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Rifle for Sheep?
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Picture of Redlander
Since my caribou hunt last year I have been thinking quite a bit about going on a Dall sheep hunt. At the Dallas Safari Club Expo this past weekend, I talked to several Alaskan Dall sheep outfitters/guides and had one or two really roll Roll Eyes their eyes at the use of a 30-06 for sheep. "Not flat shooting enough" was their refrain. This was right after they said "you've got to be in the best shape of your life". I really didn't think I looked that pudgy homer.

Anyway, I've got a Win Model 70 SS Featherweight 30-06 that I used on the caribou hunt and that is the rifle I thought that I would carry for a sheep hunt.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Does anyone have any favorite 30-06 sheep factory/handloads? I did see that Federal has a new 150 gr. Accubond load that might work.

If you are going to carry a big stick, you've got to whack someone with it at least every once in while.
Posts: 842 | Location: Anchorage, AK | Registered: 23 January 2004Reply With Quote
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What outfitters told you that? I think a 30-06 with 150 Gr bullets would be just fine. If you like your gun, shoot it well you can certainly use it. If you are buying or building a "sheep" gun a 30-06 would probably not be the caliber you would choose, but if that's what you have I would use it. Most hunters (even sheep hunters) shouldn't be taking shoots beyone 300 yards in any event, so the choice of caliber (since sheep aren't hard to kill) is not that important. Being proficient with the gun you are shooting is.
Posts: 318 | Location: No. California | Registered: 19 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Redlander:
Since my caribou hunt last year I have been thinking quite a bit about going on a Dall sheep hunt. At the Dallas Safari Club Expo this past weekend, I talked to several Alaskan Dall sheep outfitters/guides and had one or two really roll Roll Eyes their eyes at the use of a 30-06 for sheep. "Not flat shooting enough" was their refrain. This was right after they said "you've got to be in the best shape of your life". I really didn't think I looked that pudgy homer.

Anyway, I've got a Win Model 70 SS Featherweight 30-06 that I used on the caribou hunt and that is the rifle I thought that I would carry for a sheep hunt.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Does anyone have any favorite 30-06 sheep factory/handloads? I did see that Federal has a new 150 gr. Accubond load that might work.

Any guide that tells you a 30-06 don't shoot flat enough is an Iddiot. I will put money on more sheep in AK have been killed W/06 than all others combined!! I would pick a different outfitter Mad If you don't hand-load the 150g accubonds will be perfect. Chronograph them out of your rifle & Practice Shooting at 100-500yds Practice, Practice (With any rifle) dancingGood Luck on your hunt!!!
Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Humbug! I'm looking at buying a Kimber in the "lowly" .308, and will use it for sheep.

If this outfitter thinks you need to shoot at distances that can't be handled with a .30-06, maybe you need to look for one that has more confidence in his guides' abilities to get you a bit closer.

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Bull pucky, balderdash, etc., etc, etc.
The ol' .30-06 should work just fine providing you can place the shot. Most of my experiences with sheep are that they all could have been taken with that caliber. Understand that I don't have the vast experience that most guides have but...
Every sheep that I've seen put down could have been taken with that chambering. Having said that however, I'd guess that those guides were planning for the worse situation scenario so I think I see where they're coming from. The last time I assistant guided, we had a client usinfg a 7mm Mag. He was so accurate on the bench that it was scary & I figured that any ram within 500 yds was a goner. We got him onto a ram at what I'd guess was about 200 yds above us. This guy shot 7 (YES 7) times & missed that ram. He didn't get a ram on that trip.
Again, I'd guess that those guides were planning on the worst case and the fact that it seems that a lot of guys can't seem to shoot.
I'd say use the .30-06 but practice like hell at extended ranges and tape a drop table on your stock as a guide. Go huntin' & have fun.
Later, Bear in Fairbanks

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Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I agree! I see no reason not to take your '06. If you have to have something flatter shooting the sheep densities are low and they have to take whatever shot is available. I think from what you have said that these guys have some poor areas.

In the Brooks Range the going is fairly easy and the shots are often way under 200 yards. Also you only need to buy a lic/tag there as opposed to the limited licenses in mos tof the rest of the state now. With a good operator in the Brooks I'd be very surprised if you did not get a sheep.

Our 2 operators there are basically 100%


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If you know how to shoot, then your 30-06 is more than adequate. The guides you talked to obviously don't know much about rifle ballistics and I would stay away from them.
Posts: 409 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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MOst of the sheep I have shot or seen shot were shot within 300 yards mostly under 200 yards..

