I am a fishing guide here on the Kenai Peninsula. Tell me what you want to fish for, Time of year you want to come, How much money you can afford to spend. Alaska is a great place but timing is everything.

Robert Johnson
Posts: 599 | Location: Soldotna Alaska | Registered: 05 May 2003Reply With Quote
<Big Stick>
With all due respect,the last Guide I'd hire is a Fishing Guide.

All of SE is a slamdunk for a do-it-yourselfer. Call a Bilogist to get run info and time your trip in accordance,drive to the stream and limit out. How hard can it be?

If you can bait a hook,cast and hit the water,you can do this until your damned arms hurt. Despite work getting in my way,I've caught over 250 Silvers in the last couple weeks and mosta that just half-assedly.

I caught these this morning,in rapid fashion,despite damned low water. It's raining now and it will be easy to catch/release 50 fish a day,once the creek gets some more juice added to it.


Needless to say,the 'Buts require a boat and then it may be a good move to charter for a day or two.

Part of the satisfaction of Fishing for me,is not having to contend with a bazillion idiots. My preference is to have the stream to myself or share it with a coupla pards. Fishing asshole to asshole with a herd of Combat Fisherman while an "experience",is far from relaxing nor rewarding IMHO.

As per usual,your mileage may vary...............
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I'm with bigstick on the nut-to-butt issue. SE Fishing is pretty good place get away for fishing. We have a hatchery here in Juneau that has pretty good combat action if that kinda of stuff floats your boat, but the folks do catch the fish.

I have a boat.......And for me it's the only way get around SE for fishing and hunting. For folks that live in SE, you'll most likely see to more miles on the water, verses miles on the road. [Smile]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Big Stick,
them there "pinks" are pretty smallish lookin...don't you think? [Wink] An "ethical" fisherman would of held out for some keepers! [Big Grin]
Don't be too hard on Rob and group him in with others...I know him to be a straight shooter though he probably won't know my "handle"...
As to comming to the are correct in your assumption that there are more fishermen then rocks here. The good news is that you are advertising for some of dem fellas to head yer way... [Big Grin] I'm all fer that! Haven't gone fishing here and been alone since dirt was new. Any help you and others are willin to give...well I'm for it! The damn high tide mark has been too high for decades now and I for one think that all the people here are sinkin the Kenai by sheer weight! [Eek!]

Soldotna...Alaska's third largest least from May through July
Posts: 223 | Location: Soldotna, Alaska | Registered: 29 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Just remember this is boat country, and it's big pain in the you what to get here, (traveling through a foreign country and all) so you've got to want to come down pretty bad. I'm sure all the charter guys would love to give them a hand $$$. [Wink]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey Stick.........I see a couple tits-up floaters in your picture. Those damn floaters always seem to come to the surface at the worse moments. [Razz]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey big stick
I wasn't trying to pick up a fishing charter. When I said I was a fishing guide I was implying I had a little Alaska fishing experience. Vapodog Says he wants to Drive his truck, Camp, & Take home some fish filets. Ketchikan is the last place I would send him. First he would have to Ferry his truck ($.$$$). Camping will be a experience he will never forget ( It Rained 156" in Ketchikan last year) The best Halibut & Salmon Fishing in Ketchikan requires a boat.

Robert johnson
Posts: 599 | Location: Soldotna Alaska | Registered: 05 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by CK:

Just remember this is boat country, and it's big pain in the you what to get here [Wink]

Thanks for the reminder...the last time I was down your way was in 1968 and I was in the middle of one of those "ripe old" teenage years. It was just a pit stop on the way to a baseball tourney. At least the bathrooms were flushers! [Big Grin] Of course, that was a change from way out west over here where all we had were "droppers!" [Wink] The truth is that we still have some decent fishing here. It's for wolves, yotes, black and brown bears, swamp donkeys, goats, sheep and any other critter that would go well in lining the fridge or outhouse. But thats another story for another time. For now, I'll leave you with the mental gymnastics required to figure out what weight flyrod works best when applied to the "critter list!"
Posts: 223 | Location: Soldotna, Alaska | Registered: 29 December 2001Reply With Quote
<Big Stick>

My initial reply started out: "With all due respect". That means/meant,my intent wasn't to kick someone in the nuts,but rather offer a peak at the flipside of the coin.

SE is unique in many places,in that it is geared up for do-it-yourselfers. Especially gents that are of the intent to bring their rig with them.

One can slurk off by his lonesome,explore things for himself and yield a goodly number of fillets in the process. That thought process would appeal to some,while others may be giddy over the opportunity to fight for a 2'x2' chunk of ground to stand upon,amongst a horde of Combat Fisherman. I can wield a rod like a Samurai Warrior,but my fondest fishing memories weren't spent in close proximity to others.

My (dangerous)assumption is that the gent who Posted this thread,has little inkling to the magnitude of the Combat Fishing scene and my hopes were to spare him the expense of experiencing that frustration firsthand.

My "advertisement" was for SE and that is a broad generalization and the reason I don't divulge my favored haunts. My intent wasn't to turn my backyard into yet another Combat Zone,as I'm sure you both knew and understand..................


I'll spare you,though the magnitude of SE's offerings seemingly escape you..................
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"My intent wasn't to turn my backyard into yet another Combat Zone,as I'm sure you both knew and understand.................."

Big Stick,
Does this mean I just "bit" the tongue in my cheek? [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Actually, I pretty much gave up fishing altogether here a few years ago, which has astounded not just a few people who know me well. This is not for the reasons most I know have...the combat crowd. I just don't have the thrill anymore. When I go to the same places day after day and catch the same kind of fish and know without a doubt that I can call the shot anytime I want to...well, it gets boreing. I do enjoy taking others and will always savour a trip for Steelhead on the fly, just to keep in shape. I will not however, tell a soul of any of my "honey holes" just in case I come to my senses and (in the future) recant!


I'll spare you,though the magnitude of SE's offerings seemingly escape you.................."

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 223 | Location: Soldotna, Alaska | Registered: 29 December 2001Reply With Quote
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