Any caliber from the 25-06 to the 300s is a suitable caliber, Putting the bullet where it belongs is your major concern so I would use the 30-06 that you are familiar with. I would use a good 180 gr. bullet as the wind can be a factor as a rule.

Ray Atkinson
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My experience sheep hunting has been 4 Bighorns and one Dall. All were one shot kills with my .257 AI with 115 and 120 gr non-premium bullets. The longest shot was 206 yds (lasered) on the Dall in the Mackenzie mts in Canada's Northwest Territories.

Federal's published balistics for their 150 gr Accubond .30-06 load list a muzzle velocity of 2910 fps and with a 200 yd zero, the bullet would drop 7.2" at 300 yds. That is certainly flat shooting enough for any Dall sheep hunt.

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Picture of Snellstrom
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I agree completely with Ray on this, 30/06 with 180 grain bullets is the way to go. I took my Colorado Bighorn and my Colorado Mountain Goat with my 30/06 and 180 grain Sierra Spitzer Boat Tail bullets. Perfect performance.
Find a load in the 180 or 165 boat tail configuration that your rifle shoots well and practice as far as you feel comfortable and your 30/06 will treat you fine. With the above mentioned Seirra 180 grain bullets I killed a branch antlered Bull elk at 425 yards, entered on the point of the shoulder and exited in the same spot on the other side dropping him in his tracks, plenty of power and a very shootable trajectory for as far as I care to shoot.
Go with your 30/06 and go with confidence!
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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I've shot several Dalls sheep with a Rem. Model 722 in 244 caliber. I think I was using either 100 or 105 grain Nosler Partitions.They die easy.
I'd work up a load using 150 grain bullets and take the 30 06.
Posts: 948 | Location: Kenai, Ak. USA | Registered: 05 November 2000Reply With Quote
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I talked to several Alaskan Dall sheep outfitters/guides and had one or two really roll their eyes at the use of a 30-06 for sheep.

I'd be lookin for a different guide. I use a M70 SS Featherweight 30.06 with 165 grn Partition or Accubond and they work as good as anything else I've seen.
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamiah Kid
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I've been on several sheep hunts and my 7MM Rem Mag with 160 gr bullets worked great. My shots were all under 300 yards. Good luck!! That 30-06 should work just fine.

Posts: 28 | Location: Kamiah, Idaho | Registered: 07 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Redlander
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Thanks to all the helpful and positive responses.

Now on to saving money, eating less, and shooting more.

If you are going to carry a big stick, you've got to whack someone with it at least every once in while.
Posts: 842 | Location: Anchorage, AK | Registered: 23 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of gumboot458
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.........An 06 with 150,s a 7 mag [ rem mag] with 150,s and a 270 w/ 130 gr bullets are about as good a sheep rifles as you are going to get ........If there was something modern that would REALLY help , other than practice it would be a good range finder and possible a BDC reticle scope ..........But I wouldn,t put some great big scope on a rifle I was going up a mountain with .............Because Alaska is Alaska I would use a monometal bullet tho .......I can,t think of a better excuse to try out the GSC HV bullets ............But a 375 Ruger would be perfact also thumb dancing

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Before guiding had taken away my Augusts I'd killed 2 rams with a 243 and 1 with a 300 win. The problem with long shots in Ak is the wind. Up to about 300yds you can dope it somewhat but over that no matter what caliber your using it become more iffy at best. If I was able to hunt this yr the 30 gibbs with 165 Hornaday sp pts would get the nod. My dream rifle would be a 6.5-06 ack imp built on almost any descent action as the CRF thing has turned into a monster at best.

I tend to use more than enough gun
Posts: 1416 | Location: lake iliamna alaska | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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fine a like minded guide,not someone that thinks they are better than you! tell e''m to roll their eyes at the ladies Not your caliber choice! we all can't be craig boddington you know. like the old saying talks bs walks.
your 30-06 should be fine all though i'd pick 165 grain bullet,and practice out to a least 500 yds,granted many are shot at closer ranges but just as many B-boys are still grass munching because of range intimadation and lack of shooting pratice. regards and shoot a Monster!!!!
Posts: 999 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 26 April 2005Reply With Quote
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i took my one dall sheep many years ago with a 270 win and a 130gr bullet. it worked great, as would a 30-06.
Posts: 678 | Location: lived all over | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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